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why does he



start a new paragraph


after every 3 or 4


words. it is as


if he is a 5 year old


and really wants cutler


or possibly that is losman


and wants to see Edwards


wronged in some way

why does he



start a new paragraph


after every 3 or 4


words. it is as


if he is a 5 year old


and really wants cutler


or possibly that is losman


and wants to see Edwards


wronged in some way


lol ! told you it wasn't well written!


HOLY CRAP!! That really is a poorly written article. God bless the internet and all who it enables to be a journalist. :devil:

I do wonder about liking Trent mainly because of badly JP played. It kind of makes sense. After all, Trent really hasn't proven anything. I still have faith in him though that he will be the Pro Bowl quarterback that we are searching for. I'm just not a big Cutler fan. Maybe I should say I'm not a fan of his ways.


You can stop reading after he suggests that the Bills are just a Cutler away from winning the AFCE and possibly going to the SB.


The QB is not alive who can bring the Bills to the SB this season.

Great, another article by a stat boy who probably has never seen Edwards or Cutler play in a game on the field.

Cutler=stat boy's wet dream.

LMAO One guy made the probowl last year and the other is playing for his job this season. You Trent lovers can't even look at things objectively anymore. Whose having the wet dreams, now? Trent better show SIGNIFICANT improvement this year or all the JP fanboys are going to be out for blood and you won't be able to defend your mancrushes anymore.

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