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...and if you don't exercise your right to vote, then shut up!  Don't complain about things and then not have the guts to do your part to change them.



People have risked their lives, and lost their lives, to maintain our right to vote.


I constantly hear that people are not going to vote, because they are sick and tired of what we are getting from the Republicans and Democrats. Do not throw your vote away, just because they do not like the Republican or Democratic candidates. There are plenty of other candidates running in this election. There is a link in my sig line, directing you to a list of all candidates, their platforms, and campaign information. If you do not like your choice of Bush or Kerry, just follow the link to find a candidate who better represents your views.


Apathy does not send a message to Washington that you are tired of the crap. Your vote sends that message.

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...and if you don't exercise your right to vote, then shut up!  Don't complain about things and then not have the guts to do your part to change them.



Agreed. Exercise your constitutional right, my friends. It is indeed a special privilege.

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Apathy does not send a message to Washington that you are tired of the crap. Your vote sends that message.


Sadly Ken, I'm not so sure it does. I think the powers that be simply write-off the 1 or 2% who vote Green, Libertarian, Independent, etc. :doh:


One thing I respect though, especially after having the opportunity to meet you in September, is the audacity you've displayed by throwing your hat into the ring. Forgive my crassness, but that takes some serious balls.

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Sadly Ken, I'm not so sure it does.  I think the powers that be simply write-off the 1 or 2% who vote Green, Libertarian, Independent, etc.   :doh:


One thing I respect though, especially after having the opportunity to meet you in September, is the audacity you've displayed by throwing your hat into the ring.  Forgive my crassness, but that takes some serious balls.



If that were the case, then the Democrats would not be spending so much time, money, and effort to suppress the Nader vote.


More people need to stand up and say "enough is enough!" Until then, you will be stuck with what you have now, or worse.


Thanks for the compliments. Regardless of whether I win or lose, the main focus of my campaign has been to raise awareness of alternative candidates. The fact that I have swayed people to vote for me, who have never met me or knew me before my campaign, I feel is an accomplishment.

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1st in line at the poll station near my house this morning. Hot coffee, Sports Guy printed out, nice view from the front of the line as it grew like a tail out of Najeh Davenport's rear :lol:


felt good to cast my vote. I know I did the right thing.

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