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David Letterman secretly married


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I saw that. Julia Roberts, who is apparently friends with Lettermen, gave him a raft of crap on his show after his son was born about him not marrying the mom. I felt the same way. You live with a woman for almost 15 years, have a baby with her, you're pushing 60, so what are you waiting for?? Not sure she's Mrs Right??? Be a man Dave and marry your kid's mom already.



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I saw that. Julia Roberts, who is apparently friends with Lettermen, gave him a raft of crap on his show after his son was born about him not marrying the mom. I felt the same way. You live with a woman for almost 15 years, have a baby with her, you're pushing 60, so what are you waiting for?? Not sure she's Mrs Right??? Be a man Dave and marry your kid's mom already.




He often said that his first marriage was such a hellacious experience for him he didn't want to get married again. I have no problem believing that his girlfriend and kid were well provided for.


I saw a Letterman show where Roberts said she had been interested in dating Letterman but she heard there was no way he'd be interested.


From the article;


But the afternoon ceremony at the Teton County Courthouse in Choteau (pop. 1,700) was delayed by an hour because the family's pickup truck was stuck in mud two miles from their house. Letterman was forced to walk back in a howling gale to get the car.


"So then we get in the car and Harry says, 'Are we still going into town?' and I said, 'Yes, we are,' and he gets very upset because Mom had told him if I wasn't back in an hour, the deal was off."




I didn't realize they had been dating for 23 years. :rolleyes:

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