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Random thought for the day


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The Jerk Store called.


Oh yeah, I slept with your wife!!



Because white people need help with their self confidence...




It's time to do away with DST. :lol:


Dime Store Tampons? :P



My thought for the day. Seriously, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

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Oh yeah, I slept with your wife!!









Dime Store Tampons? :P



My thought for the day. Seriously, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?



My mom, his wife, when will it ever end, you slut :lol:

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If I ever get a hold of the SOB who invented 1 ply toilet paper.


Oh that bastard snuck into my house and replaced the TP in the master bathroom with that crap the other night during an "emergency-we-ran-out-and-it's-too-late-to-go-to-the-store" moment. He left that cheap shat for me to use... out of my own neurosis, I must have washed about 4 times.

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Is it dangerous to place macaroni salad on the hood of a car? I know a guy who did that once at a tailgate and man did he catch shite.


Well of course, you don't want Mayo getting hot for crying out loud!!! I suppose you're the type of guy that eats raw hot dogs too? That's how you get worms dummy!!!!


Random thought for the day:

Why is it illegal in baseball to commit a balk (which punitively is defined as intentionally trying to deceive the baserunner) when that's what you are trying to do when you use a pick off move in the first place? :thumbsup:


Oh yeah, and if you had a package of instant water, what would you add? My friend Steve asked me that about 20 years ago and I still don't have the answer.

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Oh yeah, and if you had a package of instant water, what would you add? My friend Steve asked me that about 20 years ago and I still don't have the answer.



Hydrogen and two parts oxygen - then you could add some hops and yeast ... :thumbsup:

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Don't forget "supposingly".


Another one I just saw (and frequently see around these parts) "retarted" :thumbsup:


Hydrogen and two parts oxygen - then you could add some hops and yeast ... :thumbsup:


What is this concoction you speak of that requires hops and yeast? Do you want to make whole-wheat or multi-grain bread?

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Another one I just saw (and frequently see around these parts) "retarted" :thumbsup:




What is this concoction you speak of that requires hops and yeast? Do you want to make whole-wheat or multi-grain bread?


The devil's juice :thumbsup: .... too much of my income has been given to the Coors family, the Busch family, the Labbatt family, the Stroh's family, the .......

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The devil's juice :thumbsup: .... too much of my income has been given to the Coors family, the Busch family, the Labbatt family, the Stroh's family, the .......


Sounds quite tasty to be honest with you sir! Perhaps I shall try some of this "devil's juice."


Does it go well with potted meat by chance? Perhaps I'll serve it with dinner this evening!

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