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Why we are, the way we are...

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I blame 4 Super Bowl losses on my nervousness about the Bills....especially the first one....then add to the fact we had a couple heart breaking games in the play offs thereafter like the Music City miracle......We have been punished by the football Gods for some reason.....all this doom talk I believe is related to our past and us failing in the most critical moments....anyone agree with this assessment?

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Actually, no. I think most of the doom talk comes from a handful of people who like to get up everyday wearing a t-shirt that says "Look at me! I told you so! I told you so!"


These are the people who internally cheer for the worst to happen so their dire predictions can resurface as a way to justify their pitiful existence among people who think more clearly and behave more responsibly than them.

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Yep many Bills fans are just pathological losers



Personally, It doesn't bother me. If we lose I get upset for awhile and move on. If we win I celebrate.


Its just a game, and a form of entertainment. If it makes you unhappy, depressed, or just plain miserable then stop watching the team. It makes no sense what so ever to follow something that brings out a losers mentality in oneself.


They have a name for that kind of abuse. Its called addiction, and addicition is never healthy

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