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Leibowitz should be bitchslapped for trying to do comedy, because he hasn't been doing it for years.

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Let's start by making one thing clear: I know the difference between what Cramer does and what Madoff did. The difference is why Madoff is going to jail, and Cramer is getting B word-slapped by Jon Stewart. Both are deserving of what they got, in this case. I am not suggesting CNBC be jailed, but exposed and criticized.


And, I hate to get pissy with you, but you are very out of touch, if you really think CNBC (for example) isn't in the business of giving advice. I know the difference between info and advice. Saying "you should BUY" is not giving information, it is clearly giving advice...to buy. That is a regular feature of CNBC, and also some other financial media.


While I agree individuals have to take responsibility, I don't see how you can simply give a pass to those who market themselves as experts. There's room for a lot of blame, and responsibility, here.


What do you recommend they do with Cramer or CNBC?

Whoever you think are the proper authorities in this. The SEC? Or just in general? What do you think should be done?



Well, in this case, I think public denunciations, and exposé, like Stewart's in this case, are completely appropriate. Muckraking is a legitimate form of journalism, that is unfortunately, underdeveloped, these days.


Of course, that's what this thread is about (or so I thought) and I found it hard to believe anyone didn't think it was appropriate to call these snake oil salesmen out, for the role they play by the mis-information they dispense.


Now, if someone had information that Cramer, or CNBC (or anyone else in the media) purposefully lied, used mis-information, etc, to their own profit, then perhaps some legal, or SEC involvement would be appropriate. I am not making the case that is appropriate here, as I have no information that suggests it was purposeful deception, for their own profit.


Now, I have much to say about the lack of self-regulation in most industries, these days, and how absentee ownership (stockholders who care only about return on investment, and nothing about the business itself) works toward corrupting business practices and plays into that lack of self regulation, and self respect, of many industries...but I don't have the time, nor the inclination, to go into that, just now.

Well, in this case, I think public denunciations, and exposé, like Stewart's in this case, are completely appropriate. Muckraking is a legitimate form of journalism, that is unfortunately, underdeveloped, these days.


Of course, that's what this thread is about (or so I thought) and I found it hard to believe anyone didn't think it was appropriate to call these snake oil salesmen out, for the role they play by the mis-information they dispense.


Now, if someone had information that Cramer, or CNBC (or anyone else in the media) purposefully lied, used mis-information, etc, to their own profit, then perhaps some legal, or SEC involvement would be appropriate. I am not making the case that is appropriate here, as I have no information that suggests it was purposeful deception, for their own profit.


Now, I have much to say about the lack of self-regulation in most industries, these days, and how absentee ownership (stockholders who care only about return on investment, and nothing about the business itself) works toward corrupting business practices and plays into that lack of self regulation, and self respect, of many industries...but I don't have the time, nor the inclination, to go into that, just now.


Yeah I bitchslap them all the time. If I have a prospect or client tell me "I heard Jim Cramer say..." or "Suze Orman said....." I tell them to turn the TV off or they're not working with me. But to be bitchslapped by John Stewart. Ohhhh, I bet they're concerned about that. Comedy Central Expose. :thumbdown:

Yeah I bitchslap them all the time. If I have a prospect or client tell me "I heard Jim Cramer say..." or "Suze Orman said....." I tell them to turn the TV off or they're not working with me. But to be bitchslapped by John Stewart. Ohhhh, I bet they're concerned about that. Comedy Central Expose. :thumbdown:


Speaking truth to authority, the Shakespearean fool, John Stewart using his comedy platform to expose bullshi-t when it happens, all these things are the same. You write off what he did because he's on Comedy Central. But if HE'S not going to call out the media and journalists for sucking at their jobs, WHO IS? And do you think if there WAS somebody making declarations and holding the media in check (lord knows they're not part of the ACTUAL media), that they have even a FRACTION of the audience Stewart does?

Speaking truth to authority, the Shakespearean fool, John Stewart using his comedy platform to expose bullshi-t when it happens, all these things are the same. You write off what he did because he's on Comedy Central. But if HE'S not going to call out the media and journalists for sucking at their jobs, WHO IS? And do you think if there WAS somebody making declarations and holding the media in check (lord knows they're not part of the ACTUAL media), that they have even a FRACTION of the audience Stewart does?


I'm sorry but intelligent people don't need a comedian to tell them the media sucks at their jobs. It's pretty much right in your face. You needing him to tell you this speaks volumes of your intelligence.

I'm sorry but intelligent people don't need a comedian to tell them the media sucks at their jobs. It's pretty much right in your face. You needing him to tell you this speaks volumes of your intelligence.


I didn't say I needed him. That was an asanine assumption on your part.


"Intelligent people" you say. You honestly think the US is comprised largely of these "intelligent people?" Really? You think that the bulk of Americans that actually watch the news seek out non MSM outlets and/or see through the backdoor incestuous strangle on the dissemination of news and information?


So ask AGAIN, if John Stewart doesn't call them out, then who with a large enough microphone does? Who?

