IBTG81 Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 I hate to say this, but it appears as if Bush is going to lose. People don't turn out to vote for the incumbant. I hope and pray I'm wrong...
KD in CA Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 B.S. Get to the polls and VOTE. Nothing is over until WE say it is over! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 I hate to say this, but it appears as if Bush is going to lose. People don't turn out to vote for the incumbant. I hope and pray I'm wrong... 97232[/snapback] Tell that to those who voted Reagan in 84. In record numbers. Settle down. It was an unweighted exit poll, nothing more, nothing less.
IBTG81 Posted November 2, 2004 Author Posted November 2, 2004 Tell that to those who voted Reagan in 84. In record numbers. Settle down. It was an unweighted exit poll, nothing more, nothing less. 97238[/snapback] I need a hug.
Bill from NYC Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 I hate to say this, but it appears as if Bush is going to lose. People don't turn out to vote for the incumbant. I hope and pray I'm wrong... 97232[/snapback] I agree Ed. Let me add that if there is any good news about this election, it was to watch you personally come around. If the billionaire fag-hag, and her weak, waffling butt boy win, so be it. The struggle will continue.
Peter Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 As the American Conservative magazine said, the best thing for the Republican party and traditional Republicans would be for Bush to lose. He and the neoconservatives have done more harm than good. If, in fact, Bush loses, there is going to be a lot of soul searching within the party. Ultimately, the party will go back to its Reagan roots (I hope). If you are a (traditional) Republican, there is a silver lining if Bush loses. If you are a neoconservative, your agenda will be blamed for bringing down this administration.
boomerjamhead Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 Don't worry yourself Ed. These people have not voted for John Kerry today, they have voted against George W. Bush. Kerry is nothing more than an opportunist making the most of a selfish America. An America unwilling to make the short term sacrifices necessary to secure our freedoms for the generations to come. Let the pacifists rejoice today. It will come back and bite us all in the ass tomorrow. I echo what Bill has said. You've come along just fine brother.
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 Don't worry yourself Ed. These people have not voted for John Kerry today, they have voted against George W. Bush. Kerry is nothing more than an opportunist making the most of a selfish America. An America unwilling to make the short term sacrifices necessary to secure our freedoms for the generations to come. Let the pacifists rejoice today. It will come back and bite us all in the ass tomorrow. I echo what Bill has said. You've come along just fine brother. 97262[/snapback] Oh for the love of CHRIST! These were UNWEIGHTED exit polls from SELECT districts!! Settle down, you nellies. There's HOURS to go yet, an MILLIONS of people yet to vote.
Gavin in Va Beach Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 Don't worry yourself Ed. These people have not voted for John Kerry today, they have voted against George W. Bush. Kerry is nothing more than an opportunist making the most of a selfish America. An America unwilling to make the short term sacrifices necessary to secure our freedoms for the generations to come. Let the pacifists rejoice today. It will come back and bite us all in the ass tomorrow. I echo what Bill has said. You've come along just fine brother. 97262[/snapback] Boy is that true. The instant gratification crowd is going to get us all killed. History is made by long term thinking.
Kelly the Dog Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 Oh for the love of CHRIST! These were UNWEIGHTED exit polls from SELECT districts!! Settle down, you nellies. There's HOURS to go yet, an MILLIONS of people yet to vote. 97266[/snapback] This early garbage and everybody saying it looks good for Kerry is the first thing that has made me nervous about Kerry losing. I was fine until I heard all this good stuff. I don't like it. People are almost always wrong.
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 This early garbage and everybody saying it looks good for Kerry is the first thing that has made me nervous about Kerry losing. I was fine until I heard all this good stuff. I don't like it. People are almost always wrong. 97273[/snapback] EXACTLY...the thousands upon thousands of statisticians employed by the pollsters would have to turn out to be COMPLETELY wrong in this case. And, statistically speaking, that's an IMPOSSIBILITY. I say again: There is NO WAY Kerry wins PA by 20. NO WAY. He will lose this state.
