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Dare to Dream...Again?

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You know what? I have to agree with the OP in that I am sick of the collective negativism amongst many Bills fans. Sit there and pretend you are entitled to believe we will always lose but you can blow off for all I care. I cried myself to sleep after 4 consecutive SB losses. I have suffered through abysmal play for many seasons. But when the Bills actually have something worthy of being excited over in the works, I'll be damned if I'm going to post comments to the effect of "Pats win 57-12". All of you naysayers, do us a favor and find a new team to "root" for.


I agree with the negative post comment to a point. I'm a new member to this board but I have been stopping by to read the posts for years. The negativity gets to me for sure however, the negative posts have for the most part been right in years past. There are certainly too many Jay Marrioti types on here that can just NEVER be positive and that really gets me. Seriously people, take a happy pill or something, your general practitioner can get you Zoloft generic these days. I'm hoping this poster is correct regarding Gonzo, man that would be fun to watch. Regardless, I'm going to try and be positive again this year and hope the negative Nancy's are wrong, finally.

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