Yeah I bitchslap them all the time. If I have a prospect or client tell me "I heard Jim Cramer say..." or "Suze Orman said....." I tell them to turn the TV off or they're not working with me. But to be bitchslapped by John Stewart. Ohhhh, I bet they're concerned about that. Comedy Central Expose. :thumbdown:



Jon Steward did more damage to Cramer's credibility, and that of CNBC, with his first comment, weeks ago, than you can do in your entire lifetime, working with clients, one and a time.


So, if I understand you, you have entered this conversation criticizing Stewart for calling a snake oil salesman "a snake oil salesman", which is what you also do. Did I get that right?


Chef, I think you are a bright guy, but the choices you make, sometimes, in your non-contributions in these threads, can be baffling. Why play like you are against Stewart's calling out of Cramer (which I think was the point of the thread), when you do the same thing? Pointless prodding, and fake devils-advocate weakens your overall message, I think.

Jon Steward did more damage to Cramer's credibility, and that of CNBC, with his first comment, weeks ago, than you can do in your entire lifetime, working with clients, one and a time.


So, if I understand you, you have entered this conversation criticizing Stewart for calling a snake oil salesman "a snake oil salesman", which is what you also do. Did I get that right?


Chef, I think you are a bright guy, but the choices you make, sometimes, in your non-contributions in these threads, can be baffling. Why play like you are against Stewart's calling out of Cramer (which I think was the point of the thread), when you do the same thing? Pointless prodding, and fake devils-advocate weakens your overall message, I think.


Show me where I critisized Steward calling Cramer a snake oil salesman. I critisized YOU for blaming Cramer and CNBC for people losing money. I'm tired of the blame game. You buy the stock from someone on TV you deserve what you get. I've said that three times in this thread now. If getting that word out is not contributing to the thread I'm sorry. In the future I'll try to keep my posts more in your line of thinking. But I'll have a hard time posting after I've been bashing my head against the wall.

Show me where I critisized Steward calling Cramer a snake oil salesman. I critisized YOU for blaming Cramer and CNBC for people losing money. I'm tired of the blame game. You buy the stock from someone on TV you deserve what you get. I've said that three times in this thread now. If getting that word out is not contributing to the thread I'm sorry. In the future I'll try to keep my posts more in your line of thinking. But I'll have a hard time posting after I've been bashing my head against the wall.


The problem is you're focussing Stewart's argument on Cramer alone when he was attacking the financial journalists at large. Sure, you think Cramer's free to sell snake oil, and that's fine. Stewart is calling ALL the reporters snake oil salesman, and he's blaming CNBC for not only being the only VIATIMIN store (as advertised) out there, but also for having the balls to put their snake oil in viatimin jars. The point isn't that people BUY their bullsh-t, it's that their bullsh-t has a corner market and touts itself as total, complete non-bullsh-t.

Show me where I critisized Steward calling Cramer a snake oil salesman. I critisized YOU for blaming Cramer and CNBC for people losing money. I'm tired of the blame game. You buy the stock from someone on TV you deserve what you get. I've said that three times in this thread now. If getting that word out is not contributing to the thread I'm sorry. In the future I'll try to keep my posts more in your line of thinking. But I'll have a hard time posting after I've been bashing my head against the wall.



If only that were true.


You posted BEFORE I did:


Anyone who based their investing on a television show got exactly what they deserved and to call Cramer out for it shows how easy it is to be a Monday morning quarterback. Why wasn't Stewart saying anything during the bull market?



For some reason, instead of giving Stewart an "attaboy" for doing what you do, exposing a snake oil salesman, you criticized him for not doing something he has no claim on. He isn't a financial reporter, doesn't claim to be, doesn't work for a network devoted to financial info (or advice).


I never blamed Cramer for losing people money...that must be something you decided I believed. I called Cramer and CNBC "the most visible face of the media's involvement" in the current economic situation.


But, keep on telling me what I believe, or said. :thumbdown:


March 13, 2009

White House approves of Cramer smackdown

Posted: 05:44 PM ET


From CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney



Many declared Jon Stewart, right, the victor in his face-to-face with Jim Cramer.

(CNN) — Jim Cramer's now-infamous appearance on The Daily Show Thursday night even won the attention of President Obama, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said.


At the White House Daily Briefing Friday, Gibbs said he and Obama had discussed the CNBC host's grilling from comedian Jon Stewart, though he wasn't sure if the president had actually seen it.


But for his part, Gibbs said he "enjoyed it thoroughly."


"I thought [stewart] asked a lot of tough questions, and I am not surprised that the video of Mr. Cramer's appearance doesn't appear on CNBC's web site today," Gibbs joked.


It's not the first time the White House Press Secretary has mixed it up with a CNBC host. Late last month he called out reporter Rick Santelli over his tirade against the president's mortgage plan.


Related: Stewart seen as winner in showdown with Cramer


"I…think that it's tremendously important that for people who rant on cable television to be responsible and understand what it is they're talking about," Gibbs said then. "I feel assured that Mr. Santelli doesn't know what he's talking about."

I think one of the saddest statement about today's media is that John Stewart is likely the toughest interviewer our nation has to offer.



I couldn't agree more, Darin.

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