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  conner said:
Well princess, what you like to talk about?


I know you probably want to talk about WTC7. Talk about myths that you believe!

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  LABillzFan said:
Y'know, what's interesting to me is that so many people here want to mock the Bible as well as people who adhere to it, but I think your problems may not be the Bible, but rather organized religion.


Most people who believe in the Bible turn to it for guidance when they're confused, or comfort when they're in pain or suffered a loss, or strength in bad times. For all the reading of the Bible I've done, and I've done plenty, the basic message is one of faith, strength, guidance and hope. In the past year my wife has really embraced Christianity. It's not my gig, but she embarked on this journey to be a better person, a better wife and a better mother. As a result of this newfound commitment, she spends a tremendous amount of her free time helping needy people, volunteering/donating an incredible amount of time, food and clothing in an effort to help others less fortunate than herself. And she does this with a large group of people all doing the same thing.


And yes, she prays. She prays for sick people to get better. She prays to be a better person, wife and mother. She prays for the protection of her family, and she prays for the health and well-being of our town, our country and our world.


While I appreciate the fact that the Bible, and apparently praying, are ridiculous to you, I have never understood why ANYONE would mock people for doing something that is simply being done for the primary purpose of making the world a better place.

If you problem is organized religion, I get that. But to just mock people for seeking strength, guidance and hope...and seeking those items by doing good for others...well, that's pretty unfortunate.


Great post. I think it is because they are insecure. Just my opinion.


BTW, it seems to work for recovering drunks.

  conner said:
Well princess, what you like to talk about?


Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a theological discussion even though I'm an agnostic. But the thing about the bible versus the Urantia book was just a pissing contest between the two parties involved.

  Chump Change said:
Great post. I think it is because they are insecure. Just my opinion.


BTW, it seems to work for recovering drunks.

I don't know if it's a matter of being insecure. It's likely more a matter of somehow getting an elevated sense of superiority. It's like the people who make predictions during the football season, and when their prediction comes true, they come running back yelling "See! I told you so!"


But it's not like Christians think turning themselves into a suicide bomb will grant them a dozen virgins. And quite frankly, so what if Christians are wrong? If they somehow found comfort at ANY level from ANY ethereal being, so what? Who the hell cares? Well, except the person who feels the need to be excessively critical of people who think or believe differently than they do, but I can tell you this much: the person who laughs at the believer better hope to holy hell they're right. Running around laughing at people for believing in a higher power isn't one of those things you probably want to get wrong.

  LABillzFan said:
I don't know if it's a matter of being insecure. It's likely more a matter of somehow getting an elevated sense of superiority. It's like the people who make predictions during the football season, and when their prediction comes true, they come running back yelling "See! I told you so!"


But it's not like Christians think turning themselves into a suicide bomb will grant them a dozen virgins. And quite frankly, so what if Christians are wrong? If they somehow found comfort at ANY level from ANY ethereal being, so what? Who the hell cares? Well, except the person who feels the need to be excessively critical of people who think or believe differently than they do, but I can tell you this much: the person who laughs at the believer better hope to holy hell they're right. Running around laughing at people for believing in a higher power isn't one of those things you probably want to get wrong.


Only a dozen virgins? Damn, we are sending way too many of those MF's to their final glory. The used to get 72 each upon arrival. Must be running low.

  conner said:
interesting. could i get you to state your stance on like gay rights.. and abortions?

I'm a libertarian so I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I don't care about what homosexuals do behind closed doors or if they want to marry. I used to be very pro-choice and I guess I still am, however since my wife became pregnant, I'm not as "gung-ho" as I used to be. It's one thing to be in college and to be in support of something you have no experience in. It's another thing when your wife is carrying your child. At the first ultrasound, you get to see the body developing and a heart beating. I got my PhD while working in a pediatrics/neonatology department and still really can't tell you when life begins, but to me, my kid was alive at 10 weeks. While I support a woman's right to choose, I'd like people to consider personal responsibility and the consequences their actions have. I loathe the idea of a woman getting rid of a fetus because it was a one night mistake with some guy, but I wouldn't want to force her to keep it. If it's rape or some sort of birth defect, by all means do whatever you feel is right. God doesn't play a role in my points of view. I was never brought up to believe in one. My big thing is personal responsibility.

