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Niagara Falls?

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There are chemicals in the land for sure however the nuclear waste area is north of the city between Lewiston and Youngstown, near Lewiston-porter school which also makes a lot of sense

Yeah, the nuke stuff is probably north. The problems are:


1. We do not know for sure how big and how much as we have let our fear of "others" get in the way of finding and sharing information among us. There are stories which seem to be fairly simple in terms of whether they are true or not of a surprisingly large irradiated dome of metal being disposed of in the NF area, but sufficient information to even dispose of this as some bizarre conspiracy theory is not allowed to be there.


2. Given the collateral development which by plan we hope to create with a stadium investment (the problem with the Ralph is that OP is actually a community where we do not want collateral investment to displace families so it will never be what this investment can be in order to be deemed a financial success) not knowing what the physical status of collateral lands off of the site but north where the nuke stuff is important.


3. As we saw (see) in Love Canal, the unknown and unclear nuke stuff is a problem, but non-nuke chemicals whose disposal is even more widespread is at least an issue and in bad cases like Love Canal (or Sunshine City as the feds once proposed rebranding it) is actually a problem.


NF development does not scare me because of known problems, its what we don't seem to know that is the scary thing.

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People walk long distances all over OP to get to the Ralph. Sometimes I think you over think things to much.



It isn't even close, in terms of distance, for most people. Maybe I overthink some things, but at least it shows I'm thinking. Anyone who's answer to the Rainbow Bridge issue is, "let them walk" has taken a brain nap.

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Niagara Falls makes so much sense that it will never happen.


Consider this....


The hotel capacity on both sides of the border from Mid Sept. - Mar. (the Non tourist season)


Possible Superbowl, NCAA Regional Finals or Final Four.


Canadians could park in NF Ont and walk across the Rainbow bridge. On a clear day you could see both Buffalo and Toronto from the cheap seats.


As part of the stadium complex there could be year round tourist attractions. (Bills HOF, NFL Experience others)


Like the Patriots did, build a mall attached to the stadium. The one thing the Canadian side of the falls can not compete with is "Americana" Tourists from Asia, South America and Europe want a piece of "Americana" In the mall, house the following anchor stores (Disney, Harley Davidson, Levi Strauss others...)

Niagara Falls has so much potential, the entire city could be bulldozed and we would be starting with a clean canvas.


Just my two cents.

I believe they already have those stores on the Canadian side, plus alot more to do there right now.


There is a Harley Davidson Store on Clifton Hill, I believe theres a Levi's store in the outlet mall just down the road on Lundys Lane, and theres probably a disney store somewhere. It won't do much more for attracting Canadians over to the game, they already flock to OP and clog the Peace Bridge on home game Sundays, and is there really a big market in Asia for American Football? Europe has a bit of a market for it, but if they are really interested in the NFL, they would probably be willing to go the extra distance to OP to go to a game.


Believing that a new stadium will revitalise a City is like beliving a Bass Pro will save one.......................

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Guest dog14787
One of the other issues that likely would become a lead item of discussion in any attempt to reclaim large amounts of NF, NY land to build a stadium and the ancillary private development it would trigger if you did this right is a pretty incredible legacy of toxic and nuclear waste buried in the land beneath that city.


NF actually played a central role in the development of the nuclear weapons which were dropped on Japan as significant parts of the early research into building the bomb were done at sites such as the Lake Ontario Ordinance Woeks (LOOW),


This story is actually one is really untold as much of this data was (and some crucial info to determine what is and what happened at the massive site) is still deemed top secret and classified.


If folks want more info check out the article in a local WNY newspaper which explores facts and myths related to the site >


http://blogs.artvoice.com/avdaily/2008/05/...acts-and-myths/ <.


As much as 5000 acres of land in NF were part of development of this site and I believe roughly 2500 acres is deemed to unusable by human beings. The scary thing is that this site does not even include other NF nuggets like Love Canal, the first ever designated site by the Feds under the Superfund program which sought to clean-up the decades of misuse of the land, the environment, and people which was done by folks to make a nickel and escape to their vacation homes before anyone figured out what was going on.


One site summarized the LOOW site as:


Manhattan Project and other waste stored in the IWCS :


• approximately 25,000 cubic yards of radioactive residues,


• 235,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil and debris,


• primary materials of concern are radium, thorium, and uranium.