Gavin in Va Beach Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 EXACTLY...the thousands upon thousands of statisticians employed by the pollsters would have to turn out to be COMPLETELY wrong in this case. And, statistically speaking, that's an IMPOSSIBILITY. I say again: There is NO WAY Kerry wins PA by 20. NO WAY. He will lose this state. 97278[/snapback] Not to mention that the 'Main Steam Media' have shown themselves to be quite biased in trying to show 'exit polls' that paint their chosen boy as the winner (I'll leave you to figure out who that is, he usually has a -D next to his name) to try and keep people away from the polls thinking their vote will no longer count.
Simon Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 If, in fact, Bush loses, there is going to be a lot of soul searching within the party. Ultimately, the party will go back to its Reagan roots (I hope). Pardon a thick-headed question from a political neophyte, but how exactly are Reagan and BushII so radically different?
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 Not to mention that the 'Main Steam Media' have shown themselves to be quite biased in trying to show 'exit polls' that paint their chosen boy as the winner (I'll leave you to figure out who that is, he usually has a -D next to his name) to try and keep people away from the polls thinking their vote will no longer count. 97302[/snapback] I cannot say this enough: THERE IS NO WAY KERRY WINS PA BY 20. It will not happen. The Dems could barely elect a Dem to the mayorship of Philly, and they're gonna beat Bush by 20%? I laugh in their general direction.
boomerjamhead Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 Oh for the love of CHRIST! These were UNWEIGHTED exit polls from SELECT districts!! Settle down, you nellies. There's HOURS to go yet, an MILLIONS of people yet to vote. 97266[/snapback] You know who's corner I'm in, and what I have said here has nothing to do with some silly ass election day poll.
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 Pardon a thick-headed question from a political neophyte, but how exactly are Reagan and BushII so radically different? 97318[/snapback] Hugley. Bush is a big spending "conservative" Reagan had the balls to snip the dead weight from the gov't and shift it to the military.
John Adams Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 Hugley. Bush is a big spending "conservative" Reagan had the balls to snip the dead weight from the gov't and shift it to the military. 97325[/snapback] A rare agreement from me. Bush is a big government, big-spending, deficit ignoring Socialist. He's only a Republican because that's who endorsed him. If he was a Democrat, the Republicans would skewer him for his fiscal irresponsibility. I would LOVE nothing more than a Bush loss, and for the Conservatives to demand something better from their reps. Do you think McCain/Guiliani would lose to John friggin' Kerry? You guys can do better than Bush.
spidey Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 As the American Conservative magazine said, the best thing for the Republican party and traditional Republicans would be for Bush to lose. He and the neoconservatives have done more harm than good. If, in fact, Bush loses, there is going to be a lot of soul searching within the party. Ultimately, the party will go back to its Reagan roots (I hope). If you are a (traditional) Republican, there is a silver lining if Bush loses. If you are a neoconservative, your agenda will be blamed for bringing down this administration. 97259[/snapback] Here Here as a centrist leaning republican I am hoping and praying for a Kerry landslide tonight. It will really force some soul searching in the party and we can get back to the GOP of old( BTW Reagan helped push the party to the right by bringing some of the far right into the fold)
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 A rare agreement from me. Bush is a big government, big-spending, deficit ignoring Socialist. He's only a Republican because that's who endorsed him. If he was a Democrat, the Republicans would skewer him for his fiscal irresponsibility. I would LOVE nothing more than a Bush loss, and for the Conservatives to demand something better from their reps. Do you think McCain/Guiliani would lose to John friggin' Kerry? You guys can do better than Bush. 97336[/snapback] YOU GUYS? I'm a registered Libertarian. Voted lib for everything BUT president. Only because the thought of John Kerry as president terrifies me, not that I'm 100% a Bush man.
Simon Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 Bush is a big spending "conservative" Didn't Reagan run up record deficits during his tenure? Reagan had the balls to snip the dead weight from the gov't and shift it to the military. Didn't Bush just pour 200 billion dollars into a military project? Sorry, but I'm still failing to see any appreciable difference here.
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