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Browns WR Donte Stallworth involved in a FATALITY

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Ah, so now it's okay to blame the victim. :thumbsup:

I didn't sound like he was blaming the victim, but these new details do change the situation some,

as I am sure that DS's lawyers will argue contributory negligence. I do think that it is a little unfair

to lay all of the blame on Dante, as he could have been clean as a whistle, and it probably would still

not have prevented this tragic and unfortunate accident. I have been down around that area, as a matter

of fact, I used to live in lauderdale, and there are some pretty crazy drivers down there, but the pedestrians

are crazy too, and they generally do not obey crosswalk laws and the like. The fact that he was DUI when it

happened is very stupid on his part, and the guy not being in the crosswalk does not take away responsibilty

on his part totally, but it does alter things some, IMO.

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I didn't sound like he was blaming the victim, but these new details do change the situation some,

as I am sure that DS's lawyers will argue contributory negligence. I do think that it is a little unfair

to lay all of the blame on Dante, as he could have been clean as a whistle, and it probably would still

not have prevented this tragic and unfortunate accident. I have been down around that area, as a matter

of fact, I used to live in lauderdale, and there are some pretty crazy drivers down there, but the pedestrians

are crazy too, and they generally do not obey crosswalk laws and the like. The fact that he was DUI when it

happened is very stupid on his part, and the guy not being in the crosswalk does not take away responsibilty

on his part totally, but it does alter things some, IMO.

DUI manslaughter

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Could get 15 years. :doh: How many years do you think? I'm guessing 3.


Let's see who gets villified? The dead crane operator rushing home killed jaywalking or the drunk millioniare sport's figure in the Bentley that killed him. What are the odds on this one? <_<<_<


Hey Donte at least you honked your horn and flashed your lights!




EDIT: Oh, Steely... He should get 10 years... At least he stayed at the scene. <_<

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Let's see who gets villified? The dead crane operator rushing home killed jaywalking or the drunk millioniare sport's figure in the Bentley that killed him. What are the odds on this one? <_<<_<


Hey Donte at least you honked your horn and flashed your lights!




EDIT: Oh, Steely... He should get 10 years... At least he stayed at the scene. :doh:

And talked to the police immediately. So at least he's not a "thug." <_<


And I read on PFT that Stallworth's lawyers are trying to get him charged with just DUI and not DUI manslaughter, claiming that even if he wasn't impaired, he still would have hit and killed the vic, because he jaywalked across a busy highway. Apparently there's a distinction, in that you have to have caused the accident by being impaired.

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My point is that he is going to be charged. Rather than start a new thread I put it in this one.


Yours was the last post in the thread so I hit reply and there you are.


That OK?

Yeah, no biggee, I thought that you were taking exception to something that I had posted, which BTW, is

okay too. Just because they charged him, doesn't mean that they are going to have an easy time making it stick.

No doubt that he will do some time, but I do not belive anywhere near 15 years, if any. Think about it a minute,

a guy gets hit on a 6 lane highway in friggin Miami no less, is rushing to catch a bus, and isn't in the assigned crossing

area, sure sounds like contributory negligence to me, and in no way am I justifying Dante being lit, but did it contribute

to the accident? The question is, would anybody have had time to avoid this, drunk or not. Thats the thing that they will

be debating ad nauseam over the next several months. It was good on his part that he stopped, but bad to try and lie your way out of it, he might as well have kept going, so he isn't totally manning up here either. He said that the guy was lying

in the middle of the road when he hit him, and that he had stopped drinking at midnight, both lies IMO.

I do, however have a problem with charging people with a crime that is going to radically alter their future and career,

for something that may not have been avoidable, a very slippery slope, and I know that I will probably get lambasted for saying this, but it does seem unfair some, I could see involuntary manslaughter, or some other lesser charge, unless they can come up with some facts that alter my thoughts. I know that if I were stupid enough to run out on a 6 lane highway and

take a chance like that, and got hit, I sure as hell wouldn't want somebody going to jail for that, drunk or not. Now if I am in the crosswalk, or the guy is speeding like a bat out of hell, and he is impaired, than by all means, I want him prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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Yeah, no biggee, I thought that you were taking exception to something that I had posted, which BTW, is

okay too. Just because they charged him, doesn't mean that they are going to have an easy time making it stick.

No doubt that he will do some time, but I do not belive anywhere near 15 years, if any. Think about it a minute,

a guy gets hit on a 6 lane highway in friggin Miami no less, is rushing to catch a bus, and isn't in the assigned crossing

area, sure sounds like contributory negligence to me, and in no way am I justifying Dante being lit, but did it contribute

to the accident? The question is, would anybody have had time to avoid this, drunk or not. Thats the thing that they will

be debating ad nauseam over the next several months. It was good on his part that he stopped, but bad to try and lie your way out of it, he might as well have kept going, so he isn't totally manning up here either. He said that the guy was lying

in the middle of the road when he hit him, and that he had stopped drinking at midnight, both lies IMO.

I do, however have a problem with charging people with a crime that is going to radically alter their future and career,

for something that may not have been avoidable, a very slippery slope, and I know that I will probably get lambasted for saying this, but it does seem unfair some, I could see involuntary manslaughter, or some other lesser charge, unless they can come up with some facts that alter my thoughts. I know that if I were stupid enough to run out on a 6 lane highway and

take a chance like that, and got hit, I sure as hell wouldn't want somebody going to jail for that, drunk or not. Now if I am in the crosswalk, or the guy is speeding like a bat out of hell, and he is impaired, than by all means, I want him prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


I'd hit anybody that doesn't show common courtesy for readers, by entering a paragraph break now and then.


Be stylish...



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I'd hit anybody that doesn't show common courtesy for readers, by entering a paragraph break now and then.


Be stylish...



Hey Clem, looky here, we got our selves a genuine road scholar, english teacher type, that probably can't

come up with an original thought of their own, but can sure tell you where the period and commas should be.

Nice work, hows that for your friggin paragraph.

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