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Democracy now is the absolute best. I was wondering if anyone else listened/watched to that that show. Absolutely informative and accurate and always ahead of the curve.


Bah, don't get me started.

True, but since Jones is using the BUILDING of an economy as a means for racial/economic equality in this country, the so-called savings include a porpotional decrease in welfare programs, crime prevention/punishment, and so on. So, essentially the "savings" he's referring to are practically incalculable given staggered and lengthy stretch of time that his vision of equality will come to fruition.


Does that makes sense?


That someone in government doesn't know how to properly calculate the savings or expenses of a program? Yeah, that makes sense. :thumbsup:

I weep for anyone within a 50 mile radius of you. Youre like a nuclear weapon of stupidity.


That's your best post ever. There's not even a close second.


Quit while you're ahead.

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