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I feel that the T.O. Spotlight will raise the bar....


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T.O. Brings us to primetime football, the first Monday night game of the year. That will be the most watched / covered game to start the year. The players will realize that there is a higher level and expectations when the world zooms in on your play. No hiding on MNF, no excuses & it showcases the better teams.


The league knows what's coming, North America's Team to a TV near you.

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T.O. Brings us to primetime football, the first Monday night game of the year. That will be the most watched / covered game to start the year. The players will realize that there is a higher level and expectations when the world zooms in on your play. No hiding on MNF, no excuses & it showcases the better teams.


The league knows what's coming, North America's Team to a TV near you.

Agree, but when the bar is already lying on the ground, there's no place to go but up.

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That was moulds that got jealous on the Miami sidelines and distracted the team.


No worries. I'm sure TO won't do anything like that...you know, get jealous on the sidelines and distract the team. How people on this board can suffer from such extreme homerism, and think all is going to be well with TO is frickin insane. You are completely ignoring a career's worth of evidence showing you how this story is going to go. Oh I know, he's always fine in his 1st year. Most of that is because he has always joined winning programs, and everything went well at first. He is now joining the worst team he has ever joined, and he seems to be the only person that doesn't realize his skills are declining. That is an absolute recipe for disaster. As soon as he is not putting up the kind of numbers he used to, he is going to throw some Bills under the bus and pass blame just like he always has. If you all take off you Bills fan blinders, you know how this is going to end.

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