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Here comes the snow!

KD in CA

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its in full swing here in richmond....it sucks

Just finished in richmond, about 5inches where I am and cold for Richmond. May be on the ground for a solid two days. I have never seen so many kids and dogs in the street just having a ball. Good times for all and no work for papa!!

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Just finished in richmond, about 5inches where I am and cold for Richmond. May be on the ground for a solid two days. I have never seen so many kids and dogs in the street just having a ball. Good times for all and no work for papa!!


I would love to trade places with you.


I honestly wish we would get some snow out here! They are talking temps in the 70s today and about 30 miles south in Pueblo it could get up to 80 tomorrow. :oops:


We had 0.0 inches of precipitation in February. The whole eastern half of the state is one giant tinder box.

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In Buffalo... its cold outside but I'm used to it :/


Its supposed to go up to the 40s this week and stay that way and higher until april :oops:



If the weather cooperates I really think we could get on the golf courses in a couple of weeks. There is no snow on the ground & the ground is relatively dry. Cold as a Mother F*cker out ther today, only 14 degrees, but like you said it is supposed to get into the 40s by the weekend. If temps could creep into the 50s over the next 10-14 days or so, I think some of the courses will be open for business. At least that is what I am hoping.

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Thus far national weather center projections for April - May are for warmer temperatures then normal. :oops:



If the weather cooperates I really think we could get on the golf courses in a couple of weeks. There is no snow on the ground & the ground is relatively dry. Cold as a Mother F*cker out ther today, only 14 degrees, but like you said it is supposed to get into the 40s by the weekend. If temps could creep into the 50s over the next 10-14 days or so, I think some of the courses will be open for business. At least that is what I am hoping.
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no snow coming for us, but its so cold a person could freeze their yazoonies off......



Same here... March coming in like a lion... But just cold and little lake effect fromt he back door (northeast)... Yet, it is so light and fluffy the snow just blows away and with the sun being at a higher angle everyday, barely nothing sticks to the roads.



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If the weather cooperates I really think we could get on the golf courses in a couple of weeks.


Well, looks like we are getting some more snow right now, low in the single digits tonight, might even get a wind chill under 0 tonight. Now thats freaking cold for Richmond. However, the 7 day forecast calls for 70 on Saturday??? :oops: I am sure the courses will be open by then.


We are starting our spring break trip on Friday, going skiing out West so at least we getting ready now

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If the weather cooperates I really think we could get on the golf courses in a couple of weeks. There is no snow on the ground & the ground is relatively dry. Cold as a Mother F*cker out ther today, only 14 degrees, but like you said it is supposed to get into the 40s by the weekend. If temps could creep into the 50s over the next 10-14 days or so, I think some of the courses will be open for business. At least that is what I am hoping.


True. Will be in the mid-50's here by the weekend here... But Gordio, good luck to the WNYer's hoping to hop into the boat and taking a cruise out on the lake until at least April... :blink::blink: It is still freezing here and there is ice on the waterways, but that will be gone fast and people can actually enjoy the natural asset (the lake) by mid-MARCH... I have never seen boating season be delayed into April for this region (lower western Great Lakes).



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If the weather cooperates I really think we could get on the golf courses in a couple of weeks. There is no snow on the ground & the ground is relatively dry. Cold as a Mother F*cker out ther today, only 14 degrees, but like you said it is supposed to get into the 40s by the weekend. If temps could creep into the 50s over the next 10-14 days or so, I think some of the courses will be open for business. At least that is what I am hoping.


I'm hoping for the same, I can't wait to hit the links again.

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Another day of chicks in capri pants and spagetti straps here in SoCal, though we might get some drizzle this afternoon to cool us off after having spent the weekend in the mid 80s. :D



IMO, warm weather is overrated... :unsure::w00t: Nothing beats the change of seasons!! The cange of seasons is the paradise. Nothing in the word beats going from fall to winter and winter to spring!

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6" here in Charlotte, NC. Winter storm on March 1st in Charlotte, I wonder if Al Gore would care to comment. :unsure:



Global Warming refers to shifts in climate/weather, not an overall heating of the planet. When was the last time it snowed in Charlotte?

BTW I think Gore is a hypocritical @ss

It's 60 here and people are cr@pping themselves begging for warm weather

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