  sweet baboo said:
I'm a libertarian so I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I don't care about what homosexuals do behind closed doors or if they want to marry. I used to be very pro-choice and I guess I still am, however since my wife became pregnant, I'm not as "gung-ho" as I used to be. It's one thing to be in college and to be in support of something you have no experience in. It's another thing when your wife is carrying your child. At the first ultrasound, you get to see the body developing and a heart beating. I got my PhD while working in a pediatrics/neonatology department and still really can't tell you when life begins, but to me, my kid was alive at 10 weeks. While I support a woman's right to choose, I'd like people to consider personal responsibility and the consequences their actions have. I loathe the idea of a woman getting rid of a fetus because it was a one night mistake with some guy, but I wouldn't want to force her to keep it. If it's rape or some sort of birth defect, by all means do whatever you feel is right. God doesn't play a role in my points of view. I was never brought up to believe in one. My big thing is personal responsibility.



Well spoken. I disagree that God doesn't play a role, but otherwise, I agree.

  Booster4324 said:
Well spoken. I disagree that God doesn't play a role, but otherwise, I agree.

You disagree with "God doesn't play a role" in HIS point of view? And people think I'm arrogant? :nana:

  conner said:
very cool sweet baboo, I've got no problems with you or your stances.


Which is the same stance as others that you disagree and whine about , but becuase baboo was "nice" in his delivery, youre OK with it?


What are you? 4?


right now my problems in politics are twofold..


1. people who try to demonize obama (aka "obama caused the stock market to crash" type folks)

2. people who vote based on a candidates abortion stance (there are 100's of other issues)


i haven't seen sweet baboo do either. i have seen you do both.

  conner said:
right now my problems in politics are twofold..


1. people who try to demonize obama (aka "obama caused the stock market to crash" type folks)

2. people who vote based on a candidates abortion stance (there are 100's of other issues)


i haven't seen sweet baboo do either. i have seen you do both.

How is this any different than the :

1. people who try to demonize bush(aka "Bush picked his nose" type folks)

2. people who vote based on a candidates abortion stance (there are 100's of other issues)


So are you saying the very logical and reasonable arguments against Bush should not be made. That he took us into an Iraq war we did not need to be in, that he approved of torturing people, that he did not seek council and advice from the best and brightest in a field, that there is no historical precedent that show his tax cuts for the rich help the economy, that his foreign policy isolated the U.S. and made people around the world hate us, that he mishandled the katrina disaster, that his administration illegally hired and fired people based on political stance and not on expertise or ability, that he bullied the white house lawyers into doing what he wanted.


And that's not a comprehensive list.


You are saying all of these arguments which have evidences and reasonable arguments against him should not be made?


And as for your #2, yeah I know I agree that's what I just said.

  conner said:
So are you saying the very logical and reasonable arguments against Bush should not be made. That he took us into an Iraq war we did not need to be in, that he approved of torturing people, that he did not seek council and advice from the best and brightest in a field, that there is no historical precedent that show his tax cuts for the rich help the economy, that his foreign policy isolated the U.S. and made people around the world hate us, that he mishandled the katrina disaster, that his administration illegally hired and fired people based on political stance and not on expertise or ability, that he bullied the white house lawyers into doing what he wanted.


And that's not a comprehensive list.


You are saying all of these arguments which have evidences and reasonable arguments against him should not be made?


And as for your #2, yeah I know I agree that's what I just said.

Part of the problem with your thinking is that you clearly believe the government should be here to help you. The government should be deeply involved in the lives of the people. You'll never be happy with the basis of Republican thinking until you understand and accept the concept of personal accountability. We need less government in our lives and our businesses. Much less. But you seem to believe we need more, otherwise you would never, ever suggest that the federal government was responsible for mishandling Katrina.

  conner said:
So are you saying the very logical and reasonable arguments against Bush should not be made. That he took us into an Iraq war we did not need to be in, that he approved of torturing people, that he did not seek council and advice from the best and brightest in a field, that there is no historical precedent that show his tax cuts for the rich help the economy, that his foreign policy isolated the U.S. and made people around the world hate us, that he mishandled the katrina disaster, that his administration illegally hired and fired people based on political stance and not on expertise or ability, that he bullied the white house lawyers into doing what he wanted.


