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Racism shouldn't be automatically assumed, but it shouldn't be summarily disregarded, either. We shall see, but the police do not have a particularly sparkling record of racial fairness and equity when dealing with African American suspects.

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Racism shouldn't be automatically assumed, but it shouldn't be summarily disregarded, either. We shall see, but the police do not have a particularly sparkling record of racial fairness and equity when dealing with African American suspects.

One must be very careful in allowing past history and perception to have any influence on how we view certain groups. I feel you struggle with your stereotyping of police, more than anyone here (at least publicly) stereotypes any ethnic group. Perhaps only certain types of predjudice are allowed?

Naw, they should just dismiss is as a "terrible accident." B-)


And he reportedly had blood drawn twice, an hour apart. The 0.14 was probably the first and the 0.12 the second. If that's true, he obviously lied about his alcohol intake. Which is odd because people who talk immediately ALWAYS tell the truth. Right Mr. WEO?


I would be a fool to agree to that straw man argument, chief. I said a while back that if he broke no law then this would be a terrible accident. Obviously he broke the law and will suffer the consequences. Pretty simple when you think about it.



Athletes are in top shape, metaboically, as well, and I think that they can handle, again metabolically speaking more

alcohol than the average Joe, that and the tolerances that the develop, so I could believe that over a relatively long period,

(3-4-5-6 hours)they could and probably do consume an astronomical amount of liquor, 50 might be a reach, but 30-40 not out of the question at all, cite my Wade Boggs earlier post refernce. I was just saying, for him to have stopped at Midnight, and still be at .12, he would had to have consumed more than you are thinking, even if he had stopped at 3 or 4 am, to be a .12, he was pounding them. Rememeber , if you pound 7 drinks back let's say in a 1/2 hour, you are close to .12, but over 2 hours, you will be slightly under the limit, again if you are 220 lb.'s.


To those that say it is a mute point, Did you stumble on to the wrong site, this is a discussion board, um...

we discuss stuff.


BTW, it is a mute point, as it is what it is, a sad and very tragic story, and my thoughts and prayers go out

to both famalies.


A comic was telling his grandfather an Irish Joke, and he Said, "Grandpa, two Irisman walked into a bar", and his Grandpa interupted him with "of course they did"


First, in your Wade Boggs post you mentioned that it was "reported," in this post you "think" an athlete in peak physical condition can process alcohol out of their system at a faster rate than a typically condition person. Again I will mention what I said before about volume. 36 beers that are 12 ounces each is 432 ounces of beer. 432 ounces is 3.4 gallons of liquid. Wikipedia tells me that one gallon of water equals 8.34 pounds. Granted beer most likely has a lower density than water because of the alcohol, but thats splitting hairs. Anyway 3.4 gallons of water weighs roughly 28 pounds. You are saying that a human being is placing 28 pounds of liquid into their system in a 4 or 5 hour period. Plus on top of that the person is increasing their BAC 36beers x .02/beer - .02/hour * 5 hours....so they raise their BAC to .72 and subtract .1 over that five hour period. That means Wade Boggs was sitting on an airplane (where alcohol's effects are more significant due to the lowered pressure), with a BAC of .62 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_poisoning ..... according to this a BAC of .5 or greater is death, according to the math above, Wade Boggs would have drank 6 more drinks after reaching .5.


Also, do you have proof that a person who is in top physical condition processes alcohol at a faster rate? If they can process it out of their system quicker, is the pace at which the alcohol is processed significant compared to a typical person. Come on, the athletes heart and central nervous system is in top form, but their liver? Clearly his brain isn't working at a higher capacity. Plus who knows what supliments he is taking, if he has those in his system, wouldn't the liver's time be used on processing those as well?


Yes, this did take my entire lunch break.

I would be a fool to agree to that straw man argument, chief. I said a while back that if he broke no law then this would be a terrible accident. Obviously he broke the law and will suffer the consequences. Pretty simple when you think about it.



Yes, pretty simple.

First, in your Wade Boggs post you mentioned that it was "reported," in this post you "think" an athlete in peak physical condition can process alcohol out of their system at a faster rate than a typically condition person. Again I will mention what I said before about volume. 36 beers that are 12 ounces each is 432 ounces of beer. 432 ounces is 3.4 gallons of liquid. Wikipedia tells me that one gallon of water equals 8.34 pounds. Granted beer most likely has a lower density than water because of the alcohol, but thats splitting hairs. Anyway 3.4 gallons of water weighs roughly 28 pounds. You are saying that a human being is placing 28 pounds of liquid into their system in a 4 or 5 hour period. Plus on top of that the person is increasing their BAC 36beers x .02/beer - .02/hour * 5 hours....so they raise their BAC to .72 and subtract .1 over that five hour period. That means Wade Boggs was sitting on an airplane (where alcohol's effects are more significant due to the lowered pressure), with a BAC of .62 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_poisoning ..... according to this a BAC of .5 or greater is death, according to the math above, Wade Boggs would have drank 6 more drinks after reaching .5.


Also, do you have proof that a person who is in top physical condition processes alcohol at a faster rate? If they can process it out of their system quicker, is the pace at which the alcohol is processed significant compared to a typical person. Come on, the athletes heart and central nervous system is in top form, but their liver? Clearly his brain isn't working at a higher capacity. Plus who knows what supliments he is taking, if he has those in his system, wouldn't the liver's time be used on processing those as well?


Yes, this did take my entire lunch break.


Dude, come on man, haven't you ever been to a keg party before? Yes, you are correct, it is my opinion that athltetes in

general are able to process alcohol quicker than the average Joe, it, again, is just my opinion, and I did say reportedly

Wade drank 36 beers, I cannot confirm it, as I was not on the flight with him, but do I believe, you bet I do. However, it

is not opinion, but fact that the larger the person is, the better able to process alchol quicker than a lighter person, so body weight, and no doubt BMI have a lot to do with it as well, in other words, just like a lot of things, Marijuana included, the bodies ability to porocess something is dependentant greatly on that persons pyshilogical make up, and it would not take much of a strech to belive that a person with a comparably lower BMI (body fat) measurement would be aable to process

something quicker, and we know that most atletes have a pretty low BMI. The supplements might actual accelerate the process. What if he were drinking shots, and not beer, kind of deflates your argument about mass doesn't it. It's pretty common knowledge that marijuana takes a lot less time to clear the system of a lean person vrs. a heavyweight person, and it is processed through the liver as well.



Here is a link to the Boggs story,http://tastybooze.com/2007/04/the-origin-of-boggs/

not real good at links, so you might have to eneter it into your address bar. Just in case you still doubt me.


Fair enough, but that was talking about an entire day...in the morning at the club house, the 7 hour flight, and while they were hanging out at the club house...that's still a lot, but he didn't consume it all on a 4-5 hour flight as was implied in the original post.

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