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Personalized Jersey = Rosy Palm


Agreed. I thought it was Man Law that you can't get your name (or nickname in this case) on the back of a jersey unless you are under 12 years old or actually playing for the team of the jersey you are wearing.


I'm assuming you aren't 12... and I know you're not playing for the Bills... so feel free to return your Man Card at any time!

I tried to order a personalized jersey on NFLSHOP.COM and they veto'd me because of what it said. My nick name is Moff Diver. I get the connotation and similarities. Anyone know any websites that will write whatever you want on a jersey? I protested with them but I think I'm gonna lose. Boot leg stuff = fine with me if the NFL does not want my money, some enterprising Indonesian surely does.


Just go with your other nick name...WhineyLittleBitch


Just kidding...but you gotta understand why a multi-billion dollar business wouldn't want people messing with their image.

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