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So Much For The Terrell Owens bash


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I have to call you out here. This event may, or may not have happened, but even the quickest review of this "evidence" shows some pretty crappy standards for reporting by the Dirty and whatever paper that was. To then present it here as the mainstream media letting him off the hook is ridiculous. NOTHING in either the original internet post, or the later article resembles a sourced fact.


Now, if someone digs up field logs or some sort of police evidence I may stand corrected but as it stands this is just rumor and inuendo.


Call me out? We're in agreement.


If it's worth reporting, we report it.


But don't say we have an agenda, which is what this whole thread is about: "The big bad media is out to get T.O. and only reports the negative stuff." No, we report the newsworthy stuff. The Alzheimer's story is displayed prominently on the ESPN main NFL page and has been for much of the day.

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Call me out? We're in agreement.


If it's worth reporting, we report it.


But don't say we have an agenda, which is what this whole thread is about: "The big bad media is out to get T.O. and only reports the negative stuff." No, we report the newsworthy stuff. The Alzheimer's story is displayed prominently on the ESPN main NFL page and has been for much of the day.

Well then, never mind :censored:

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With respect Tim and you are much appreciated and no intent to argue , but.... I posted this as simple information, I do think it does not speak well though for all the major websites, espn, ssi, cbs, fox, ect that a old man from southern ontario could google and post this story on this wall before they did. What troubling is the haste to post that Terrell Owens did not attend voluntary workouts, I think it fair balance similar haste to post and report the positive.

My post stands on its own, it was posted before any of the supposed connected major sites did so.

- again not to be wise, it to me is disappointing...



Call me out? We're in agreement.


If it's worth reporting, we report it.


But don't say we have an agenda, which is what this whole thread is about: "The big bad media is out to get T.O. and only reports the negative stuff." No, we report the newsworthy stuff. The Alzheimer's story is displayed prominently on the ESPN main NFL page and has been for much of the day.

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Good for T.O. It's always nice to see pro athletes get involved in causes such as this and use their status in society to their advantage in order to raise awareness and dollars. This may or may not be another sign that Owens has matured as an individual overall which could translate to success for him here in Buffalo, but either way it is a good story and a good cause that he is promoting.



It may be as simple as saying the guy is human. The disease is awful and to have someone close to you suffer from it is heartbreaking.

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With respect Tim and you are much appreciated and no intent to argue , but.... I posted this as simple information, I do think it does not speak well though for all the major websites, espn, ssi, cbs, fox, ect that a old man from southern ontario could google and post this story on this wall before they did. What troubling is the haste to post that Terrell Owens did not attend voluntary workouts, I think it fair balance similar haste to post and report the positive.

My post stands on its own, it was posted before any of the supposed connected major sites did so.

- again not to be wise, it to me is disappointing...


We don't have editors constantly Googling the names of every NFL player in search of news. When it comes across the wire in Bristol, Conn., it is formatted for our site, it's edited for content, a headline is put on it, a photo often is inserted and it's posted on the site. That takes time, especially when ESPN receives literally hundreds of stories over its wires every hour.


Other sites can post faster because they have a computer formatting it and don't add photos, hyperlinks, etc. So if you're offended that ESPN had its story posted a whole 90 minutes after the one you found, I would stop to consider how much works goes into the presentation of a site such as ESPN.com over WQOV television in Eau Claire, Wisc. The ESPN.com version has accompanying video, a photo and hyperlinks all over the place.






And I will say this: The lead on the AP story is misleading. Terrell Owens had no trouble spending his time clubbing on South Beach over the weekend. There are plenty of flights to and from Washington D.C. every day. The offseason program began on Monday. This Alzheimer's charity, as admirable as it may be, is not the reason he wasn't in Buffalo for the start of the conditioning program. If you want to believe that, then that's your option. But if you're expecting an apology for getting the story wrong on Monday, it's not forthcoming. He still could have been there if he wanted to be.

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And one more thing: If this is the reason why Owens didn't attend the start of the offseason conditioning program on Monday, then why didn't the Bills say so? The Bills PR staff oversaw all interviews in Orchard Park on Monday, and not one player or the strength and conditioning coach made a point to mention the Alzheimer's function when asked about Owens' absence. Allen Wilson and I each personally spoke to Dick Jauron on Monday and Tuesday and Jauron never mentioned it. The NFL Network spoke to Jauron about it on Tuesday while I was sitting right next to him. Jauron didn't mention it then, either.


That wasn't the reason Owens didn't attend.

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We don't have editors constantly Googling the names of every NFL player in search of news. When it comes across the wire in Bristol, Conn., it is formatted for our site, it's edited for content, a headline is put on it, a photo often is inserted and it's posted on the site. That takes time, especially when ESPN receives literally hundreds of stories over its wires every hour.


Other sites can post faster because they have a computer formatting it and don't add photos, hyperlinks, etc. So if you're offended that ESPN had its story posted a whole 90 minutes after the one you found, I would stop to consider how much works goes into the presentation of a site such as ESPN.com over WQOV television in Eau Claire, Wisc. The ESPN.com version has accompanying video, a photo and hyperlinks all over the place.






