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At his town hall event the other night Obama laughed off the notion of legalizing marijuana for revenue gains by citing general internet foolishness.


Okay, now aside from the fact that he just said "no" to the idea without saying "why," and aside from the fact that that way of thinking is contrary to his AG, and aside from the fact that I support full legalization of all drugs, WHO THE F-CK DOES BARACK OBAMA THINK HE IS MOCKING ANYTHING FROM THE INTERNET! It was this silly internet thingy that got your black behind elected POTUS, Barack.


Somebody should let him know that internet communication is meant to be multi-lateral. He's done a marvelous job of using the internet as a tool to get HIS message out, and to get people to give HIM money, but evidently he hasn't grasped the notion that IDEAS, perhaps even MANDATES are on the other end of the internet tube.


Also, I should look up where the townhall event was since I've only heard the audio from these comments, haven't seen the video, but the audience is laughing at the notion of legalizing pot. This leads me to believe that he was speaking before a room full of a.) rural types, or b.) seniors, or c.) senior rural types. You know, a sliver of the American population, but a miniscule sliver compared to the INTERNET audience who also witnessed his arrogant ignorance.


Okay, I'm done.

At his town hall event the other night Obama laughed off the notion of legalizing marijuana for revenue gains by citing general internet foolishness.


Okay, now aside from the fact that he just said "no" to the idea without saying "why," and aside from the fact that that way of thinking is contrary to his AG, and aside from the fact that I support full legalization of all drugs, WHO THE F-CK DOES BARACK OBAMA THINK HE IS MOCKING ANYTHING FROM THE INTERNET! It was this silly internet thingy that got your black behind elected POTUS, Barack.


Somebody should let him know that internet communication is meant to be multi-lateral. He's done a marvelous job of using the internet as a tool to get HIS message out, and to get people to give HIM money, but evidently he hasn't grasped the idea of IDEAS, perhaps even MANDATES are on the other end of the internet tube. Wait a minute, considering everyone's idea was something he promised in his campaign! :thumbsup:


Also, I should look up where the townhall event was since I've only heard the audio from these comments, haven't seen the video, but the audience is laughing at the notion of legalizing pot. This leads me to believe that he was speaking before a room full of a.) rural types, or b.) seniors, or c.) senior rural types. You know, a sliver of the American population, but a miniscule sliver compared to the INTERNET audience who also witnessed his arrogant ignorance.


Okay, I'm done.



You can abrogate private contracts on a whim, heavy-handedly meddle with shareholders' rights, fire the executives of companies without recourse to or consulting with the board of directors, run up trillions of dollars in federal debt, and pass unconstitutional taxation laws for no reason other than moral outrage...but GOD DAMN IT, DON'T INSULT MY INTERTUBES!!!!!!!



You have got to be kidding me. All the sh-- this government has done the past two months, and THAT'S what you're pissed about? Way to keep a sense of perspective there, Skippy. :)

Way to keep a sense of perspective there, Skippy. :thumbsup:


Yeah, but it's my perspective, so it's the only one that matters.


It dawned on me recently that one reason Obama's campaign was so outstanding and successful -- aside from the fact that McCain's just sucked on its own -- is he really was able to reach out via the internet, text messaging (remember the VP announcement via text), etc. He really brought current technology to the foreground in delivering his message. Very, very smart stuff, especially in comparison to McCain, who looked like a Tim Conway golfing character. But by drawing more people to the internet for his message, he drew more people toward other messages as well...many which question him. But to understand a person like Obama is to understand that something like the internet is great by him when it's great for him, and mocked by him when it's not great for him.


He is outstanding at walking the thin line. Consider the recent cigarette tax. Great idea, right? Billions of dollars in taxes on those pukey, nasty, health-insurance-busting smokers. But in reality, who's doing most of the smoking? According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, it's the lower and middle class according to this 2002 study.. So you could easily point at one of Obama's many tax pledges: " "I will cut taxes—cut taxes—for 95 percent of all working families, because, in an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle class."


Did he raise the income taxes on 95% of the the middle class? No. But that's not what he promised. He promised he would not raise their taxes. And that's what he did, without looking like he's doing it.


He's brilliant at walking that line. Brilliant.


{THE PRESIDENT]C an I just interrupt, Jared, before you ask the next question, just to say that we -- we took votes about which questions were going to be asked and I think 3 million people voted or --


DR. BERNSTEIN: Three point five million.


THE PRESIDENT: Three point five million people voted. I have to say that there was one question that was voted on that ranked fairly high and that was whether legalizing marijuana would improve the economy -- (laughter) -- and job creation. And I don't know what this says about the online audience -- (laughter) -- but I just want -- I don't want people to think that -- this was a fairly popular question; we want to make sure that it was answered. The answer is, no, I don't think that is a good strategy -- (laughter) -- to grow our economy. (Applause.)


So -- all right.


DR. BERNSTEIN: Thank you for clearing that up. (Laughter.)


You must not have a sense of humor.


He offered to answer the question before it was even asked.


I was one of the 3.5m. I'm not insulted...lighten up. Or, maybe LIGHT up.

At his town hall event the other night Obama laughed off the notion of legalizing marijuana for revenue gains by citing general internet foolishness.


Okay, now aside from the fact that he just said "no" to the idea without saying "why," and aside from the fact that that way of thinking is contrary to his AG, and aside from the fact that I support full legalization of all drugs, WHO THE F-CK DOES BARACK OBAMA THINK HE IS MOCKING ANYTHING FROM THE INTERNET! It was this silly internet thingy that got your black behind elected POTUS, Barack.


Somebody should let him know that internet communication is meant to be multi-lateral. He's done a marvelous job of using the internet as a tool to get HIS message out, and to get people to give HIM money, but evidently he hasn't grasped the notion that IDEAS, perhaps even MANDATES are on the other end of the internet tube.


Also, I should look up where the townhall event was since I've only heard the audio from these comments, haven't seen the video, but the audience is laughing at the notion of legalizing pot. This leads me to believe that he was speaking before a room full of a.) rural types, or b.) seniors, or c.) senior rural types. You know, a sliver of the American population, but a miniscule sliver compared to the INTERNET audience who also witnessed his arrogant ignorance.


Okay, I'm done.


This is an April Fool's bit right?

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