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What an incredibly vile taxation by Obama &Co.

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This is being done, because the producers of such were never worth attacking for small revenue compared to the cigarette industry.


You are a fool if you think tobacco taxation has anything to do with health. It is all about revenue, and if governments truly cared about health, tobacco would be illegal. The "cost to society" has been disproved time and time again - smokers die younger, generally of quick-acting maladies, and don't cash in on their social security benefits.


I've had it. I'm quitting this Wednesday. Time for me to stop paying these taxes, and time for you non-smokers to praise me for coming over to the fold and for you to pay for my increased longevity.


Go to work as long as the private sector exists and pay those FICA taxes!


The government intrusion, the tobacco cash grab, was pretty much the first step on the slippery slope. Many warned. Today, after a Congress egged on by an orchestrated Administrative branch pogram against AIG - repugnant to the Constitution, the same Administration demands a company to discharge its' CEO and board. That CEO being replaced by an investment banker.


Those of you who voted for this junta - get yourself a copy of the Constitution and put it outside your door as a floormat.


You have destroyed the Republic.



And you were warned...

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Those of you who voted for this junta - get yourself a copy of the Constitution and put it outside your door as a floormat.


You have destroyed the Republic.



And you were warned...


And where exactly in the Constitution does it say that your precious cigarettes/chew are exempt from taxation?

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So when everyone quits due to excessive taxation where is the money going to come from after that?


Are you serious? You really believe that removing the 8.6 million tobacco related illnesses from the health care system wouldn't save the country a whole shitload of money?

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Are you serious? You really believe that removing the 8.6 million tobacco related illnesses from the health care system wouldn't save the country a whole shitload of money?

No, he said the people who suffer from heart disease, cancer, strokes, emphysema, etc... are actually NOT further burdening our over-burdened health care system because they all die off quickly. I'm sure that fits quite nicely with his belief system so it must be true.


This is a good thing. They should also tax some of the more disgustingly unhealthy foods that many fat Americans eat. The government shouldn't have to pay for your shortcomings, right?


I shouldn't pay for your right to smoke, you should.

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And where exactly in the Constitution does it say that your precious cigarettes/chew are exempt from taxation?


Where does it say anything about unequal treatment of citizens regarding taxation? Aren't you for equal treatment of all citizens under law, or are you not?


Make the case for differing income tax rates based on income...please...I'd love to hear your response. From your Constitutional perspective.


And answer this question: Are cigarettes damaging to heath? - and if so, why doesn't the Federal government make them illegal?


I await your words.

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Are you serious? You really believe that removing the 8.6 million tobacco related illnesses from the health care system wouldn't save the country a whole shitload of money?

Well, how much is a shitload of money? Does it fit in the middle of billion and trillion? Cuz if we can save THAT much money on tobacco-related illnesses, then why not make tobacco illegal? I mean, if suddenly everyone stops smoking because of taxes, then the tobacco companies are screwed anyway, so just make tobacco illegal and get it over with.

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This is a good thing. They should also tax some of the more disgustingly unhealthy foods that many fat Americans eat. The government shouldn't have to pay for your shortcomings, right?


No they shouldn't, but the solution isn't to have some faceless and unaccountable bureaucracy tax away all our money and then provide whatever disastrous level of 'care' they see fit.


Is there evidence that the cigarette lawsuit windfall created significant improvements in health care for smokers? Or was that money used to fatten up the government payrolls which we now can't afford to sustain?

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No they shouldn't, but the solution isn't to have some faceless and unaccountable bureaucracy tax away all our money and then provide whatever disastrous level of 'care' they see fit.


Is there evidence that the cigarette lawsuit windfall created significant improvements in health care for smokers? Or was that money used to fatten up the government payrolls which we now can't afford to sustain?

It's more about supply and demand. Higher costs (due to taxes) will not only provide more revenue to pay for their care, but will hopefully cause people to eat better, smoke less, be healthier and be less of a burden on the system.


The added taxes going to the right places would certainly be a good thing. Regardless, this does not really have much to do with original point.

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Where does it say anything about unequal treatment of citizens regarding taxation? Aren't you for equal treatment of all citizens under law, or are you not?


Make the case for differing income tax rates based on income...please...I'd love to hear your response. From your Constitutional perspective.


And answer this question: Are cigarettes damaging to heath? - and if so, why doesn't the Federal government make them illegal?


I await your words.


Are you arguing that the Equal Protection Clause means that all men (and tobacco products) are created equally?

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It's more about supply and demand. Higher costs (due to taxes) will not only provide more revenue to pay for their care, but will hopefully cause people to eat better, smoke less, be healthier and be less of a burden on the system.


The added taxes going to the right places would certainly be a good thing. Regardless, this does not really have much to do with original point.


Any concern about the Government pushing around the people they represent, or is any government action OK with you?


Talking about the concept of government with the consent of the governed, here. Or is that a dead thing in your mind...we must submit?

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Well, how much is a shitload of money? Does it fit in the middle of billion and trillion? Cuz if we can save THAT much money on tobacco-related illnesses, then why not make tobacco illegal? I mean, if suddenly everyone stops smoking because of taxes, then the tobacco companies are screwed anyway, so just make tobacco illegal and get it over with.


Shitload= Billions.

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Any concern about the Government pushing around the people they represent, or is any government action OK with you?


Talking about the concept of government with the consent of the governed, here. Or is that a dead thing in your mind...we must submit?

I'm one of the governed too, buddy, and you fat smokers are costing me cash.


Why is heroin illegal? How about murder? Friggin Motherment...

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Are you arguing that the Equal Protection Clause means that all men (and tobacco products) are created equally?


A classic putting-up-a-straw man utterance. You must have been trained at early age by a good propagandist - you don't seem clever enough to get along without coaching.


See? I know how to play the game, Comrade.


I take it you cannot/will not answer my questions. No surprise there.



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