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T.O wanted to go to the Bills


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With TO and Lee on the team, if Trent checks down all of the time, Turk should be the one pitching a fit.

In the NFL a good QB has to throw into coverage and trust his receivers.


Besides, Dick's #1 ability is, supposidly, his ability to handle players. Now's the time to put that skill to the test.


I think TO may have picked Buffalo. Aside from ndirish1978's point, TO gets to come into a team with a lame duck coach and staff. He signs a one year deal and gets a chance to be the savior. If the Bills are relevant next year, it will be because of TO. Think about what we know about TO's personality. Buffalo may be a small pond, but TO has a chance to be more than just a big fish, he may be a jesus fish. (even if it is only in his mind)

I had given up all hope for 09. With TO my optimism is renewed. :bag:

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With TO and Lee on the team, if Trent checks down all of the time, Turk should be the one pitching a fit.

In the NFL a good QB has to throw into coverage and trust his receivers.


Besides, Dick's #1 ability is, supposidly, his ability to handle players. Now's the time to put that skill to the test.


I think TO may have picked Buffalo. Aside from ndirish1978's point, TO gets to come into a team with a lame duck coach and staff. He signs a one year deal and gets a chance to be the savior. If the Bills are relevant next year, it will be because of TO. Think about what we know about TO's personality. Buffalo may be a small pond, but TO has a chance to be more than just a big fish, he may be a jesus fish. (even if it is only in his mind)

I love it..

Minnesota has the Purple Jesus

Buffalo has the JESUS FISH!

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He has always kept his mouth shut and played well the 1st year of his contracts.....then in year 2 starts to mouth off a bit. I think for one year 6.5M it is a very good signing!!! Well done. Nice to see the Bills relevant on national stage again.


He's already "playing" for his next contract.

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