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California - home of the stoned

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That's a BS argument,IMO. Everybody who wants to smoke it is already smoking it.


And that's a BS assumption. I know more then a few people that would go back to smoking it if it wasn't for drug testing at their employer....


I'd put money on the fact that more people would smoke it. (and I'm not arguing the merits of that link at all as I haven't read it.)

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And that's a BS assumption. I know more then a few people that would go back to smoking it if it wasn't for drug testing at their employer....


I'd put money on the fact that more people would smoke it. (and I'm not arguing the merits of that link at all as I haven't read it.)

Employers could still drug test. Making it legal wouldn't make it mandatory to smoke.

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They will need billions to pay for the additional medical costs, insurance costs, and legal costs that would result from making it legal.


Jacqueline Saburido Story

So I assume you're leading the charge to have alcohol outlawed since it's far more dangerous and destructive than marijuana ever will be?

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(to put my response in context i don't smoke and i'm politically conservative)


I dont have a problem with this, as long as the gvt. legislates it in a logical way.



I agree.


But, as a conservative, how DARE you ask for gov't involvement! :thumbdown: (Just kidding, really)

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I agree.


But, as a conservative, how DARE you ask for gov't involvement! :thumbdown: (Just kidding, really)

on the contrary, i believe gvt. should give people MORE freedoms to make personal choices and LESS regulations


(but in this case, making weed legal and not a crime would require legislation and gvt. involvement)

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What about the dad that goes double or nothing with the mortgage payment? It doesn't affect the wife and kids? It happens.

You mean because that's not happening with it being illegal?


At some point people need to do a real risk assessment and determine what they're truly willing to pay for. Paying out countless billions on vice enforcement isn't working and virtually every level of government is currently so far beyond bankrupt that they should really invent a new word for it. Drugs/Prostitution/Gambling/etc are all STILL happening and the peripheral crime that goes with it is more costly and violent than the crimes themselves.


We'd be far ahead of the game by spending a fraction of the money on education and treatment instead of creating cottage industries to incarcerate people while letting violent criminals back into the population due to overcrowding. It's beyond ridiculous.


People will ALWAYS pay for sex/do drugs/gamble. It is what it is. But if we take away the 1000+ points of profit margin and the cost of peripheral crime...


I've never smoked pot. I've also never met someone stoned on it who wanted to commit a violent crime. Alcohol? Some of the worst behavior I've ever witnessed has been at Rich Stadium, committed by BILLS fans who were drunk out of their minds. But Anheuser Busch does the best SB commercials...

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on the contrary, i believe gvt. should give people MORE freedoms to make personal choices and LESS regulations


(but in this case, making weed legal and not a crime would require legislation and gvt. involvement)



Like I said, I was just kidding. I agree that pot should be legalized, but it also will need to be regulated, similarly to alcohol.

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Why should you expect people who are not paying taxes now to start paying? It would go underground and above ground with lots of advertising and money spent to catch tax dodgers like those who avoid taxes on alcohol and tobacco as well those who were supplying to under age teenagers.


I think the problem will just be spread around although more taxes will be raised and spent.

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Long overdue


I'm not a big fan of Cally, but more states should follow their lead here


Never been into the drug thing myself. But then again I've never been religious, gay, or into guns either

That said, just because I'm not into something doesn't mean other's shouldn't have the right to do their thing


Turning it into a crime (and illegal money making opportunity) only makes it worse for the rest of us

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Why should you expect people who are not paying taxes now to start paying? It would go underground and above ground with lots of advertising and money spent to catch tax dodgers like those who avoid taxes on alcohol and tobacco as well those who were supplying to under age teenagers.


I think the problem will just be spread around although more taxes will be raised and spent.



I'd respond, if I had any idea what you are trying to say, here.

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