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Whatever happened to Pyrite Gal?

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Changed her name to Skooby...





Skooby is a brain-dead starter of useless threads. He's solidly in the bottom 10% of posters on The Wall, all time.


Pyrite Gal was a thoughtful and serious poster. Wordy? Yes. Stupid? Hardly.


Pyrite's worst post is better than anything Skooby could dream of posting.

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If you have "thin skin", you're on the wrong board.



I don't think Pyrite had thin skin, or cared about the attacks from posters who are too stupid, or lazy, to read a post longer than two or three sentences.


My guess is he is taking a break (as I have had to in the past) to get away from some of the low-level bashing that goes on, around here.

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I don't think Pyrite had thin skin, or cared about the attacks from posters who are too stupid, or lazy, to read a post longer than two or three sentences.


My guess is he is taking a break (as I have had to in the past) to get away from some of the low-level bashing that goes on, around here.


BarryBrady/Fake-Fat Sunny/Pyrite Gal/etc. also was in serious need of an editor. Always said he could edit his stream-of-consciousness posts if he wanted to... but he didn't want to.


I also don't think posters were too lazy or stupid to read his posts. Any time I would try, I would find myself with early symptoms of an aneurysm and getting really angry at trying to fill in and correct in my mind what he was trying to say (since he didn't bother with grammar, spell-check or to edit). Also a problem was that he would take 100 lines to say the same damn point over and over and over when his argument could have been done with one line.


It was like that Lewis Black routine of "If it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college."

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I don't think Pyrite had thin skin, or cared about the attacks from posters who are too stupid, or lazy, to read a post longer than two or three sentences.


My guess is he is taking a break (as I have had to in the past) to get away from some of the low-level bashing that goes on, around here.


I believe Pyrite Gal is a woman.

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Skooby is a brain-dead starter of useless threads. He's solidly in the bottom 10% of posters on The Wall, all time.


Pyrite Gal was a thoughtful and serious poster. Wordy? Yes. Stupid? Hardly.


Pyrite's worst post is better than anything Skooby could dream of posting.



Yeah... I figured maybe Pyrite Gal would just do the opposite...and recreate herself as Skooby. I always like Pyrite Gals' posts...I can only remember one time really disagreeing with her about something... but I may not have made it through entire posts.


PG, if you are still out there, and just lurking, come on back. I have a similar tendency to make my posts too long for most people to bother reading, but like your posts, they are full of good stuff! :thumbsup:


The board has been flooded with garbage lately... we need some of the old standbys...save our wall! :w00t:

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BarryBrady/Fake-Fat Sunny/Pyrite Gal/etc. also was in serious need of an editor. Always said he could edit his stream-of-consciousness posts if he wanted to... but he didn't want to.


I also don't think posters were too lazy or stupid to read his posts. Any time I would try, I would find myself with early symptoms of an aneurysm and getting really angry at trying to fill in and correct in my mind what he was trying to say (since he didn't bother with grammar, spell-check or to edit). Also a problem was that he would take 100 lines to say the same damn point over and over and over when his argument could have been done with one line.


It was like that Lewis Black routine of "If it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college."



Totally agree. I stopped reading his posts. It took him two pages to say what most people could say in 2 sentences. Had some decent points but was wrong more then he was right about the bills imo.


BTW, Pyrite Gal was a guy. I always thought he was a girl.

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I don't think Pyrite had thin skin, or cared about the attacks from posters who are too stupid, or lazy, to read a post longer than two or three sentences.


My guess is he is taking a break (as I have had to in the past) to get away from some of the low-level bashing that goes on, around here.


The last time I saw a PG post, his post was shorter than the post he was quoting. I think his head exploded. :thumbsup:


Whether his opinions were correct or not, he at least took the time to properly explain his perspective. You don't see much of that these days on the board. Probably because most people don't know what the hell they are talking about, so trying to explain their opinion to people would be impossible.

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PG didn't go anywhere. He just changed names again. Look around; he's not hard to spot.


And yes, I said he. FYI, "Pyrite Gal" was a takeoff on the "Golden Boys" nickname which saw heavy use when Ralph brought Marv back as GM.

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PG didn't go anywhere. He just changed names again. Look around; he's not hard to spot.


And yes, I said he. FYI, "Pyrite Gal" was a takeoff on the "Golden Boys" nickname which saw heavy use when Ralph brought Marv back as GM.



I thought that might be the case, but I have yet to spot what I felt was a definitive Yvel Vram post.


Damn...now I have to start paying attention again.


Thanks, Lo. :thumbsup:

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