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For the "semi-religious" types

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Any of you read the "Left Behind" Series?


What was the government, currency, etc... called, do you remember????




It was "One World".





Anyone catch the new WTC building name change?



Yup, you got it.


"One World"




Just some interesting coincidences. :rolleyes:

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Got all the way up to the Armageddon book and stopped reading it, was just TOO religious for me.


Although Obama reminded me of the Anti-Christ in the book in how he came to power.


Anybody see the movies with Kirk Cameron...I mean him being in a movie means its already bad, but these were just awful.

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Star Trek called it The Federation and their currency was Latinum

Star Wars called it The Galactic Empire and their currency was Credits

Babylon 5 Called it Earth Alliance, but off the top of my head I don't recall what their currency is


Each Sci-Fi series has their own terms

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