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How can a Bills fan do it?


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I see post after post about what a "baby" Jay Cutler is. Ironically, many of these posts are coming from the same people who are embracing the Bills Trojan Horse, Terrell Owens, one of the most petulant, boorish, self centered players in sports...how do you come to terms with that?

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I don't find TO to be a baby. To me, he's a flamboyant, outspoken diva, but he doesn't cry over spilled milk. He wants the ball (a lot) and he wants to win. Yes, he too gets upset when he doesn't get his way but the comparison doesn't quite seem there.


Coaches get hired and fired. Teams discuss trades and such. And Cutler is upset because they wanted a change in the coach and were exploring options to improve the team. Cutler isn't above the team, he isn't above the coach or the owner.


Any player would be upset if they almost got traded but didn't want to be. He should've gotten over it and went in there, set the record straight with Bowlen and McDaniels. He should take the experience and use it as motivation. Put that chip on your shoulder and work hard and show everyone how good you are and how wrong they were for ever doubting you or trying to trade you.

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I see post after post about what a "baby" Jay Cutler is. Ironically, many of these posts are coming from the same people who are embracing the Bills Trojan Horse, Terrell Owens, one of the most petulant, boorish, self centered players in sports...how do you come to terms with that?

Most Bills fans will freely rip any player, until he wears the sacred red white and blue. Objectivity is not going to be found on a fan message board.

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Living out west....there is alot of turmoil amongst Denver fans...it's almost a split decision 5o-5o of Cutler's situation in Denver...


The majority of the people in this region love Cutler's passion...Even past Bronco's players are scratching their heads over this one...Someone made a huge error on the part of letting the trade rumor leak out...


Cutler's not a cry baby...In fact, he's hurt...This team was his team....He was the team leader...A very accountable kid, who fought hard to rally his team ever since he took the starting position a few years back...


The man is a Pro Bowl QB with the heart and will to win...


As of right now I have a bet with someone...


The Bet: Cutler is traded to Washington within the next 24 hours


So far talks were heavy this afternoon, but have stalled...so I could lose this bet...



T.O. on the other hand is probably going to turn a new leaf and actually become a team leader...something he never has done...He's coming to a crossroads in his career...he's up there in age and has a one year contract...His chance to do something is NOW...his chance to be a team player is NOW...this could be his last shot...


T.O. is a button pusher who wants to win...this is exaclty what Buffalo needs...

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I don't find TO to be a baby. To me, he's a flamboyant, outspoken diva, but he doesn't cry over spilled milk. He wants the ball (a lot) and he wants to win. Yes, he too gets upset when he doesn't get his way but the comparison doesn't quite seem there.


Coaches get hired and fired. Teams discuss trades and such. And Cutler is upset because they wanted a change in the coach and were exploring options to improve the team. Cutler isn't above the team, he isn't above the coach or the owner.


Any player would be upset if they almost got traded but didn't want to be. He should've gotten over it and went in there, set the record straight with Bowlen and McDaniels. He should take the experience and use it as motivation. Put that chip on your shoulder and work hard and show everyone how good you are and how wrong they were for ever doubting you or trying to trade you.



Really, he doesn't cry over spilled milk? Folks in San Francisco, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Dallas might beg to differ.


I have heard more out of Owens, directly, since signing with the Bills, about how Dallas lied to him. His unraveling in Philly started over him whining about the "disrespect" he was shown, by not being praised from hell to high water, for his miraculous Super Bowl performance. Remember, he said something to the effect of "If Brett Favre had come back and played injured, like I did in the Super Bowl, all the media would be praising him for his gutsy effort...when I came back, they all said I might be hurting the team... I wasn't the one who was too out of shape at the end of the game to lead a winning Super Bowl drive."


I won't even get into the "I am not getting the ball enough, because the QB and the tight end are conspiring to freeze me out of the offense"... conveniently forgetting that he was dropping key passes left and right, down the stretch.


Terrell Owens is the classic example of the person who starts off every sentence "I don't mean to criticize anyone else, because I take responsibiltiy for my self, but...." and then proceeds to blame everyone else for his predicament.


Honestly, I think Cutler is far more justified in being pissed than Owens ever was, in any of his situations. I am just kind of amused by the double standard that exists here...

