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So Much For The Terrell Owens bash


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I can read people pretty well, Tim. I've read many of your articles and I know that you just don't like TO. I know you'll deny it, but based on your articles, it's pretty obvious. I personally don't buy the "I was too busy to write..." stuff when it's supposed to be your job to report on stories concerning the AFC East. You reported on him missing workouts, yet the AP reports that he's in DC tonight and thus has an excuse.


So let's hear your take on TO and what he will or won't do for the Bills. Also why, if you chose to admit it, you don't like him.


This is hilarious because I love T.O. I love characters. I love Jeremy Roenick. I love Joey Porter. I love Ricky Williams. I love Rob Ray. I love Brett Favre. I love Manny Ramirez. They make my job interesting. Why on earth would you think I don't like T.O.?


But I can see based on this post that you jump to a lot of conclusions. You use quotes in saying that I have conveyed "I was too busy to write." Too busy to write what, exactly? I've never even used that phrase in this thread much less expressed that thought.


I did report on T.O. missing workouts because I had new information in comments from Dick Jauron that Jauron gave me here at the owners' meetings. I don't have a quote from Dick Jauron on the Alzheimer's function because I haven't seen him today. Yesterday was AFC coaches. Today was NFC coaches. And the meetings ended today. Everybody has gone home.


"The AP writes he's in DC tonight and thus has an excuse." Apparently that's good enough for you. Fine.


You're set in your opinion. Thanks for sharing it, but I'm not going to defend myself to someone who starts the debate off with a misconception. I don't dislike T.O. People like him are the reason people like you want to have conversations with people like me about subjects like this. And that's why sports are fun and why I want to do what I do for a living.

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This is hilarious because I love T.O. I love characters. I love Jeremy Roenick. I love Joey Porter. I love Ricky Williams. I love Rob Ray. I love Brett Favre. I love Manny Ramirez. They make my job interesting. Why on earth would you think I don't like T.O.?


But I can see based on this post that you jump to a lot of conclusions. You use quotes in saying that I have conveyed "I was too busy to write." Too busy to write what, exactly? I've never even used that phrase in this thread much less expressed that thought.


I did report on T.O. missing workouts because I had new information in comments from Dick Jauron that Jauron gave me here at the owners' meetings. I don't have a quote from Dick Jauron on the Alzheimer's function because I haven't seen him today. Yesterday was AFC coaches. Today was NFC coaches. And the meetings ended today. Everybody has gone home.


"The AP writes he's in DC tonight and thus has an excuse." Apparently that's good enough for you. Fine.


You're set in your opinion. Thanks for sharing it, but I'm not going to defend myself to someone who starts the debate off with a misconception. I don't dislike T.O. People like him are the reason people like you want to have conversations with people like me about subjects like this. And that's why sports are fun and why I want to do what I do for a living.

Fine, I stand corrected. Now that you've established that you "love TO," what do you see him doing for the Bills? Is there any article you've written about the good things he'll bring to the team? I am willing to admit that my misconceptions are based on what I've read from you and I might have missed some articles.

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Fine, I stand corrected. Now that you've established that you "love TO," what do you see him doing for the Bills? Is there any article you've written about the good things he'll bring to the team?


It's one thing to take an educated shot at me. But to call me out for being a T.O. hater and then wondering if I've written anything positive about him shows you haven't read my blog much. I spent four days in Buffalo recently speaking to the mayor, Thurman Thomas and fans ... all of them loved the signing. So did Michael Irvin and Marcellus Wiley. All were quoted extensively.


I would say these are positive articles I've written about T.O.

























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It's one thing to take an educated shot at me. But to call me out for being a T.O. hater and then wondering if I've written anything positive about him shows you haven't read my blog much. I spent four days in Buffalo recently speaking to the mayor, Thurman Thomas and fans ... all of them loved the signing. So did Michael Irvin and Marcellus Wiley. All were quoted extensively.

Actually I haven't read your blog at all, just selected articles that have been posted here or elsewhere. My apologies and I guess I'll have to start reading it.

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Day-umn. I miss all the fun.


