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Quoted for truth.

Quoted for stupidity. Define intellectual. My resume and educational background would indicate that I'm highly intellectual and yet I'm a conservative libertarian atheist.


I find that the liberals that scream the loudest about being well educated and open minded are the idiots that majored in some liberal arts degree that only prepared them to thumb their noses at others while being totally unprepared for the real world.

Quoted for stupidity. Define intellectual. My resume and educational background would indicate that I'm highly intellectual and yet I'm a conservative libertarian atheist.


I find that the liberals that scream the loudest about being well educated and open minded are the idiots that majored in some liberal arts degree that only prepared them to thumb their noses at others while being totally unprepared for the real world.


intellectual = agrees with him

Quoted for stupidity. Define intellectual. My resume and educational background would indicate that I'm highly intellectual and yet I'm a conservative libertarian atheist.


I find that the liberals that scream the loudest about being well educated and open minded are the idiots that majored in some liberal arts degree that only prepared them to thumb their noses at others while being totally unprepared for the real world.


interesting. could i get you to state your stance on like gay rights.. and abortions?

interesting. could i get you to state your stance on like gay rights.. and abortions?

Yeah, there is something to be proud of. killing another human. Woohoo, you're so good. You can kill someone and feel no remorse in your pea brain. good for you. Of course, put a condom on and no problem. i agree it's a little stickier in rape cases, but for the 99.9999999999999999999999999% of the cases, stupidity on the participants part should not result in the death of a human.


well that is a simplistic response to a complicated problem. are fetuses humans even? what about stem cells then? how does abortions compare to killing in war, or death penalty? what about planetary overpopulation? what about statistical data that shows more abortions correlates to less crime? what of mothers who flat out cannot or should not take care of the child? the real question is - at what point does the thing turn from non-human to human? (and thus having rights).

well that is a simplistic response to a complicated problem. are fetuses humans even? what about stem cells then? how does abortions compare to killing in war, or death penalty? what about planetary overpopulation? what about statistical data that shows more abortions correlates to less crime? what of mothers who flat out cannot or should not take care of the child? the real question is - at what point does the thing turn from non-human to human? (and thus having rights).


Here, Ill save ya the time....


"Womens rights, Christians are dumb intolerant hicks but I think religion is a sham and anyone who is reglious should be rounded up and sent to Dachau, a fetus doesnt think/read the New York Times so its not a person, Im "intelectual", etc. etc. etc."

well that is a simplistic response to a complicated problem. are fetuses humans even? what about stem cells then? how does abortions compare to killing in war, or death penalty? what about planetary overpopulation? what about statistical data that shows more abortions correlates to less crime? what of mothers who flat out cannot or should not take care of the child? the real question is - at what point does the thing turn from non-human to human? (and thus having rights).

People say when the human is viable. Well a 1 year old cannot survive, so why not let parents who don't want a kid say up to 3 they can just kill the kid. No problem. Again, if they are adult enough to have kids, they adult enough to use protection and not get pregnant.


War and death penalty is easier. The death penalty, the criminal did something violent enough that they should no longer be considered human. Remove them from the population. War, a little tougher, but defending your family and friends justifies it.

Of course not. Only people who believe in the Bible have that.


Not for nothing, but I would think those who have devoted their lives to its teachings and content and spend a good portion of their time studying it do have a bit more "inside information" or understanding than someone who never cracked the thing opened. And Im not saying you have to "bleive" in the Bible to get that understanding either. Plently of scholars and religious have an understanding of their's and other religions.


But I wouldnt put someone like conner in this class....someone who "left the Church" not so much for what it taught, but because going meant he had to wake up before noon.


And not for nothing, I dont understand this "all or none" mentaility that non-believers have about those who are believers. If every beleiver took everything said in the Bible/Koran/Talmud, etc. at its face value, there would be ONE sect of Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc. Difference of opinion and interpretations of the Books are one of the primary keys to religion. Case in point for a religious holiday coming up.....You think Jews will spend all night....literally......arguing and interpreting and debating the meaning of the story of Passover for thier health? If they all beleived in the "all or none" mentaility you folks THINK they do...they would say...hers the story...good night...lets drink some wine. Another one....why do you thing Catholic Mass has a huge portion of the Mass smack dab in the middle of it devoted to the Priest discussing and debating and interpreting the meaning of the Gospel that was just read?


You people should really LEARN about what you spend so much time mocking and showing disdain for. You call beleivers "ignorant" yet most non-believers are just as much so about what really goes on. Religion is not a zero sum game. Stop saying it is.


Reply to connor-post 47



It is a living human the instant the egg and sperm nuclei fuse. It is living- does the thing that all living things do, and has a unique human genome.


