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To Jauron

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Thank you for having a pair, and at a time when nobody was giving you any credit for addressing the teams needs!

...I now have some hope for the 09 season , Thanks Coach Jauron :thumbdown:


If I were Jaron and I pushed this, I would have gone for 2 years or a 2nd year option the Bills could chose to pick up (or not). This is a cheap price and if no one else was intrested, the Bills held all of the cards.

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If I were Jaron and I pushed this, I would have gone for 2 years or a 2nd year option the Bills could chose to pick up (or not). This is a cheap price and if no one else was intrested, the Bills held all of the cards.



I disagree. I don't want to pass judgement on this deal too quickly, but my initial reaction is that it is not really a great deal for Buffalo. So, if TO plays one season, is as spectacular as everyone is assuming he will be (I have seen nearly every game he has played in Dallas, and he is not the same player he was three years ago) TO holds all the cards after his deal in Buffalo is done. If he has a great season, the Bills will have to pony up more to sign him, in an uncapped season, or let him go, and go back to square one. This is really a short term fix to what is a much bigger problem. I hope it really does help the Bills out, but I really think they are more than a 35 year old TO short of being a serious contender.

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I disagree. I don't want to pass judgement on this deal too quickly, but my initial reaction is that it is not really a great deal for Buffalo. So, if TO plays one season, is as spectacular as everyone is assuming he will be (I have seen nearly every game he has played in Dallas, and he is not the same player he was three years ago) TO holds all the cards after his deal in Buffalo is done. If he has a great season, the Bills will have to pony up more to sign him, in an uncapped season, or let him go, and go back to square one. This is really a short term fix to what is a much bigger problem. I hope it really does help the Bills out, but I really think they are more than a 35 year old TO short of being a serious contender.


Its ok if this is a short term deal. We have 2 young WR's in Johnson and Hardy, so if we lose TO after a stellar season that puts both of our young guys in position to step up in their 3rd season.

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Its ok if this is a short term deal. We have 2 young WR's in Johnson and Hardy, so if we lose TO after a stellar season that puts both of our young guys in position to step up in their 3rd season.



we agree again :thumbsup:

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So, does that includes resigning as head coach?


I mean... he can still be our head sideline hand-clapper if he wants. Wouldn't want to take that away from him.


They say time heals all wounds, and apparently it also helps people forget how brutal DJ was on gameday last season. We know DJ's been given an ultimatum to win or he's done, but he's had a huge hand in building this team since 2006. Going after TO is not a DJ type move. He's ultra conservative, and even when things became horrible at the end of 08, he wouldn't yield that it was he who caused a good many of them or admit fault.


I wouldn't put it past the front office to give credit to DJ in an effort to prop him up for the 09 season. Crazy theory, sure. But it was crazy to think TO would come to Buffalo in the first place.

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They say time heals all wounds, and apparently it also helps people forget how brutal DJ was on gameday last season. We know DJ's been given an ultimatum to win or he's done, but he's had a huge hand in building this team since 2006. Going after TO is not a DJ type move. He's ultra conservative, and even when things became horrible at the end of 08, he wouldn't yield that it was he who caused a good many of them or admit fault.


I wouldn't put it past the front office to give credit to DJ in an effort to prop him up for the 09 season. Crazy theory, sure. But it was crazy to think TO would come to Buffalo in the first place.

Finding problems is an inherently negative mindset that could ruin one's Polyanna outlook. Far better to look for the silver linings and what went right or why it should have gone right like it would've if it were Friday. If you focus on all the good stuff, your karma will be better, and more good stuff will happen because you make yourself a good stuff magnet. So, that's why being an optimist is so important. You have to let people find their paths to nirvana and trust them to do so. Pressure just bums the chill.

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