And I will say this: The lead on the AP story is misleading. Terrell Owens had no trouble spending his time clubbing on South Beach over the weekend. There are plenty of flights to and from Washington D.C. every day. The offseason program began on Monday. This Alzheimer's charity, as admirable as it may be, is not the reason he wasn't in Buffalo for the start of the conditioning program. If you want to believe that, then that's your option. But if you're expecting an apology for getting the story wrong on Monday, it's not forthcoming. He still could have been there if he wanted to be.

Again, how about some digging? We're taking one gossip webpage as gospel here?

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And one more thing: If this is the reason why Owens didn't attend the start of the offseason conditioning program on Monday, then why didn't the Bills say so? The Bills PR staff oversaw all interviews in Orchard Park on Monday, and not one player or the strength and conditioning coach made a point to mention the Alzheimer's function when asked about Owens' absence. Allen Wilson and I each personally spoke to Dick Jauron on Monday and Tuesday and Jauron never mentioned it. The NFL Network spoke to Jauron about it on Tuesday while I was sitting right next to him. Jauron didn't mention it then, either.


That wasn't the reason Owens didn't attend.

Just because the Bills didn't know about it doesn't mean it wasn't. And was Owens just lounging at home on Monday and Tuesday? Would it have made you media types feel better if he'd attended all 3 workouts, flown out this evening, flown back on a redeye, and attended the rest of the workouts? Why no mention of Lee Evans, Owens' fellow starting WR, missing the voluntary workouts? Should HE get to know Owens?


Does ESPN instruct you guys to spend most of your time talking about the same inane topics ad nauseum?

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No Tim, I don't expect apologies. I would need think for a long time to come up with a time media made apologies for anything period. And yes we totally disagree. It is what it is. And no I am not going to suppose anything about Terrell Owens attentions to participate in a voluntary workout. I don't know for certain if he would have came to Buffalo otherwise, given he was also meeting with congress who is to say he was not busy at other times, not just this evening. I can suppose and conjecture to the positive or to the negative. Its a matter of spin I suppose positive or negative.


I stand by my comment that media quickly jumped on the story of Terrell not attending camp it was everywhere quickly, what I am saying is I would like to see balanced similar speed when he does something positive. It amazes me that instantaneously after game photo's articles can come out, the reports of TO missing workouts so rapid but the system to busy to post him doing something so positive and creating attention to the plight of those with Alzheimer's.

I have met and have many media friends, many have been nothing but polite to me, but yes I believe that some media do put the boots to individuals and communities.

God only knows I hope you get your news from better sources than googling.

I hear when you are saying its a case of simply being busy, if that is what it is so be it.


We don't have editors constantly Googling the names of every NFL player in search of news. When it comes across the wire in Bristol, Conn., it is formatted for our site, it's edited for content, a headline is put on it, a photo often is inserted and it's posted on the site. That takes time, especially when ESPN receives literally hundreds of stories over its wires every hour.


I care very much for the team, the community and the many friends I have made in just about 70 years, as you are going to defend media, and you need make no apologies, I make none for speaking up. Yes I want balanced coverage for those on the teams that represent this community, Buffalo has taken enough crap, its long time folks said enough.




Other sites can post faster because they have a computer formatting it and don't add photos, hyperlinks, etc. So if you're offended that ESPN had its story posted a whole 90 minutes after the one you found, I would stop to consider how much works goes into the presentation of a site such as ESPN.com over WQOV television in Eau Claire, Wisc. The ESPN.com version has accompanying video, a photo and hyperlinks all over the place.






And I will say this: The lead on the AP story is misleading. Terrell Owens had no trouble spending his time clubbing on South Beach over the weekend. There are plenty of flights to and from Washington D.C. every day. The offseason program began on Monday. This Alzheimer's charity, as admirable as it may be, is not the reason he wasn't in Buffalo for the start of the conditioning program. If you want to believe that, then that's your option. But if you're expecting an apology for getting the story wrong on Monday, it's not forthcoming. He still could have been there if he wanted to be.

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Just because the Bills didn't know about it doesn't mean it wasn't. And was Owens just lounging at home on Monday and Tuesday? Would it have made you media types feel better if he'd attended all 3 workouts, flown out this evening, flown back on a redeye, and attended the rest of the workouts? Why no mention of Lee Evans, Owens' fellow starting WR, missing the voluntary workouts? Should HE get to know Owens?


Does ESPN instruct you guys to spend most of your time talking about the same inane topics ad nauseum?


No reason to get combative. This "media type" doesn't give a damn if Terrell Owens attends or not. I haven't passed a single word of judgment on where Owens is or what he's doing. All I've done is provided comments from the Bills about their reaction to him not attending.