And that's not a comprehensive list.


You are saying all of these arguments which have evidences and reasonable arguments against him should not be made?


And as for your #2, yeah I know I agree that's what I just said.

Whether or not we needed to be in iraq, is up for debate. I am sure there is probably plenty of information not public, that the decision was based on. Let's also not forget that congress voted for war, and let's not forget that congress who holds the purse strings continues to vote for that war.


How gitmo is handled is too difficult for your brain to handle. It should not have happened but for reasons you can't grasp. the folks captured should have been given a field military tribunal on the spot, found guilty, tortured as foreign enemies (non-status spies basically) and shot. Yes torture is permitted for non-status types and they have no right under international or US laws.


There is plenty of precident that tax cuts help the economy, you choose to ignore them. there is plenty of evidence that too much government reguilation, and involvement in facts makes things a lot worse and more protracted (see FDR and Carter as the 2 main culprits). FDR was saved only by the war.


Your knowledge and understanding of foreign politics comes from the NY Times and CNN is laughable. You have no idea how we are perceived around the world. Have you even been anywhere other than Canada? have you spent a year or more in foreign lands? How do you think we were perceived even before Bush? Again, repeating what the media tells you is not a good sign. As far as isolation goes, Obama has done more for isolation in 60 days then Bush ever did. Putting in isolationist trade agreement and propping up US industry while making it more difficult to get into US markets does more to hurt foreign influences then making public stands against sub-human scum.


Firing/no-firing, happens all the time and you're an ostrich if you believe otherwise. Must be nice to sit in a nice castle believing you understand DC politics and how the government works. regardless of if his admin did or didn't it was never proven.


katrina, was not mishandled contrary to what you an the media say. Moving that much people and equipment doesn't happen in days, and the fact they reacted as quick as they did is amazing. there are also a lot of politcal crap the left threw to block a lot of what his admin did that you choose to ignore or might not even know. I have some insight as to some of them, and you'd be amazed that some on the left would rather watch thousands suffer and die to further their agenda then to help or at least keep out of the way.


LA, yeah man your right. and curse those damn nosy government paid cops and their crime stopping way.




... there is a balance man. I think helping people who had a freeking hurricane level their house is not exactly crazy.

  conner said:
I had to stop reading right there. That is a flat out lie and shows me you've not done your research.

Choosing to ignore facts is one way to ensure you will go through life both ignorant and stupid.


i suspose you also believe that FDR didn't force the US involvement by blocking fuel delivery to japan.

  conner said:
LA, yeah man your right. and curse those damn nosy government paid cops and their crime stopping way.




... there is a balance man. I think helping people who had a freeking hurricane level their house is not exactly crazy.


And technically NOT the Fed's responsibility. Its barely the LOCAL Govt's responsibility.


But the left got in such a tizzy becuase AF1 didnt LAND in New Orleans in the days following. THAT is what they focused on, of all the things. BUSH's Fed Response. Not Governor Blanco's ignoring the problem or Nagin hiding under his desk. BUSH. They focused on BUSH and his one soundbyte. Meanwhile, next door, Mississippi was back up and running while those in Louisiana were still whining about......BUSH. And "Chocolate."

  conner said:
LA, yeah man your right. and curse those damn nosy government paid cops and their crime stopping way.


... there is a balance man. I think helping people who had a freeking hurricane level their house is not exactly crazy.

It's easier to help people if they first make an effort to help themselves. When the only local effort made is to ignore warnings and then go on TV yelling "Where is the federal government???" while standing next to a parking lot filled with empty, flooded buses, well...you can understand how people who believe in personal accountability are miffed by people who expect everything in spite of their doing nothing themselves.


Bush had his faults. Katrina was not one of them.

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