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Random thought for the day


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Random thought for the day:

Why is it illegal in baseball to commit a balk (which punitively is defined as intentionally trying to deceive the baserunner) when that's what you are trying to do when you use a pick off move in the first place? :thumbsup:


The basic idea of a balk is that you may not make a move towards home plate before attempting to pick somebody off. So you have to deceive the runner without actually moving towards home plate. It's much more common in little league than professional baseball, obviously.

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The basic idea of a balk is that you may not make a move towards home plate before attempting to pick somebody off. So you have to deceive the runner without actually moving towards home plate. It's much more common in little league than professional baseball, obviously.

You're having a little problem with this random thought thingy aren't you?

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Sounds quite tasty to be honest with you sir! Perhaps I shall try some of this "devil's juice."


Does it go well with potted meat by chance? Perhaps I'll serve it with dinner this evening!



Devil's juice goes well with all meat. The conundrum with it is that a man's meat will not function well if he consumes too much of it (I am told by your wife that this problem seems to come up err should I say remains flat quite frequently in your household :thumbsup: ). In fact, pretty much nothing functions well for a day or so (three if you're old like me) if you consume too much of the devil's juice.

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The basic idea of a balk is that you may not make a move towards home plate before attempting to pick somebody off. So you have to deceive the runner without actually moving towards home plate. It's much more common in little league than professional baseball, obviously.


I actually did know that, but my wife asked me that the other day at my son's baseball game (we had an umpire with a balk fetish... he called SIX in one game, all of them were balks, but it was very nitpicky really).


Don't mind Beerball, he's preoccupied with the whole "where the heck are we going to put Terrell Owens locker" conundrum. :thumbsup:


When he's being a jerk like that, just spell his name like you're being really sarcastic:


Beeeeeeeeeeeeeerbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwl" He hates that.

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I actually did know that, but my wife asked me that the other day at my son's baseball game (we had an umpire with a balk fetish... he called SIX in one game, all of them were balks, but it was very nitpicky really).


Don't mind Beerball, he's preoccupied with the whole "where the heck are we going to put Terrell Owens locker" conundrum. :thumbsup:


When he's being a jerk like that, just spell his name like you're being really sarcastic:


Beeeeeeeeeeeeeerbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwl" He hates that.


6 balks in a game is quite ridiculous, if you ask me. Either the coaches or the umpire should've stepped in and assisted the pitchers with what problems they were having because obviously something wasn't going right. Haha.


I know "Beerbawl's" sarcasm, I just like to throw some back everyone once in a while. :thumbsup:

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You know how on boxes of pasta, each different kind of pasta has a number next to it? Like, Spaghetti 6, or Linguine 17, or Rotini 24, etc....What's the deal with that?


I think it's the suggested age at which you can cook said pasta.

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Do you need a lesson on how to multi-quote posts? :(






Um, no...I'm not a stupid blonde. I know how to do mult-quotes posts but find it annoying when people do that. :thumbsup: Besides, I won't get as many posts that way.



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