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So with the news being all recession, all the time...wouldn't you think that people might have learned? Just a little?


Obviously not.


Of course, I am not blaming the bloodsucking banking industry 100%. I think the 30 states that awarded them this business and let them do this bear partial blame and should immediately yank the contracts, particularly if the bank was part of TARP.


But HELLO, the people who DON'T READ THE FREAKING TERMS AND CONDITIONS are going to CONTINUE to be "victimized".


Yeah, I understand not wanting to delay 9-10 days when the bills are due. But read the bleeping fine print and then be sure you use the card in such a way as to minimize the charges.

So big gov't doesn't work and is inefficient...


Maybe you should really consider that for a moment and ponder the depths of where it leads.


Maybe you should remove your head from the depths of your bowels and take the time to read the article rather than immediately figure out how you are going to flame the poster.


If you bothered to read the article you would know that STATE governments contracted with financial institutions rather than CREATE ADDITIONAL bureaucracy by adding headcount etc to their unemployment divisions. This is something Republicans love...shrink the gov't by letting the "experts" do it.


So the banks do what they do, and stupid morons don't read the fine print and then whine about banking fees. Which by the way most debit cards carry. There's no such thing as a free lunch, ever.

But HELLO, the people who DON'T READ THE FREAKING TERMS AND CONDITIONS are going to CONTINUE to be "victimized".


Yeah, I understand not wanting to delay 9-10 days when the bills are due. But read the bleeping fine print and then be sure you use the card in such a way as to minimize the charges.


From the article: He was quoting fees listed in a brochure that goes out to every unemployed person in Pennsylvania who chooses to receive benefits via debit card. He was given the option when he filed for jobless payments: Wait 10 days for a check or get the card immediately. Like most of the 925,000 state residents who received unemployment benefits in February in Pennsylvania, he chose the debit card and only then, he says, did he learn about the fees.


He did read the terms and conditions, problem is he didn't receive them (and thus have the chance to read them) until after he chose the card.


Since you didn't read the article, it makes your last post particularly amusing. You know, the one where you said "If you bothered to read the article you would know..." then said "stupid morons don't read the fine print and then whine about banking fees. "

From the article: He was quoting fees listed in a brochure that goes out to every unemployed person in Pennsylvania who chooses to receive benefits via debit card. He was given the option when he filed for jobless payments: Wait 10 days for a check or get the card immediately. Like most of the 925,000 state residents who received unemployment benefits in February in Pennsylvania, he chose the debit card and only then, he says, did he learn about the fees.


He did read the terms and conditions, problem is he didn't receive them (and thus have the chance to read them) until after he chose the card.


Since you didn't read the article, it makes your last post particularly amusing. You know, the one where you said "If you bothered to read the article you would know..." then said "stupid morons don't read the fine print and then whine about banking fees. "


Oh I read it alright.


A visit to the PA unemployment web site and a review of the unemployment handbook reveals that WHEN YOU APPLY FOR BENEFITS you will receive DOCUMENTATION ABOUT THE OPTIONS FOR PAYMENT with THE CONFIRMATION OF THE APPLICATION. Then, you make your choice - when you're approved.


So people file...wait for information...don't read it...make their choice...and then complain. Sure he read it - too late.


Since 2005 debit cards have been used in 20+ states. PA moved to give the OPTION for debit cards in 2007. The other option was DIRECT DEPOSIT...not a check. So if you already have a debit card, why get a new one? The fees are not new and not secret. He just opted to get a debit card and didn't do his due diligence up front.


Either that or every person who's received a debit card for unemployment in 30 states since the year 2005 has been ripped off and this guy is a freaking genius for being the first of what, 2 million people, to figure this out?

Oh I read it alright.


A visit to the PA unemployment web site and a review of the unemployment handbook reveals that WHEN YOU APPLY FOR BENEFITS you will receive DOCUMENTATION ABOUT THE OPTIONS FOR PAYMENT with THE CONFIRMATION OF THE APPLICATION. Then, you make your choice - when you're approved.


So people file...wait for information...don't read it...make their choice...and then complain. Sure he read it - too late.


Since 2005 debit cards have been used in 20+ states. PA moved to give the OPTION for debit cards in 2007. The other option was DIRECT DEPOSIT...not a check. So if you already have a debit card, why get a new one? The fees are not new and not secret. He just opted to get a debit card and didn't do his due diligence up front.


Either that or every person who's received a debit card for unemployment in 30 states since the year 2005 has been ripped off and this guy is a freaking genius for being the first of what, 2 million people, to figure this out?


That's not what the article said, now is it?

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