FWIW, here's an exchange from the "Ask Tim" thread, on the night Owens signed:

For an expanded version of Tim's thoughts on T.O., you might try clicking here: Bills shake up their offense with Terrell Owens.


And here: T.O. gives Bills desperately needed target


And my question: whether this deal ends up being a stroke of genius or a train wreck, your job just got a little more fun today, didn't it?

I won't miss Joey Porter as much now that I'll have T.O. in my new back yard.

And not that he needs me to defend him, but I might point out that he's been:

a.) on California time since Saturday afternoon,

b.) spending the last four days talking to Roger Goodell, (I believe) every coach in the AFC East, and other NFL people, and

c.) scooping EVERYONE else in the media on the "Bills in Toronto" survey by an entire friggin' day.


Yeah, he's been a little busy lately. So when the Alzheimer's story -- a wire story at that, which goes straight to Bristol -- doesn't get posted until 9 a.m. Pacific time, I'm not inclined to jump all over one guy in California for refusing to post it because he hates T.O., or any such other crap. You want to B word about the people putting stuff online from ESPN headquarters, be my guest.


Just my opinion.

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My first post was simply a post linking the story. Not at any time did I mention Tim, or target espn. I stand by what I said a number of times, its sad the haste to print the negative so quickly , but not show similar haste for a positive story.





Day-umn. I miss all the fun.


FWIW, here's an exchange from the "Ask Tim" thread, on the night Owens signed:


And not that he needs me to defend him, but I might point out that he's been:

a.) on California time since Saturday afternoon,

b.) spending the last four days talking to Roger Goodell, (I believe) every coach in the AFC East, and other NFL people, and

c.) scooping EVERYONE else in the media on the "Bills in Toronto" survey by an entire friggin' day.


Yeah, he's been a little busy lately. So when the Alzheimer's story -- a wire story at that, which goes straight to Bristol -- doesn't get posted until 9 a.m. Pacific time, I'm not inclined to jump all over one guy in California for refusing to post it because he hates T.O., or any such other crap. You want to B word about the people putting stuff online from ESPN headquarters, be my guest.


Just my opinion.

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Maybe parties involved here can solve this by simply declaring a moratorium on:


1. Worrying about whether Graham hates TO or not. In the big picture despite the star promotion which the NFL will do as it and the networks will work to sell the TO vs. Moss miscreant star story to get eyeballs watching the Monday night game, TO is obviously important to the fate of the Bills but he really is a secondary factor (if not tertiary) behind other issues. What Graham thinks is really secondary to this secondary story.


2. Bad reporting on what the latest TO alleged meltdown will impact the team. We have already seen declarations that the jersey # controversy was a first example of TO creating dissension on the Bills only to find out it was the Bills themselves who presented the # to TO in a locker before he even had a chance to whine about it and in the end it sounds like Hardy got the customary payment for the # he is has no attachment to. Now we have reports of TO skipping this voluntary workout because of selfishness only to find out he skipped it get an award for some nice contributions to fighting a disease (a voluntary workout so important that almost half the roster skipped it and Jauron was not in town for it.


Stories about TO impacting the team are only good reporting if someone on the team by a name or a couple of anonymous teammates say that they are pissed. Without confirmation these are simply bad reporting.

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Grant, if you can't tell that I was responding to the people who posted after my last reply in this thread, more precisely the ones who ripped into Tim for something he had no part in, I can't help you.


A longtime SE once shared a piece of advice with me that his first SE told him decades ago: "News is what people are talking about." You don't think anyone would have wondered whether or not Owens was in Orchard Park on Monday if the dastardly media hadn't been there to report his absence? The beat writers would have been there whether Owens was a Buffalo Bill or not, because it was an open session:

The Buffalo Bills will begin their offseason conditioning program on Monday, March 23.


Media will be allowed to shoot b-roll of workouts from approximately 9:00 – 10:00 am. Selected players (made available by the Bills Media Relations Staff) will address the media at various times throughout availability session. Interviews will take place in the Fieldhouse.


Strength and Conditioning Coach John Allaire will be made available for questions to discuss the conditioning program.


If you plan on covering this session, please report to the Buffalo Bills Media Room in the Administrative Building by 8:45 am and you will be escorted into the Fieldhouse.