Stem cells- adult stem cells and stem cells from cord blood are working. Embryonic are not. The last publicized experiment gave the patient tumors. And Bush didn't bam it. He banned the use of federal $. Companies were free to use their own $.


2005-820,000 abortions. All of WWII- about 500,000 US killed. War on Terror-4800 military in 7..5 years., about 7800 if 9/11 is added.

Reply to connor-post 47



It is a living human the instant the egg and sperm nuclei fuse. It is living- does the thing that all living things do, and has a unique human genome.


Stem cells- adult stem cells and stem cells from cord blood are working. Embryonic are not. The last publicized experiment gave the patient tumors. And Bush didn't bam it. He banned the use of federal $. Companies were free to use their own $.


2005-820,000 abortions. All of WWII- about 500,000 US killed. War on Terror-4800 military in 7..5 years., about 7800 if 9/11 is added.


Abortion is murder. Millions of lives have been nipped at the bud because the parents didn't feel like being hassled by a kid, and our society gives the OK because "it's a woman's right to decide what happens to her body". Here's the thing...it's not the woman's body. It's the baby's body, and it happens to be growing inside the woman.


I don't know how any sensible person can make the decision to abort their baby, and not hate themselves for it.


My aunt was pregnant two times and gave birth to a still born both times. Now, she can no longer have a baby. Try telling her that a woman should get to decide to abort because it's inconvenient to be pregnant.


As for stem cells, I don't really have an ethical problem with it but I still think that there is a threshhold of science that we should not cross.

I sincerely hope you have read it and understand its principles.



Which principles? "The Bible" (seriously, that's a real doozie) seems contradictory on some.


If I'm going to sit down with a piece of theological fiction, I'll take the Urantia Book, which is far more advanced than the outdated Bible.

Which principles? "The Bible" (seriously, that's a real doozie) seems contradictory on some.


If I'm going to sit down with a piece of theological fiction, I'll take the Urantia Book, which is far more advanced than the outdated Bible.

How would you know?

Which principles? "The Bible" (seriously, that's a real doozie) seems contradictory on some.


If I'm going to sit down with a piece of theological fiction, I'll take the Urantia Book, which is far more advanced than the outdated Bible.


I look forward to the next time you lecture someone on intolerance and ignorance.


Shame....you seemed like a pretty fart smella.

Abortion is murder. Millions of lives have been nipped at the bud because the parents didn't feel like being hassled by a kid, and our society gives the OK because "it's a woman's right to decide what happens to her body". Here's the thing...it's not the woman's body. It's the baby's body, and it happens to be growing inside the woman.


I don't know how any sensible person can make the decision to abort their baby, and not hate themselves for it.


My aunt was pregnant two times and gave birth to a still born both times. Now, she can no longer have a baby. Try telling her that a woman should get to decide to abort because it's inconvenient to be pregnant.


As for stem cells, I don't really have an ethical problem with it but I still think that there is a threshhold of science that we should not cross.

You're a man. You don't get a vote.

You're a man. You don't get a vote.


Look, all men!! <_<

Apparently their vote counted: Harry Blackmun, William J. Brennan, Chief Justice Warren Burger, William O. Douglas, Thurgood Marshall, Lewis Powell and Potter Stewart.


RkFast I left because I reached a point where I could no longer honestly deny the fact that the bible no more written by God than any other book was. Once you don't trust the Bible as the divine anymore, the rest of your beliefs have no choice but to go out the window also.


And once a fetus is no longer a soul and no longer does there exists a heaven or hell, well who care to force a woman to have a baby she doesn't want. It's just not that big of a deal, a sperm and egg got together a few weeks before. Whatever. It's not like this fetus has the ability to form memories or makes friends or communicate with anything. It's as human as the cow that is in the burger you are going to eat for lunch.


Whatever, I am stepping on some toes here. Being so straightforwardly practical is bound to be offensive to someone.

RkFast I left because I reached a point where I could no longer honestly deny the fact that the bible no more written by God than any other book was. Once you don't trust the Bible as the divine anymore, the rest of your beliefs have no choice but to go out the window also.


And once a fetus is no longer a soul and no longer does there exists a heaven or hell, well who care to force a woman to have a baby she doesn't want. It's just not that big of a deal, a sperm and egg got together a few weeks before. Whatever. It's not like this fetus has the ability to form memories or makes friends or communicate with anything. It's as human as the cow that is in the burger you are going to eat for lunch.


Whatever, I am stepping on some toes here. Being so straightforwardly practical is bound to be offensive to someone.


Who said the Bible was "written by God?" Its the word of God, but not written by Him. God's word is what is divine.

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