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Quick Liberals! Fire up the attack machine! RACISM!

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Racist statments at the G20


Where is the outrage? This man is blatantly blaming the financial crisis on people from Sweden, and Poland, and...even Cheektowaga!


How dare he say that there are no black bankers? INSENSITIVE! Fire up the machine! Start manufacturing the OUTRAGE! Perhaps somebody with a liberal arts degree can start telling us how to get him to stop saying racist things, because they sure know what they are talking about when it comes to the economy!



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?? He looks pretty white to me too. So who's supposed to be insulted? Black folk because he said that white people were running the banks? (I think the Freddie Mac or Fannie May guy was black)? Or white folks because he said bad things about white people, of which he is one?


Must be a slow news day for your side. This is a yawner.

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