Keep in mind that players will comment on the start of the offseason program and other related football matters. All players will not be made available on Monday, but there will be a chance to schedule media availability opportunities in the future. If you have a specific interview request for a player please make this request in advance of Monday morning by sending an email to Chris Jenkins.


REMINDER - The offseason conditioning program is VOLUNTARY for all Bills players.


For more information or questions please contact the Buffalo Bills Media Relations Department.


The earliest link I've seen for the Alzheimer's announcement was the second one in the original post, 7:00 a.m. Wednesday. John Wawrow got the info, reported and wrote the story, and put it on the AP wire at some point later in the morning, and the major media outlets posted it shortly thereafter. Considering that to the best of my knowledge there were no press releases about the event from either the Bills, Owens, or the Alzheimer's Association, it amazes me that people are actually bitching about the turnaround time on this.


And one other comment: the beat guys aren't the ones suggesting Owens was selfish for getting 81, or skipping some workouts. Columnists and television analysts can share their opinions whenever they wish, as long as they're not flat-out misrepresenting the truth. Please, PLEASE don't lump them in with the reporters actually out there covering stories. Thank you.


And kudos to Owens for trying to make a difference against a horrible disease. That point's been lost here, and that's a shame.

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Grant, if you can't tell that I was responding to the people who posted after my last reply in this thread, more precisely the ones who ripped into Tim for something he had no part in, I can't help you.


A longtime SE once shared a piece of advice with me that his first SE told him decades ago: "News is what people are talking about." You don't think anyone would have wondered whether or not Owens was in Orchard Park on Monday if the dastardly media hadn't been there to report his absence? The beat writers would have been there whether Owens was a Buffalo Bill or not, because it was an open session:



The earliest link I've seen for the Alzheimer's announcement was the second one in the original post, 7:00 a.m. Wednesday. John Wawrow got the info, reported and wrote the story, and put it on the AP wire at some point later in the morning, and the major media outlets posted it shortly thereafter. Considering that to the best of my knowledge there were no press releases about the event from either the Bills, Owens, or the Alzheimer's Association, it amazes me that people are actually bitching about the turnaround time on this.


And one other comment: the beat guys aren't the ones suggesting Owens was selfish for getting 81, or skipping some workouts. Columnists and television analysts can share their opinions whenever they wish, as long as they're not flat-out misrepresenting the truth. Please, PLEASE don't lump them in with the reporters actually out there covering stories. Thank you.


And kudos to Owens for trying to make a difference against a horrible disease. That point's been lost here, and that's a shame.

I ripped into him because he started using The Dirty as a rock solid source, when even the most mongoloid of mongoloids could see there was no sourcing there. And guess what: I KNOW I WAS RIGHT FOR DOING SO.


If this is what passes for journalism in Tim's book then maybe some of the things I heard about his Vegas work experience are true.

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this another premature story


This from George Gillette owner of Montreal Canadiens who widely report by almost every single news source over the entire nation and because of his interests in soccer the world


"Even when you think you're doing it right it gets distorted. There is no story yet, we'll find out what it is when we get the reports.


"The need to make headlines sometimes transcends research."


Clearly few if any took time to ask the man is the Canadians were up for sale, it was simply taken off a wire with a big headline and spoken and written as fact by most every talking head or scribe from Iceland to Punky doodle corners. Many selling it with a authoritative all knowing spin and comment as though it be fact. The truth being 99.99 % had and never been within thousands of miles from Mr. Gillette, just as many had not been anywhere Terrell Owens on Monday when the non story of he not attending a voluntary work was posted as absolute fact as being somehow significant.

It being rather obvious those in Washington did not just decide on Tuesday afternoon to have a awards dinner, if I am to buy that news sources are so particular about what goes into print I would expect they would have taken time to ask those involved in matter.

As Mr. Gillette says , "The need to make headlines sometimes transcends research.".

Just a none will ever stand up and say they were to hasty in Terrell Owens story, similarly there will be no admission of wrong and over zealous printing of a unsubstantiated story, that far to many jumped at far to quickly .


