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Further expand upon the previous post


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OK here is the situation .... read the last post in the thread and use some bit of information within it to connect it to your own story, joke, memory or whatever comes to mind. So for example if I read a post that says "Jim, my buddy, once did something so stupid that ...." I can connect it in the next post by saying "oh yeah ... speaking of buddies, one of mine (Richard) once ...." Have fun.


To start off here is my post (I’ll start off easy):


Probably the wildest thing that I ever witnessed at Ralph Wilson Stadium (Rich Stadium at the time of this event) was some poor b@st@rd falling head over heels down the cement steps between seats about four times before security gathered him up. We were at Ralph / Rich Stadium for a Loverboy concert - think it was 1982. The guy who fell was obviously high. He ended up very bloodied and I can assume that he may even have broken a bone or two. He really fell hard and rolled or slid down the steps multiple times. I'll bet he had a miserable week or two after coming down off that high.

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OK here is the situation .... read the last post in the thread and use some bit of information within it to connect it to your own story, joke, memory or whatever comes to mind. So for example if I read a post that says "Jim, my buddy, once did something so stupid that ...." I can connect it in the next post by saying "oh yeah ... speaking of buddies, one of mine (Richard) once ...." Have fun.


To start off here is my post (I’ll start off easy):


Probably the wildest thing that I ever witnessed at Ralph Wilson Stadium (Rich Stadium at the time of this event) was some poor b@st@rd falling head over heels down the cement steps between seats about four times before security gathered him up. We were at Ralph / Rich Stadium for a Loverboy concert - think it was 1982. The guy who fell was obviously high. He ended up very bloodied and I can assume that he may even have broken a bone or two. He really fell hard and rolled or slid down the steps multiple times. I'll bet he had a miserable week or two after coming down off that high.


Speaking of antics after getting high...


I spent the past summer in Ithaca. One day, me and my friends Carlos and Andrea (my girlfriend at the time) got really bored and decided to eat some shrooms. Now, we had done this before but we were REALLY bored so we doubled the dosage this time. The stuff kicks in pretty quickly, and we want to take a walk outside to really experience it. Eventually, we walk down into a gorge (for those of you unfamiliar with Ithaca, it's full of gorges). We spend a while down in the gorge just looking up at the sky. If I remember correctly, there was a rainbow that really freaked us out. At this point, Carlos suggests that we fall asleep because you have really trippy dreams when you're on psilocybin. So we all lie down in the gorge. After a while, I wake up (still a little high but quite lucid) and the two of them aren't around anymore. First I'm mad because I thought they ditched me, then I start to panic, thinking they might have jumped into the river in the gorge. So I go walking downhill along the gorge, and eventually I find them sitting on a rock, just talking.


Apparently, what happened is that they couldn't fall asleep and Andrea thought that she had seen a something in the river, and for whatever reason they decided it must have been a dolphin...so they both spent the next couple of hours "chasing after the dolphin in the gorge".

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I went to the game in 1980 when we beat the dolphins for the first time in 10 years. I was 7 years old and watched when they rushed the field and tore down the goalposts.


It wasn't the craziest thing I've seen at the ralph. The wildest was the guns-n-roses / metallica concert in 1992 - between metallica and gnr, there was an hour long wait - and people started throwing crap in a corner of the end zone. Within 10 minutes it had spread, and the entire stadium was filled with sh*t flying through the air - complete mayhem. It looked like it was raining garbage. People were running for the hallways to protect themselves, and tons of industrial sized toilet paper rolls (among other things) were being tossed from the upper deck.


great concert.

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