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I see post after post about what a "baby" Jay Cutler is. Ironically, many of these posts are coming from the same people who are embracing the Bills Trojan Horse, Terrell Owens, one of the most petulant, boorish, self centered players in sports...how do you come to terms with that?

Owens is on a one-year deal. The risk is minimal. We aren't betting the entire franchise on him, as we would be with Cutler.

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I see post after post about what a "baby" Jay Cutler is. Ironically, many of these posts are coming from the same people who are embracing the Bills Trojan Horse, Terrell Owens, one of the most petulant, boorish, self centered players in sports...how do you come to terms with that?

Buftex, it's realy simple. They are both whiners, but T.O is our whiner, and he hasn't done it to us yet. That's how I come to term with it.

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A third round draft pick in 1996, T.O. shut his mouth and played football from his rookie year till his feud with Mariucci in 2001. In those five years he played special teams for two years, before developing into one of the top players in the game.


Since being drafted in 2006, Cutler has racked up an impressive number of missteps to begin his career...the Phillip Rivers feud, the Elway comment, and his petulant and questionable account of very recent events. I don't blame him completely for the mess he's in right now...the Broncos have also mishandled it. Both sides should shut up.


Anyways, we gave away zero compensation for T.O. Cutler would cost us a great deal in compensation.


T.O. signed a one-year deal. Cutler will get a new contract from whatever team he is traded to and it will be multi-year contract.


T.O. addresses a glaring need on this team. Recent opinions on this board shows that it is far from unanimous that Cutler would be worth acquiring in terms of cost, as far as being an upgrade over Edwards.


Those are the differences I see.

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I see post after post about what a "baby" Jay Cutler is. Ironically, many of these posts are coming from the same people who are embracing the Bills Trojan Horse, Terrell Owens, one of the most petulant, boorish, self centered players in sports...how do you come to terms with that?

Sports fans are hypocrites. More than half of these Cutler haters would be singing his praises if he became a Bill. Terrell Owens is the most glaring proof that could have ever happened. These are the same fans who say they always knew Willis McGahee sucked.

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Anyways, we gave away zero compensation for T.O. Cutler would cost us a great deal in compensation.


T.O. signed a one-year deal. Cutler will get a new contract from whatever team he is traded to and it will be multi-year contract.


T.O. addresses a glaring need on this team. Recent opinions on this board shows that it is far from unanimous that Cutler would be worth acquiring in terms of cost, as far as being an upgrade over Edwards.


Those are the differences I see.

Thank you for stating it so well.


I don't get why you're labeled a "Cutler hater" if you don't think it's a good idea to trade for him. My take is that Cutler is a very good QB, but the Bills have more pressing needs right now.

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We're not going to get Cutler. I don't see how this conversation is at all relevant. How do Bills fans embrace T.O., but hate Tom Brady?



My point had nothing to with the Bills getting Cutler...just pointing out the hypocrasy of the situation, as it apples to Bills fans, who are doing cartwheels over the Owesn signing, but then saying they would want no part of Cutler, because he is a "punk" or a "cry baby".


Also, maybe I am paranoid, but I think this Owens signing has more to do with TO (as in Toronto!) than it does with keeping Bills fans entertained and content for one year.

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I see post after post about what a "baby" Jay Cutler is. Ironically, many of these posts are coming from the same people who are embracing the Bills Trojan Horse, Terrell Owens, one of the most petulant, boorish, self centered players in sports...how do you come to terms with that?

I'm not sure there are that many Bills fans that wouldn't want Cutler on our team. It may just be a few posting repeatedly.


But Buftex, don't discount the difference between a QB and a WR. A QB needs to be a leader out there, and the other ten men in the huddle need to respect him as such. Hell, five of those other ten people have one job - to make sure the QB doesn't get hit. The WR has one job, and that is to get open and catch the ball, and all the rest is just noise.

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I'm not sure there are that many Bills fans that wouldn't want Cutler on our team. It may just be a few posting repeatedly.


But Buftex, don't discount the difference between a QB and a WR. A QB needs to be a leader out there, and the other ten men in the huddle need to respect him as such. Hell, five of those other ten people have one job - to make sure the QB doesn't get hit. The WR has one job, and that is to get open and catch the ball, and all the rest is just noise.



I know the difference between a QB and WR responsibility... but Owens doesn't always.

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