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The best team in football?


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Unfortunately, I have to hear a lot about the steelers. Quite frankly I am growing very tired of hearing about the steelers and now I have to hear how they might be the best team in football. I live with a die hard and just about all of my crew are steeler fans. This is what I know about Pittsburgh.

ON OFFENSE-- Up front they have a great LG in Faneca, other than that they are injured or just plain bad. As a matter of fact, when TD Tommy was at the helm this had to have been one of the worst offensive lines ever to watch. It pained me more to watch the Steelers line play than the Bills, that is how bad they were with Maddux at the Helm. Injuries, Rookies starting, no OT at all. QB- Tommy maddux has been a backup in this league, and should continue to be a backup, when he got hurt it was the best thing that ever happened to Pittsburgh, Big Ben is good, but in his first game he was only allowed to look to one quarter of the field, he won. The second game Cowher allowed him to look at one half of the field, he won. In the next two games the same thing, really its true. Now, Cowher trusts Big Ben and will continue to let him observe the entire defense and make some bigger plays as he did against NE. How they won while only using portions of the field at a time, baffles me but they did play some pretty bad teams. Kudos to Bill Cowher

RB- Face it, the Bus is old and fat and slow and inaffective, and Duce signed for about a million a year for a reason. Neither one of these guys would start on too many teams, Duce wasn't even offered another contract.

WR- They have a great, great WR in Hines Ward. Plax is a deep threat only, he needs the ball high in the air to even stand a chance to catch it. But he is good at catching jump/deep balls. Randel El will never be anything more than a nice shifty slot reciever. Drops everything beyond 5 yds, very nice within five yards. But overall this is the srength of the team, having all the needed components to use in the passing game.

ON DEFENSE--Up Front they are just plain not impressive at all, the only D-lineman worth mentioning is C Hampton, and he is out for the year. They are so inaffective that all they are asked to do is get blocked so somebody else can make a play, really its true.

LB- The only strength of this defense is their LB core, they have been solid even without their best lb, Bell. Bell is battling diabetes and injury after injury. THey have some reserves that have stepped in well.

Now the part that really baffles me is how bad the players are in their secondary. C Scott is hurt and as bad as he is, he was their #1 corner. THe former #2 wouldn't even make a lot of teams and Coakley is playing like a rookie. But coakley is far and away thier best man coverage DB. At safety they have a future star in Polamalu, and some no name at FS who is now injured and replaced by another no name. Just plain weak on talent


I've got a million questions almost all about Big Ben or revolving around the subject. Is his mobility the difference between the steelers being a bad team and one of the best? I Know it is, please prove me wrong. I want you to, really. It has been killing me, just wondering how this team can be so much better than the Bills. I may be a silly brainwashed fan but I believe that our line is not terrible, it is not the fact that Drew can't seem to throw the ball in 3 seconds because no qb gets rid of the ball in three seconds these days unless you absolutly have to. I believe the only reason that we are bad and they are good is the fact that Big Ben has mobility. It has been proven that you don't even need the whole field if you avoid the blitz.

Now, I'm not saying that JP is as good or even close to as good a Big Ben. What I'm getting at is gameplanning. Not ours, everybody who plays us. We can't beat a team that can bring it, the blitz. We will not beat a team that can bring it. It is about respect. The steelers can't block the blitz either, they simply run away from it. Bledsoe said something that really ticked me off last week. He stated to his recievers that if you are 40 yds down field and I haven't thrown it yet something is wrong get open. If Drew could get out of the pocket these recievers have all the talent in the world to get open. THat is what I want to see, I want to see moulds get open all on his own because JP rolled away from the pressure and bought him that extra second.

THis is what I know about JP. HE is more mobile than Big Ben. He would give our recievers 5 seconds to get open. He will play with such energy that the Bills could be good once again. I'm not asking for 300 yds and no ints. I want energy, I want to see a defense sit back on 3rd and 9 instead of bringing the house, and I want to see JP out run the blitz when they do. I believe that TD has done a great job with this team and has addressed all of the problems that he has been able to. He knew Bledsoe was done last season. So did you guys. None of us wanted to throw JP in right away. TD did the right thing. All we can hope for is Drew to suffer and the Bills to win.

Is our defense as good as Pittsburgh? Oh yeah trust me, it is way better. Is our line as good as Pittsburgh? Yep, I am positive that if you put Maddux back in, pittsburgh stinks all over again. Do we have better RBs? Comon, did I just write that? Eric Moulds is as good as Ward and Lee Evans will be everything that Burress is and more. So don't buy into the we don't have anything to look forward to crap. There is a fine line between the best and the worst. I believe we are 0ne JP Losman from being unstoppable.

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Great post, Dan!


I admit I was wrong about Big Ben, I thought he'd be a bust. :D

But he really has made all the difference in the world.

Look at all the positive energy he has bought to their team!


We're getting a taste of some of that positive energy right now with Willis playing...


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real nice post man and i hope your right.


What I see when watching big ben is a very smart qb that is an excellent desicion maker and leader. When he stepped in there at qb he instantly raised the level of play of every guy around him. Look at plaxico burress for example...basically just a player full of talent and skillz but with maddox in there he was just another player. Now ben is using him like the weapon that he is and he is making plays all over the place.


Im right with you on this one man...I can't wait for JP to get in there and show some emotion and energy and some flashes of brilliance and watch this team hopefully flourish with him under the healm.

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Yesterday was my second chance to watch Ben in action from start to finish and what I really appreciate about him is how he just stands there calmly, regardless of what is going on around him, and waits for the right moment and then generally puts just enough air under the ball to hit his receivers.


In particular, his first TD pass to Burress...I thought he was hit and the ball just shot up at an odd trajectory. But the ball dropped right into Burress' hands, and on the replay I saw Ben playing big league ball.


I appreciate how painful it must be to listen to people talk about how someone other than the Bills are the best team right now, but you just have to give credit where it's due. The entire team outplayed the Patriots yesterday...with or without their run game...and they got the turnovers when they needed them, and turned them into points.

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Nice Post!


The one question I keep asking myself is this...What if, like Pittsburgh, the Bills Vet QB got injured early instead of our Rookie QB? What would our Record be now?


Of coarse there is no telling...But what is going on in Pittsburgh right now makes you wonder...I also wonder if in fact JP gets inserted and plays well down the stretch, combined with Big Ben's obvious success, will NFL Teams reconsider the "sit a Rookie QB" theory? I know what Big Ben's success has taught me is that EVERY situation is different, and obviously a Rookie QB can win in the NFL... B)

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Who would have though Eli Manning would still be sitting on the beach this far into the season. Kurt won that starting job and shows no signs of letting it go. Then you have Philip Rivers who is wasting away in San Diego. I'm glad to see at least one of the high draft picks doing something this season.

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