My sense is that any major attempt to do a major redevelopment project in NF is going to run head on into raising some issues for public discussion that liability issues makes a bunch of folk with money and power want to keep covered up.


Sounds slightly similar to NFS (Nuclear Fuels Services) a Facility outside of West valley N.Y. where high level nuclear waste was stored and buried. My Dad began his career in the Nuclear Industry there back before ALARA ever came into existence so even the men that worked there were exposed to far greater amounts of radioactive material then they ever should have been. Some of the procedures that lead to the development of reprocessing Nuclear waste began at NFS. There where always stories and rumors floating around in West Valley and Springville that I won't even repeat for the sake of scaring the heck out of some folks.

However, I will tell you guys one thing that my brother and I witnessed with our own eyes in the Town of West Valley in the late 60's that to this day makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up when I think about it. I was only 5 years old but I remember it like it was yesterday. We were about to go collecting maple syrup, something my older brother used to do to make a little extra money and when a say a little, I mean a little. Anyway, we went to the top of the road we lived on which dead ended where we crossed over a railroad tracks and we started to climb a hill when we walked right up to a rabbit and I kid you not, it was bigger than a kangaroo. It wasn't a Jackrabbit, it was perfectly shaped but at least ten times bigger than any rabbit I have ever seen. I was young and very impressionable and I thought for sure we where standing face to face with the ultimate of all rabbits, Mr. Peter Cotton Tail himself. My bro lives in Georgia and we only see each other like once a year, but to this day, whenever we get together we ask each other about it, almost as if to confirm we didn't dream it up or we weren't both crazy. We stood about 5 feet from the rabbit and he was as tall as my older brother who was 12 at the time. He stood there on his hindquarters staring back at us for what seemed like an eternity and showed zero fear, went down to all fours and calmly hopped away.


I know it all sounds crazy and far fetched, but you could put both of us on a lie detector and ask us questions about it and I'm positive we would both pass. I'm not saying NFS had anything to do with what we saw, but it does seem like to much of a coincidence if you ask me. We were less than 10 miles from the facility.


True Story :(

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I agree with the lake front,and what better way to put money into Buffalo. It is the BUFFALO BILLS. More people in Buffalo means more money spent in the city. Could lead to more ,better places to eat and shop. It needs to use its one positive alake front cleaned up with some scenery. I know it gets bad in the winter with the weather. But how bad is the weather in Toronto or the falls in the winter? Use what you got ,not too many cities have a lake front. People bring money. Money brings Business. Flame away, because I`m not listening. Later.

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Niagara Falls is an old broken down ramshackle town. There is no strong economy there.If Buffalo does

not have the strong industrial base to fill Corporate suites at the Ralph, how is Niagara Falls going to do that?




While I agree Niagara Falls doesn't make a lot of sense, from the Bills' point of view, playing in the Falls is the same as playing in Orchard Park, as far as corporate sponsorships, is concerned. They would still be the Buffalo Bills, playing just outside the city limits. That is no different than many (most?) teams in the NFL.

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Sounds slightly similar to NFS (Nuclear Fuels Services) a Facility outside of West valley N.Y. where high level nuclear waste was stored and buried. My Dad began his career in the Nuclear Industry there back before ALARA ever came into existence so even the men that worked there were exposed to far greater amounts of radioactive material then they ever should have been. Some of the procedures that lead to the development of reprocessing Nuclear waste began at NFS. There where always stories and rumors floating around in West Valley and Springville that I won't even repeat for the sake of scaring the heck out of some folks.

However, I will tell you guys one thing that my brother and I witnessed with our own eyes in the Town of West Valley in the late 60's that to this day makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up when I think about it. I was only 5 years old but I remember it like it was yesterday. We where about to go collecting maple syrup, something my older brother used to do to make a little extra money and when a say a little, I mean a little. Anyway, we went to the top of the road we lived on which dead ended where we crossed over a railroad tracks and we started to climb a hill when we walked right up to a rabbit and I kid you not, it was bigger than a kangaroo. It wasn't a Jackrabbit, it was perfectly shaped but at least ten times bigger than any rabbit I have ever seen. I was young and very impressionable and I thought for sure we where standing face to face with the ultimate of all rabbits, Mr. Peter Cotton Tail himself. My bro lives in Georgia and we only see each other like once a year, but to this day, whenever we get together we ask each other about it, almost as if to confirm we didn't dream it up or we weren't both crazy. We stood about 5 feet from the rabbit and he was as tall as my older brother who was 12 at the time. He stood there on his hindquarters staring back at us for what seemed like an eternity and showed zero fear, went down to all fours and calmly hopped away.


