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Bills Official Spokesman chimes in...


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"I was a little surprised at first," said defensive end Chris Kelsay. "When you looked around at our team and the needs we have, wide receiver wasn't the first one that jumped out. But it's great to add talent.


Yeah Chris, a bigger need would be to replace your over-quoted under-achieving butt at defensive end. Maybe signing a nut like T.O. is a good sign that the Bills might finally be looking for talented players instead of overpaid below average players that are good "quotes" and good guys, like Mr. Kelsay. :thumbdown:

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"I was a little surprised at first," said defensive end Chris Kelsay. "When you looked around at our team and the needs we have, wide receiver wasn't the first one that jumped out. But it's great to add talent.


Yeah Chris, a bigger need would be to replace your over-quoted under-achieving butt at defensive end. Maybe signing a nut like T.O. is a good sign that the Bills might finally be looking for talented players instead of overpaid below average players that are good "quotes" and good guys, like Mr. Kelsay. :thumbdown:


Yeah, we didn't need new talent at any position but his.

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"I was a little surprised at first," said defensive end Chris Kelsay. "When you looked around at our team and the needs we have, wide receiver wasn't the first one that jumped out. But it's great to add talent.


Yeah Chris, a bigger need would be to replace your over-quoted under-achieving butt at defensive end. Maybe signing a nut like T.O. is a good sign that the Bills might finally be looking for talented players instead of overpaid below average players that are good "quotes" and good guys, like Mr. Kelsay. :thumbdown:


I thought the same thing when I read this.

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T.O. might actually know who Kelsay is, considering his biggest play ever came against Dallas in the MNF game.

Terrell: "Hey...arent you that guy?"


Chris: "If you are talking about my stellar play in th..."


Terrell: "Already bored, see you later Jimmy"

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what you guys have to realize is that it is the Chris Kelsays of the team that are going to make it possible for Owens to succeed here. The rest of this team is so stable (and under talented) that it is going to be everything TO has ever wanted. he is not only the biggest fish in the pond, but he will be treated as such for the next year. and having lowkey guys like Kelsay around is going to let the team absorb any issues TO may cause. he's not competing for the spotlight, Kelsay and the rest are not spotlight stealers, TO has no one else to worry about as far as being the biggest name on the team goes.

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"I was a little surprised at first," said defensive end Chris Kelsay. "When you looked around at our team and the needs we have, wide receiver wasn't the first one that jumped out. But it's great to add talent.


Yeah Chris, a bigger need would be to replace your over-quoted under-achieving butt at defensive end. Maybe signing a nut like T.O. is a good sign that the Bills might finally be looking for talented players instead of overpaid below average players that are good "quotes" and good guys, like Mr. Kelsay. :D






Hey Chris...YOU :thumbdown: SUCK!!!!

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Think of it this way: TO for a year to mentor Hardy and company is the icing on an already great cake. Add to that the fact he elevates or shames the game of those around him who won't match his intensity and I think we'll see who feeds and who fails to go with TO.

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Kelsay has a good game that day


maybe if we grab a decent DT... maybe Kelsay will have a 10 sack season B-)

What? Do you actually watch the games. Our D-Ends are only blocked by one man,every play. Hell the only thing better is no blocker . Then they could put a guy off the street in there. Geesh. :thumbsup:

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