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An Angel in Queens, "The Chicken and Rice Man


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In all sincerity it would be interesting to hear what others do in terms of volunteering. I am sure many do , but have no desire to draw any attention to themselves, but perhaps in doing so would give others input on idea's. Personally work once a week at foodbank, twice a week helping prepare meals for those having a tough time and will soon be doing work with hospice program.

Kind of think often we look to hard at doing to much or what we perceive as something that will make a difference. In my opinion us just being kind is something we all can do no matter the financial attributes we may have. Many folks do live alone, their daily journeys out to shopping the only time they even have contact with others. At times I suspect another person simply showing themselves friendly and taking time for some conversation, does make a big difference. In this sense each of us can do a great work. (imo)



(but Poojer, we will be following your progress, as i have said always, if all else fails, bring her to the wall, we are all here to

help..... :blink: )

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