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New tactic by the democrats


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Gotta love their tenacity. I live in a middle to upper middle class area, heavy military, heavy republican.


Well they have the 2 desks setup one for A-L and one for M-Z. The M-Z line is moving along great, no backup, in fact people are in and out in 5 minutes or less. Now in my line it is out the door and halfway down the street at 6 am. Finally get to vote at 7:15. Seems the polling director had placed a gentleman volunteer at the desk to check ids, verify you are on the roster and check you off. He was taking a good minute with each person. Very, very , very slow. The polling director asked him to move and someone else would take over. He got very hostile and animated, refused to move and said that was what he was told to do and he was going to stay there all day. He even stated right in front of me as I had finally reached the desk, that either the ladies and gentlemen in line can vote at his pace or they can leave and not vote at all, he didn't care. I know they called for a security officer and they were just coming in as I finally left.


Well hopefully this was an isolated bit of stupidity, but I am guessing it was organized.

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Gotta love their tenacity.  I live in a middle to upper middle class area, heavy military, heavy republican. 


Well they have the 2 desks setup one for A-L and one for M-Z.  The M-Z line is moving along great, no backup, in fact people are in and out in 5 minutes or less.  Now in my line it is out the door and halfway down the street at 6 am.  Finally get to vote at 7:15.  Seems the polling director had placed a gentleman volunteer at the desk to check ids, verify you are on the roster and check you off.  He was taking a good minute with each person.  Very, very , very slow.  The polling director asked him to move and someone else would take over.  He got very hostile and animated, refused to move and said that was what he was told to do and he was going to stay there all day.  He even stated right in front of me as I had finally reached the desk, that either the ladies and gentlemen in line can vote at his pace or they can leave and not vote at all, he didn't care.  I know they called for a security officer and they were just coming in as I finally left. 


Well hopefully this was an isolated bit of stupidity, but I am guessing it was organized.


I'm doing volunteer work for local congrssional candidate....we are not allowed in polling place..that gentleman is working for the polls, not for one party or the other.  We have been lectured about what we can and cannot do around polling place

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Gotta love their tenacity.  I live in a middle to upper middle class area, heavy military, heavy republican. 


Well they have the 2 desks setup one for A-L and one for M-Z.  The M-Z line is moving along great, no backup, in fact people are in and out in 5 minutes or less.  Now in my line it is out the door and halfway down the street at 6 am.  Finally get to vote at 7:15.  Seems the polling director had placed a gentleman volunteer at the desk to check ids, verify you are on the roster and check you off.  He was taking a good minute with each person.  Very, very , very slow.  The polling director asked him to move and someone else would take over.  He got very hostile and animated, refused to move and said that was what he was told to do and he was going to stay there all day.  He even stated right in front of me as I had finally reached the desk, that either the ladies and gentlemen in line can vote at his pace or they can leave and not vote at all, he didn't care.  I know they called for a security officer and they were just coming in as I finally left. 


Well hopefully this was an isolated bit of stupidity, but I am guessing it was organized.



It could only be the evil democrats behind this. The eternally honorable Republican party would never ever do anything questionable to win an election.


I'm sure tonight the black helicopters will be over your house, better put your aluminum foil hat on.

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Oh almost forgot the other one. They had a woman demanding outside to have a voting machine outdoors. She said she refused to go inside and was declaring that our polling place was restricting her rights to vote since they wouldn;t accommodate her. The polling officials were trying to see if they could get a friend to walk a ballot out to her, let her fill it out and then walk it back in and put it in the machine.


Come on now, tell me these are planned to try to slow the process down, to get people to leave the line.

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It could only be the evil democrats behind this.  The eternally honorable Republican party would never ever do anything questionable to win an election. 


I'm sure tonight the black helicopters will be over your house, better put your aluminum foil hat on.


Okay mister smart ass. Then why were they calling for security to remove him?

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Oh almost forgot the other one.  They had a woman demanding outside to have a voting machine outdoors.  She said she refused to go inside and was declaring that our polling place was restricting her rights to vote since they wouldn;t accommodate her.  The polling officials were trying to see if they could get a friend to walk a ballot out to her, let her fill it out and then walk it back in and put it in the machine. 


Come on now, tell me these are planned to try to slow the process down, to get people to leave the line.



Wouldn't that "tactic" favor the Republican's then. It's my understanding that the consesus is that the more people that vote, the better it will be for Kerry.


It must be tough living in a schizophrenic world.

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Wouldn't that "tactic" favor the Republican's then.  It's my understanding that the consesus is that the more people that vote, the better it will be for Kerry.


It must be tough living in a schizophrenic world.


Not where I live, if you read my message originally you would understand we are mainly republican. In fact I would guess 80-90 percent will vote republican.

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My only prayer is that someday people will not be identified and labeled by their party affiliation.  That someday each individuals values will actually matter.


It's much to easy to bash people across party lines don't ya think.


Okay explain to me than what other reason would he having for purposely slowing it down and refusing to move? If he could get enough voters to walk out there the the voters in Old Town who vote 90 % democrat will get their votes to have more weight.

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There were 5 hour lines in Florida for most of the day yesterday.  Were you here bitching about that?


Probably not because it serves your interest.


No but again read my !@#$ing post you moron and quite !@#$ing arguing when you know you are wrong.


The M-Z line had noone in it. The guy didn't give a stevestojan and said if the ladies and gentlemen didn't want to wait they could leave.


I am sorry but a polling official is supposed to make accommodation for people and help them. Not hinder and recommend they leave.


Where the !@#$ did you go to school?

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I don't believe anyone is trying to suppress anything, there's way too much scrutiny this election.  I'm just having fun with someone's paranoia.


Paranoia , when security is called and 3 people are trying to remove the guy from his chair. Paranoia my ass.

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There will be people crying "voter suppression and intimidation" if so much as they are directed to the bathroom in their polling place incorrectly. Not saying your situation was like that, VA....but thats the type of thing thats going to happen. This is going to get UGLY today.


Funny thing....here on Long Island, weve got 50 year old hand-machines for voting with a bunch of geriatrics running the show. Never a problem...never confusion and a line never longer than 15 minutes.....even during Presidential elections. Why are there such issues with all this?

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