What we're instructed to write about is what fans care about. We go by hits and comments. This topic has been among the most popular on ESPN.com according to the numbers, so the fact you find this subject matter not worthy of your time, well, I'm sorry. You're outnumbered. By a lot.


And I believe the Buffalo News, the Associated Press and the NFL Network were the first to produce reports that Owens didn't attend, not ESPN.com. I didn't report a word of it until I spoke to Dick Jauron several hours after the fact.

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Just because the Bills didn't know about it doesn't mean it wasn't. And was Owens just lounging at home on Monday and Tuesday? Would it have made you media types feel better if he'd attended all 3 workouts, flown out this evening, flown back on a redeye, and attended the rest of the workouts? Why no mention of Lee Evans, Owens' fellow starting WR, missing the voluntary workouts? Should HE get to know Owens?


Does ESPN instruct you guys to spend most of your time talking about the same inane topics ad nauseum?


Oh god, if people spent as much time opining for themselves as they do complaining about the media then we all really would be football experts. Why does it matter to you that ESPN spends more energy reporting on Owens than Evans?

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No Tim, I don't expect apologies. I would need think for a long time to come up with a time media made apologies for anything period. And yes we totally disagree. It is what it is. And no I am not going to suppose anything about Terrell Owens attentions to participate in a voluntary workout. I don't know for certain if he would have came to Buffalo otherwise, given he was also meeting with congress who is to say he was not busy at other times, not just this evening. I can suppose and conjecture to the positive or to the negative. Its a matter of spin I suppose positive or negative.


I stand by my comment that media quickly jumped on the story of Terrell not attending camp it was everywhere quickly, what I am saying is I would like to see balanced similar speed when he does something positive. It amazes me that instantaneously after game photo's articles can come out, the reports of TO missing workouts so rapid but the system to busy to post him doing something so positive and creating attention to the plight of those with Alzheimer's.

I have met and have many media friends, many have been nothing but polite to me, but yes I believe that some media do put the boots to individuals and communities.

God only knows I hope you get your news from better sources than googling.

I hear when you are saying its a case of simply being busy, if that is what it is so be it.


The difference was 90 minutes, not 90 days.


I'm sure when the Associated Press sent out the story that T.O. didn't attend the workout on Monday, the delay was about the same between the time it went out on the wire and the time it appeared on our site.

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No Tim, I don't expect apologies. I would need think for a long time to come up with a time media made apologies for anything period. And yes we totally disagree. It is what it is. And no I am not going to suppose anything about Terrell Owens attentions to participate in a voluntary workout. I don't know for certain if he would have came to Buffalo otherwise, given he was also meeting with congress who is to say he was not busy at other times, not just this evening. I can suppose and conjecture to the positive or to the negative. Its a matter of spin I suppose positive or negative.


I stand by my comment that media quickly jumped on the story of Terrell not attending camp it was everywhere quickly, what I am saying is I would like to see balanced similar speed when he does something positive. It amazes me that instantaneously after game photo's articles can come out, the reports of TO missing workouts so rapid but the system to busy to post him doing something so positive and creating attention to the plight of those with Alzheimer's.

I have met and have many media friends, many have been nothing but polite to me, but yes I believe that some media do put the boots to individuals and communities.

God only knows I hope you get your news from better sources than googling.

I hear when you are saying its a case of simply being busy, if that is what it is so be it.

There is no doubt that the media is very quick to jump on anything that could be perceived to be negative regarding T.O


is it uncalled for? probably not, he has put himself in a position to where he will attract negative media.


Will the media ever apologize for jumping the gun if they were misguided in their reporting? Probably not.


It is what it is.

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No reason to get combative. This "media type" doesn't give a damn if Terrell Owens attends or not. I haven't passed a single word of judgment on where Owens is or what he's doing. All I've done is provided comments from the Bills about their reaction to him not attending.


What we're instructed to write about is what fans care about. We go by hits and comments. This topic has been among the most popular on ESPN.com according to the numbers, so the fact you find this subject matter not worthy of your time, well, I'm sorry. You're outnumbered. By a lot.


And I believe the Buffalo News, the Associated Press and the NFL Network were the first to produce reports that Owens didn't attend, not ESPN.com. I didn't report a word of it until I spoke to Dick Jauron several hours after the fact.

I can read people pretty well, Tim. I've read many of your articles and I know that you just don't like TO. I know you'll deny it, but based on your articles, it's pretty obvious. I personally don't buy the "I was too busy to write..." stuff when it's supposed to be your job to report on stories concerning the AFC East. You reported on him missing workouts, yet the AP reports that he's in DC tonight and thus has an excuse.


So let's hear your take on TO and what he will or won't do for the Bills. Also why, if you chose to admit it, you don't like him.

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Oh god, if people spent as much time opining for themselves as they do complaining about the media then we all really would be football experts. Why does it matter to you that ESPN spends more energy reporting on Owens than Evans?

It has nothing to do with "more energy reporting." It has to do with ANY reporting on Evans, a la "Owens didn't attend workouts, but neither did fellow starting WR Lee Evans."

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