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Crayonz has passed...

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I heard it wwas the other way around ... crayola left him penniless for trying to infringe on their product rights



Nothing but a smokescreen, to cover the true crime.


Why do you think Crayola no longer offers these?


1. Prussian Blue (1949-1958)

2. Flesh (1949-1962)

3. Green Blue (1949-1990)

4. Orange Red (1949-1990)

5. Orange Yellow (1949-1990)

6. Violet Blue (1949-1990)

7. Maize (1949-1990)

8. Lemon Yellow (1949-1990)

9. Blue Gray (1958-1990)

10. Raw Umber (1958-1990)

11. Chartreuse (1972-1990)

12. Ultra Blue (1972-1990)

13. Ultra Orange (1972-1990)

14. Ultra Red (1972-1990)

15. Ultra Green (1972-1990)

16. Ultra Pink (1972-1990)

17. Ultra Yellow (1972-1990)

18. Indian Red (1958-1999)

19. Thistle (1949-2000)

20. Torch Red (1998-2000)

21. Mulberry (1958-2003)

22. Blizzard Blue (1990-2003)

23. Magic Mint (1990-2003)

24. Teal Blue (1990-2003)


Crayola won the civil suit, hence the payment from "Crayonz" estate. But, he was never convicted for the mass murders of these brave colors. Hard to believe, since he changed his name to Ieatcrayonz, simply to bait, and taunt, the poor Crayola family. Initially there was talk of payola (to the jury), but that got just sounded like a bad joke, so nobody took it seriously.



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