"I can't help you grant"... Lori you can do better

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I ripped into him because he started using The Dirty as a rock solid source, when even the most mongoloid of mongoloids could see there was no sourcing there. And guess what: I KNOW I WAS RIGHT FOR DOING SO.


If this is what passes for journalism in Tim's book then maybe some of the things I heard about his Vegas work experience are true.



"Rock solid" enough that he said he wasn't touching it, and never mentioned the site by name?


By the way, to update the original T.O. story from this week, he has now said that he won't be attending ANY workouts unless they're mandatory. I hated it when Henry, McGahee, and Schobel all did it, don't like it now, but I've more or less given up tilting at that particular windmill.

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It's not that T.O didn't show up at the workouts, but the way it was presented from much of the media. The media, now of course I am generalizing, mercilessly chastised him for him not showing up to the voluntary workouts. Obviously, he is a story,and that's what sells, and he has brought on much of this criticism upon himself, but there is no doubt that the media can overblow things.

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It's not that T.O didn't show up at the workouts, but the way it was presented from much of the media. The media, now of course I am generalizing, mercilessly chastised him for him not showing up to the voluntary workouts. Obviously, he is a story,and that's what sells, and he has brought on much of this criticism upon himself, but there is no doubt that the media can overblow things.

Again, I would ask only that you differentiate between the reporters and the commentators. For example, Skip Bayless has been calling Owens "Team Obliterator" for a long time, so I don't expect him to stop now ... but to make that generalization is unfair to guys like Gaughan, Wilson, and Wawrow, in my opinion.

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Again, I would ask only that you differentiate between the reporters and the commentators. For example, Skip Bayless has been calling Owens "Team Obliterator" for a long time, so I don't expect him to stop now ... but to make that generalization is unfair to guys like Gaughan, Wilson, and Wawrow, in my opinion.

I think you misunderstood me, as I mentioned earlier, I was generalizing by using the word "media" . Of course not all of the media has been rippin T.O apart, but much of it has. It's not just the T.V and Radio commentators but also many of the reporters as well. So, by using the word "media" , I don't believe I mispoke at all.

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I think you misunderstood me, as I mentioned earlier, I was generalizing by using the word "media" . Of course not all of the media has been rippin T.O apart, but much of it has. It's not just the T.V and Radio commentators but also many of the reporters as well. So, by using the word "media" , I don't believe I mispoke at all.

Reporters, or columnists? Again, there's a difference. And yeah, I realize I may be belaboring this point, but I take media-bashing a little more personally these days ...

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Terrell Owens



This article a better one



Terrell Owens has a pretty good reason for missing the start of the Bills' voluntary offseason conditioning program this week.


The star receiver is in Washington, D.C., attending the sixth annual National Alzheimer's Gala. He'll receive the Alzheimer's Association's first Young Champions Award on Wednesday night for raising awareness in the fight against the disease. Owens' grandmother has Alzheimer's.

He must have Alzheimers then, because he says he isn't coming to any of the voluntary sessions. Either that or it is one long Award ceremony? This is just the start-brace yourself Bills fans, it will get ugly with time, count on it. Any new player on a team, much less one as celebrated and relied upon as T.O. is, should be there just to jell with his teammates and show he is a team player and not the self centered *ss that everyone knows he is.

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I ripped into him because he started using The Dirty as a rock solid source, when even the most mongoloid of mongoloids could see there was no sourcing there. And guess what: I KNOW I WAS RIGHT FOR DOING SO.


If this is what passes for journalism in Tim's book then maybe some of the things I heard about his Vegas work experience are true.


When I posted those links I explicitly noted that I wouldn't touch it. So I don't consider it journalism, but you obviously ignored that part of my post. If I thought the Dirty was legit, I would have written about it on Monday ... or Tuesday ... or yesterday ... or today. I haven't done so, have I? No, I haven't.


As for my Las Vegas work experience, I'd be interested in hearing about that. Please clarify for everyone, or feel free to drop me a PM and I'll set up a time when we can discuss what you think you know about me rather than recklessly insinuating you have some ambiguous information that pertains to my personal life while under the cloak of anonymity.


That's a douchebag move on your part. So please follow through and share with everybody what you've concocted in your head as an attempt to discredit me on a Buffalo Bills message board, of all places.

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