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Another tax dodger

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So you've run out of Obama cabinet appointments so now you're resorting to feigning outrage over which European country a crappy rock band pays their royalty taxes in? Seriously??

Is that somehow different than you feigning condescension in a desperate attempt to seem above others?


I guess you don't see the humor in U2 going "multi-national" to save their coin while attempting to get other governments to "pay their fair share" to end poverty. "Do as I say, not as I do, mother!@#$er."

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So you've run out of Obama cabinet appointments...

That depends. Are all the cabinet seats filled? Ron Kirk was the last one, and he owed $10,000 in back taxes, so unless all the seats are filled, I'm putting my money on "No, we haven't run out of Obama cabinet appointees yet..."

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It's "effect" not "affect".

You got me there. I screw that one up all the time - basically laziness. I had effect the first time and changed it because it didn't look right.

Most of us learned the difference between the two in grade school.

"Most"? Actually, that's incorrect according to just about every reference out there. You know, since they're cited as the most misused homonyms in just about every credible publication on the subject.

How's that for condescension?

Pathetic, but thus far that's about the standard you've set for yourself.

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What?? One of the left wing's favorite heroes, one who goes around bashing ruthless corporate entities is now evading millions in taxes?? I'm shocked!




Classic story ... everyone but yours truly should pay more taxes .... tax the rich .... whatever other tag line you want to give it. Not suprising these guys play the game.

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Why does this belong on the PPP board?


It just shows how easy it is for a liberal to be a hypocrite. It's so hard to practice what they preach. Be green, help your fellow man, don't waste natural resources....until of course it has to do with them. And also, U2 never wrote a song that wasn't political.


Irish government capped artists' tax-free earnings at €250,000 ($315,000)


I think it's time to go back to chefing move to Ireland. I always considered myself an artist. But seriously what constitutes being an "artist"?

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It just shows how easy it is for a liberal to be a hypocrite. It's so hard to practice what they preach. Be green, help your fellow man, don't waste natural resources....until of course it has to do with them. And also, U2 never wrote a song that wasn't political.




I think it's time to go back to chefing move to Ireland. I always considered myself an artist. But seriously what constitutes being an "artist"?


Art is anything you can get away with.

Being an artist is getting away with anything you can get away with.

The Democrats are artists at running the country.

President BO is an artist at ruining the economy.

Dow 2500 here we come.

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Why does this belong on the PPP board?


Because of the high probability of agitating another newly minted angry liberal on the board. And see, right on a cue another Bishop Hedd clone shows up with an indigent reply, too blinded by his arrogance and stupidity to see the obvious point of the thread.

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Because of the high probability of agitating another newly minted angry liberal on the board. And see, right on a cue another Bishop Hedd clone shows up with an indigent reply, too blinded by his arrogance and stupidity to see the obvious point of the thread.


I absolutely see the point of the thread. You're providing fodder for your little angry white male support group that you've got going on here and judging from this thread it looks like it must not take much to get them all worked up. Good work! Unfortunately for you the country's going to hell in a hand basket and aside from you partisan douchebags nobody gives two ***** about whether or not U2 are hypocrites!

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I absolutely see the point of the thread. You're providing fodder for your little angry white male support group that you've got going on here and judging from this thread it looks like it must not take much to get them all worked up. Good work! Unfortunately for you the country's going to hell in a hand basket and aside from you partisan douchebags nobody gives two ***** about whether or not U2 are hypocrites!


Gee, what makes you think I was talking about you? :rolleyes:


Yes, clearly everyone here is worked up except you.




So much bitterness and not a Bush in sight to vent it toward....

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