I know it all sounds crazy and far fetched, but you could put both of us on a lie detector and ask us questions about it and I'm positive we would both pass. I'm not saying NFS had anything to do with what we saw, but it does seem like to much of a coincidence if you ask me. We where less than 10 miles from the facility.


True Story :(


I understand what you are saying.


I don't believe it because it is certainly outside my experience of life.


However, one of the things which my 50 years have taught me (mostly from the years and years of making mistakes and fortunately surviving the mistakes) is that just because I do not believe it, this does not mean that it is not true.

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Guest dog14787
I understand what you are saying.


I don't believe it because it is certainly outside my experience of life.


However, one of the things which my 50 years have taught me (mostly from the years and years of making mistakes and fortunately surviving the mistakes) is that just because I do not believe it, this does not mean that it is not true.


I understand.


I wouldn't have believed it myself unless I seen it with my own two eyes and even then, if it wasn't for my older brother seeing it also and confirming it year after year, I would probably think it was all just a dream.


it Kinda put a whole new spin on the Easter Bunny coming to town in my mind.

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Putting the team in Niagara Falls is a joke. an impossible dream pushed by its residents. its worthy of thought, but shouldnt get very far.


how is niagara falls closer to Canada than Buffalo?


niagara county is the one place property taxes are worse than Erie County


the city on the surface and the air is disgusting. You cant spend more than an hour or so outside without feeling sick in parts. Most places in the city absolutely smell.


How is putting the team near a tourist attraction going to help? Are the bills going to have a huge influx of Korean tourist family season ticket holders?


it would be a horrible nightmare getting to/leaving games.


If there is a government even more incompetent than any in Erie County, its that of Niagara Falls. A lot would need to happen for this. and it will never happen. They cant even improve the Hyde Park rinks




I live in Grand Island. Closer to NF. It would make my gameday commutes easier. But horrible idea. If there is ever a new stadium, I guarantee it will be in Erie County.

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well the problem is the city government has been run by the mafia for decades and they basically find ways to use the resources for their own good rather than the cities good...

Maybe in past it was run by the mob...but not for the past 2 decades.

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Ok everytime the bills play a prime time game,,,what does network show about the area???the Buffalo waterfront???? No they show Niagara Falls. With the bills in NF it would make them a more marketable team!!!!!


youre being sarcastic right?


They alse show an overhead of the Buffalo area, and they show someone at Anchor Bar flipping wings. Maybe they should build the new stadium attached to the Anchor Bar for 'marketing'.


if they need to use the falls for marketing then the team is already dead.


no way the Falls ever comes close to happening.

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Personally I enjoy the drive to the Ralph on Sunday mornings.


Keep it in OP or put it downtown.


Hard to think there would ever be another - new - taxpayer-funded NFL stadium in WNY.


If there were, I don't think it would matter much as to a location being north, central, or south. There are 10 playing dates - unlike baseball.

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It isn't even close, in terms of distance, for most people. Maybe I overthink some things, but at least it shows I'm thinking. Anyone who's answer to the Rainbow Bridge issue is, "let them walk" has taken a brain nap.


I have seen people walk over 3 miles down 20a. I am not sure of the exact distance from the rainbow bridge to where a stadium could be built, but i would like to think these things are taken into consideration.

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Listen quit talkin about niagara falls... u guys should be worried about the buyers of this team.... lot of buyers in toronto none in buffalo


You're comment is useless. How do you know there aren't any buyers in Buffalo? I would think a group of investors would be very interested. This team makes money, because it's fan base is excellent.

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You're comment is useless. How do you know there aren't any buyers in Buffalo? I would think a group of investors would be very interested. This team makes money, because it's fan base is excellent.

Its fan base is fine, but the revenue from that fan base is not the same as most other NFL Cities. They don't have the fan base/corporate backing to purchase the Luxury Boxes where the real revenue is made, and the fans to pay average NFL ticket prices. They make money now because Ralph keeps the prices affordable and has no debt to pay back with the team. Throw in a group that will be doing this to atleast make a small profit, and they might not be able to stay out of the red if they don't keep spending down or increase pricing for everything.


There may be some investors in the area interested, but the kind of person(s) it would take to come up with themoney that an NFL franchise costs are not just a bunch of unknown nobodies

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