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  Stl Bills said:
as it shouldn't.

You kidding me? Still is considered a big deal as it should be. I know the effects of marijuana and I'm reminded of them everyday from the time I wake up to the time I take a binger to fall sleep, and the last thing I would want to do is go mauling in the trenches for hours a day. And look even if its a once in a while thing with this guy, its still a legitimate red flag. Last Bill who got caught failing a marijuana test? T Henry. 14 kids and a cocaine charge later, the guys a child payment away from the "I got these cheeseburgers man" guy in Friday. And the whole Ricky Williams thing. If he falls, I'll take a look but to say it shouldn't have an effect is stupid.

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  PushthePile said:
Great point. He is a high risk for suspension, IMO.


1. He thinks he's above the rules and said screw it (precursor to other problems)

2. He can't resist the temptation and influence of others (stronger than his value of self preservation)

3. He's to stupid to understand the ramifications, rules, or testing schedule (very disturbing and dangerous)


All of these possibilities aren't fixed when a kid gets handed millions of dollars. I'd still take him on the Bills in a heartbeat, let Russ and Dick worry about that.


You are describing our current #1 RB, aren't you?


In fact, why don't we let Ganji spend some time with ML on a visit to Buffalo. The Beastmaster could show the young one the proper use for marijuana. Why, it's certainly not for smoking----it is only to be lit and thrown on the floor of your unlicensed luxury automobile, like incense. Who could have a problem with that?

  BucksNBills said:
You kidding me? Still is considered a big deal as it should be. I know the effects of marijuana and I'm reminded of them everyday from the time I wake up to the time I take a binger to fall sleep, and the last thing I would want to do is go mauling in the trenches for hours a day. And look even if its a once in a while thing with this guy, its still a legitimate red flag. Last Bill who got caught failing a marijuana test? T Henry. 14 kids and a cocaine charge later, the guys a child payment away from the "I got these cheeseburgers man" guy in Friday. And the whole Ricky Williams thing. If he falls, I'll take a look but to say it shouldn't have an effect is stupid.

I've already stated that this makes Raji a risk. But you're cherry picking things to make your argument. The most analogous example we have so far is Warren Sapp who plays the same sport and position and was rated a top five pick. He slid till Tampa Bay took him at #12. Sapp will be in the Hall of Fame some day soon.


I'm not saying what will happen to Raji because I don't know. Neither does anyone else. Likening him to Travis Henry is a bit absurd I think.

  San Jose Bills Fan said:
I've already stated that this makes Raji a risk. But you're cherry picking things to make your argument. The most analogous example we have so far is Warren Sapp who plays the same sport and position and was rated a top five pick. He slid till Tampa Bay took him at #12. Sapp will be in the Hall of Fame some day soon.


I'm not saying what will happen to Raji because I don't know. Neither does anyone else. Likening him to Travis Henry is a bit absurd I think.

Sapp ran in the 4.6's at the combine... while being very overweight. They are not similar players.

  Fingon said:
Sapp ran in the 4.6's at the combine... while being very overweight. They are not similar players.

Fingon, He's not implying that they are similar style players, he is implying that they both slid down the draft board because of their usage of Marijuana. I remember that draft, and I remember how dominant he was with UM. There was no doubt in my mind that he was going to be a big time pro. But when the news came out about the Marijuana usage, he dropped down the draft rapidly and there were many people doubting him. Of course, the Bucs recognized his talent, and I'm sure if you ask any of their members of their FO that made the decision, they were happy as hell that he did smoke Marijuana. Because if he hadn't he would of been a top 5 pick EASY.

  Magox said:
Fingon, He's not implying that they are similar style players, he is implying that they both slid down the draft board because of their usage of Marijuana. I remember that draft, and I remember how dominant he was with UM. There was no doubt in my mind that he was going to be a big time pro. But when the news came out about the Marijuana usage, he dropped down the draft rapidly and there were many people doubting him. Of course, the Bucs recognized his talent, and I'm sure if you ask any of their members of their FO that made the decision, they were happy as hell that he did smoke Marijuana. Because if he hadn't he would of been a top 5 pick EASY.

Yes, but even without testing positive.. Raji wasn't a top 5 pick. He has too many negatives compared to other prospects. This will make him slide even further.

  macaroni said:
Here is a guy sooooooooooo damn stupid he can't keep clean prior to the one day that could make him millions ........ and you want him on our team???????????? :angry:


Agreed :lol:


Just prior to draft, some teams practice gamesmanship in trying to "devalue" a player they like in the eyes of other teams. So they can have a shot at drafting him. This sure smells like that. A blunt? Are you kidding me? So what? The kid is a monster player.

  cale said:
Just prior to draft, some teams practice gamesmanship in trying to "devalue" a player they like in the eyes of other teams. So they can have a shot at drafting him. This sure smells like that. A blunt? Are you kidding me? So what? The kid is a monster player.

So you are thinking that one of these sneaky type teams snuck in a dirty urine sample and made Raji pop on the NFL administered test? Perhaps it's much simpler than that. I could see Raji and Ralph Wilson cruising around in Ralph's Taurus, blazing up. Ralph's medicinal weed gets Raji to pop and now it's on.

  Steely Dan said:
Opinions on marijuana usage have changed since Sapp was drafted, IIRC, there was an article last year saying it was not considered a big deal anymore.

The Democrats are in charge. That's why.



  d_wag said:
non-factor - raji is a stud, sober or messed up.......hopefully this makes him fall to #11



Obviously, not a "non-factor". A most definite "factor". The question, I think, is "How big a factor is it?"


I honestly don't care if the guy smokes pot, or not. But, I share the same concern as macaroni. How freakin' stupid is this guy, to get caught? How could he not plan around this one time in his life when it could make a HUGE difference in his immediate future. Hell, I've had to take a couple of pre-employment drug tests in my life, and even I passed!


I think this is a time you really start to do your homework, if you haven't been doing it, already. Talk to his coaches, and former coaches, teammates, etc. Talk to him...for a while. A decision needs to be made on this guy, for a lot of money.


It may turn out that you decide it isn't enough to deter you from drafting him, and you may feel confident about his future in the NFL. Or, you may get the impression that he is a guy that makes bad decisions, isn't serious about his career, and has been successful, so far, because he is big and athletic and young. Usually, you need more than that to be really successful in the NFL.

  thewildrabbit said:
If he did actually test positive for drugs it means he already has one strike against him in the NFL,next step is a 3 game suspension and 3rd strike is a one year suspension.

How can he be subject to punishment by the NFL for his actions prior to being drafted and signing a contract? He is not currently in the NFL, he is not currently a member of the NFL players union, and therefore he is not subject to the NFL's drug policy agreed to by the union.

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