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TO's arrival = Bills on HBOs Hard Knocks??

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that would rock. be nice if they got us in before the team moved to T.O.


Does it make you feel good to say that about them moving to Toronto? It kills me when people bring it up over and over, it's like they want it to happen. We all know it is a possibility but why "so called" Buffalo Bills fans get a chubby by saying it over and over I will never know.

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Does it make you feel good to say that about them moving to Toronto? It kills me when people bring it up over and over, it's like they want it to happen. We all know it is a possibility but why "so called" Buffalo Bills fans get a chubby by saying it over and over I will never know.

I second that! It's about as old and just as funny as people who post "it's sunny and 80 here..." when it's snowing in Buffalo....


Hope it's not too late for HBO to schedule this season's Hard Knocks with the Bills. Should be a real interesting preseason.

From all that I have heard, TO works his @$$ off in practice, so that would be cool to see. Would also be interesting to see how our db's develop by finally having to go up against a big physical receiver in camp....

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i'll pass on the hard knocks. chiefs and cowboys both flopped the season they were featured on hard knocks.


The Bills have flopped for the past 9 years, without Hard Knocks, or any other suppoused "jinx". Are people that scared of a little publicity for a change? We've been a boring ass team outside of our special teams. A little something to get excited about for a change would be nice.

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Does it make you feel good to say that about them moving to Toronto? It kills me when people bring it up over and over, it's like they want it to happen. We all know it is a possibility but why "so called" Buffalo Bills fans get a chubby by saying it over and over I will never know.

Its a defense mechanism, I think. They say it over and over, so if it happens, they can tell themselves, "Well I always said it would happen. At least I'm not surprised."


My father does the same thing leading up to every game. When they lose, its, "Well I knew they were going to lose." Its a way to make it so they don't have to fall as far.

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