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It's official - if we beat the Jets

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If we win Sunday, we will have won 3 of the last 4 games. And we were 1-2 plays away from winning the first 3 too. If we win it means we are officially NOT horrible, as some posters would have you believe.


Beating the Jets would be a sign that we can beat a team with a good record, and it will mean that we're learning how to win and getting the kinks out.


The defense is looking better each week, and should improve even more when Vincent comes back.


Bottom line, if we win next week I for one will start to get the butterflies back in my stomach at the start of each game again, like I did when the games meant something.

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Great Point.......Well...the Bills have put themselves in line to succeed a few different times like this...usually resulting in me screaming obscenities at the TV or at fellow EZC'ers at the game.....DON'T TEASE US BUFFALO......PLEASE!!!!!!


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I hope that the Jets lose to Miami tonight and then we beat them. That will almost eliminate the chances of the Jets making the playoffs. They always fall apart. On the bright side the Bills are looking better and better every week. This team has not even come close to reaching it full potential. This time next season ESPN will be reporting on how good Mularkey has been since his 1-5 start last season. Every week I get more and More excited about the dimise of Drew. I am so sick and tired of watching 7-8 players blitz him and nothing but a sack. INSERT SPEED + ENERGY and watch the sudden respect defenses show.

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the Bills have put themselves in line to succeed a few different times like this...usually resulting in me screaming obscenities at the TV or at fellow EZC'ers at the game



I agree, we have been on the wrong end of some serious teasing by the Bills. That's why I say, the Jets game will tell me a lot about whether we can make a run or not...

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I hope that the Jets lose to Miami tonight and then we beat them.  That will almost eliminate the chances of the Jets making the playoffs.  They always fall apart.  On the bright side the Bills are looking better and better every week.  This team has not even come close to reaching it full potential.  This time next season ESPN will be reporting on how good Mularkey has been since his 1-5 start last season.  Every week I get more and More excited about the dimise of Drew.  I am so sick and tired of watching 7-8 players blitz him and nothing but a sack.  INSERT SPEED + ENERGY and watch the sudden respect defenses show.



The jets always come out of the gates strong and then fall apart. If Buffalo beats the Jets, it will be brushed off as another Jets collapse.

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The jets always come out of the gates strong and then fall apart.  If Buffalo beats the Jets, it will be brushed off as another Jets collapse.


Further, the only team the Jets have beat that currently has a winning record is the Chargers. If we win, it will be "who cares? The Jets haven't beaten anybody good anyway..." I always hear talk of the "excuse machine" when the Bills lose, but it doesn't hold a candle to the one that goes into play when we win....

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I ain't gonna say it's not possible for the Bills to pull this one out, but it will be a tough one.


I'm looking at this week's game as a pivotal game. Pivotal in many ways...


1) It's a benchmark game to see if last week was a fluke or maybe a trend... especially red zone efficiency.


2) It's a game to see how this game responds after the whipping they took in Jersey and are the fired up enough to diah out a tall glass of whoop ass.


3) The Jets are traveling after a Monday night game that was physical and energized. Will there legs be there this week and will the Bills play physical football in all 3 phases of the game, which is the key to beating the Jets.


If the Bills lose... same ole, same ole. However, if they pull this one out, that's definitely going to get my attention and I may have to alter some of my recent perceptions. Anything is possible.

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I ain't gonna say it's not possible for the Bills to pull this one out, but it will be a tough one.


I'm looking at this week's game as a pivotal game.  Pivotal in many ways...


1) It's a benchmark game to see if last week was a fluke or maybe a trend... especially red zone efficiency.


I agree.  I think an early lead (e.g. by a TD) will be crucial to their confidence and will put us in great position to win the game with the defense knowing that some of the pressure is off them.



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I'm not being negative for the sake of being negative here, but honestly:

If we beat the Jets, we'll have beaten an overachieving team coming off a short week at home in a rivalry game.

Again, I'm not saying this just to be negative. In my "random NFL thoughts" thread in the preseason, I predicted the Jets to not be very good. You may not agree with it, but that's honestly how I feel. If they end up 11-5 I'll admit I was wrong, but until then I will remain skeptical about how good that team really is.


For the Bills to be considered good, we need to beat NE, or at least play them tough and beat Seattle on the road, in addition to winning all of the home games we "should" win.

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Man you guys are tough.


Our defense is #1 in the NFL and 2nd overall. We may be getting Vincent back. McGee is #1 (I think) in kick return avg. We have found our new, more productive RB.


If we win Sunday, I for one will not knock it, I'll start thinking maybe we can do some damage - even if we win in a 40 MPH wind with snow.



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What happens if we TROUNCE the Jets and start not only winning games but dominating? Punishing the opposition on every down.... then what?

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