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LAMP: Kids in a contest


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I know this is a terribly shameful LAMP, but here goes...


My four children are each in a photo contest online. Voting goes through tomorrow night (Friday). I am asking any one willing to take a look and please vote for one or more of my children. They all are big Bills fans!


Gabrielle is #6, Josh is #7, Stephen is #9 and Joey #is 11.




Thanks a ton!


P.S. The link should work now.

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I know this is a terribly shameful LAMP, but here goes...


My four children are each in a photo contest online. Voting goes through tomorrow night (Friday). I am asking any one willing to take a look and please vote for one or more of my children. They all are big Bills fans!


Gabrielle is #6, Josh is #7, Stephen is #9 and Joey #is 11.




Thanks a ton!


P.S. The link should work now.


You got it.


#11 - Joey. Great pic! :thumbsup:

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Cute kids...nice. :thumbsup:
Thank you! I think I'll keep them.


I'm sorry, I can't in good conscience vote for such grotesquely unattractive children.


Just kidding of course! :nana::lol: They are actually very cute kids! I was gonna vote for all of yours'n, but it only let me do it one time, so Gabrielle got the vote.

Thank you very much. Ah, just saying, but if you want to vote for more than one, clearing your cookies will let 'ya. 0:)


You got it.


#11 - Joey. Great pic! :D

Thank you! I appreciate it. Anyone doubting Joey's allegiance to the Bills can check out his photo I link to in my signature line. He is a big Derek Fine fan now.
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I voted for Joey, but aren't you worried about how your children will be changed by this contest? What if none of them win and some stranger walks off with the win? Worse yet, what if one of your kids wins. Aren't you concerned about the losers feeling like...well feeling like losers?


Oh, the humanity!

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I voted for Joey, but aren't you worried about how your children will be changed by this contest? What if none of them win and some stranger walks off with the win? Worse yet, what if one of your kids wins. Aren't you concerned about the losers feeling like...well feeling like losers?


Oh, the humanity!

Thank you for the vote. Excellent post. No, I am not worried. Of course, only the two older ones even know what a contest is, and they understand this particular contest is a crap-shoot. That said, we've never had a problem letting them play sports in which a score is kept -- no matter how young they are. They learn that every contest has a winner and losers. They learn sportsmanship. They understand life has its ups and its downs, but in the end, it is what you make of it.

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