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Again, with my half-assed math...Bush is up by 325k votes with roughly 290k left to count.


Unless there's some very large precincts that haven't been counted yet, Bush has probably won Florida. Pending their absentee ballots, of course...


Cross-referencing of names on absentee ballots to voter registration makes Repubs think they have a 150,000-200,00 vote goldmine in the absentees.

Cross-referencing of names on absentee ballots to voter registration makes Repubs think they have a 150,000-200,00 vote goldmine in the absentees.



And CNN just said that Kerry's campaign is saying they've more or less lost Florida.


By my count, Bush is about 320k up with 200k to be counted...if the absentee ballots net Kerry more than 120k votes (which is very possible), it's Bush's state.


And once again...this election could come down to Florida getting their collective head out of their collective ass and counting the votes late...

CBS has already called it for Bush.


If Dan Blather is giving up on FLA, I think it's pretty safe to say it's a lock.



And I beat 'em all by a good 20 minutes. Props to me... :D

Hey look, our own little FoxNews.  You scooped 'em - and this time you were right!



FoxSnooze? Bastard. I'd rather be the friggin' Guardian.

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