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Start an unfounded rumor about the previous poster


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damj enjoys a nice breakfast of spam egg spam spam bacon and spam

At the end of the first gulf war, we lived on nothing but spam and beans for a week, and it gave me the runs like you wouldn't believe ...


/dev/null is going to try an all spam diet.

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At the end of the first gulf war, we lived on nothing but spam and beans for a week, and it gave me the runs like you wouldn't believe ...


/dev/null is going to try an all spam diet.


damj thinks MRE stands for Meals Really Edible

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which means his hands and netherregion were not involved in the circlejerk and lovecircle that damj participated in.

Sorry ... you're right ... as per your request /dev/null can drive next time. (hmmm ... maybe I broke ranks here with a proactive unfounded rumor ... so sue me!)

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Sorry ... you're right ... as per your request /dev/null can drive next time. (hmmm ... maybe I broke ranks here with a proactive unfounded rumor ... so sue me!)

damj was sued by Scott Sarama of The Stadium Wall for proactive unfound humor and for being present at Butt!@#$ingham Palace while Boy George banged 30 men in two hours.

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damj was sued by Scott Sarama of The Stadium Wall for proactive unfound humor and for being present at Butt!@#$ingham Palace while Boy George banged 30 men in two hours.

that'll teach me ... lol ...


justnzane would know ... he was #7, 18 and 26.

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