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While that would mean a state worker with four kids could take eight extra days off a year, the bill states that it would have no fiscal impact on the governments.


Considering the usefulness and productivity of the average state government "worker", I don't doubt this for a second.


Go Government!


I work for a county government in Florida. We have to use either sick or or vacation time to see a doctor. And if you hve children it could either be FMLA (which uses your time acumulated) vacation. You don't get it as a perk. It is time I earned b ut people down here complain.


Why, what is wrong with preventive measures?... As long as it is all documented and not abused... Shouldn't all business do it that way? In the long run it may cost them a hell of a lot less if health problems get noticed and treated early.


Think about it.. I work for the federal gov't and I get 4 hours every two weeks for sick leave and 8 hours every two weeks for vacation/annual leave. The sick leave can build up to whatever (think of it like catatrophic insurance), yet I can't carry more than 240 hours of annual/vacation leave a year without using it or losing any hours over that.


My point is they (the fed) are not worried about the vacation/annual leave... That is capped. The sick leave could be another story. Right now I have well over 1500 hours (a year is 2080 hours) of sick leave I have accumulated in about 18 years. Would it be better to catch a health problem early or late. If you catch a health problem late, then a person like me may be dipping into the whole bulk of the sick leave built up. Would the employer like to sit on that leave and never pay it out? Of course they would. And of course they can make people use their sick leave for these screenings... But, most people won't go and just blow it off... Now if they document the screenings and offer it above and beyond the sick leave... Probably almost everybody gets screened.


IMO, seems like it would save money in the long run being proactive about employee health.


Wait... this makes no sense... are you guys implying states with large amount of government employees are economically bankrupt and are doing worse?


I know the solution!!! Throw more money at it! It's fixed education and now it's stimulated the economy...





Wait... this makes no sense... are you guys implying states with large amount of government employees are economically bankrupt and are doing worse?


I know the solution!!! Throw more money at it! It's fixed education and now it's stimulated the economy...






Do you brush your teeth everyday and complain about the price of toothpaste/brush/floss? :thumbsup::unsure:


No. This is where preventive maintenance is cheaper in the long run. Like I said, would they want to screen an employee say like me on the gov't dime now (which is cheap) or just wait till something gets catatrophic and have me use my 1,000's of hours of sick leave that I have built up during my career?


What I am saying is that I think they (the gov't) would hope I retire healthy with a big balance of sick leave on the books that they don't have to pay out.


Like I said... You can pay chump change now for some preventive manitenance or you most surely pay a whole lot more later for the major overhaul.

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