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cop beats up 15 year old girl

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Ir reminds me of the parking lot scene in "Jackie Brown". It wasn't just one thing that Bridget Fonda said to get Robert De Niro to shoot her, but he did have a breaking point.


I'm not above making sweeping judgments from less than 2 minutes of soundless video:


Bad girl + Bad cop = beating (good/bad/otherwise)

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Ir reminds me of the parking lot scene in "Jackie Brown". It wasn't just one thing that Bridget Fonda said to get Robert De Niro to shoot her, but he did have a breaking point.


I'm not above making sweeping judgments from less than 2 minutes of soundless video:


Bad girl + Bad cop = beating (good/bad/otherwise)


ah yes, because we should hold our police officers to the same standards as movie criminals. :thumbdown:

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not to defend bacon, but as a teacher I deal with 15 year old girls on a daily basis. And some of them would stab their moms from behind if given the chance.


Now I have snapped on a class or two, but a kicked shoe doesn't constitute me charging at one of the kids and beating the sh-- out of her. But maybe there was other stuff going that we didn't see or hear. The cop shouldn't have done what he did, but I understand how he could have done so.

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not to defend bacon, but as a teacher I deal with 15 year old girls on a daily basis. And some of them would stab their moms from behind if given the chance.


Now I have snapped on a class or two, but a kicked shoe doesn't constitute me charging at one of the kids and beating the sh-- out of her. But maybe there was other stuff going that we didn't see or hear. The cop shouldn't have done what he did, but I understand how he could have done so.



To me, what might have happened earlier can't be used to justify, or explain, the cop's actions here. This guy has "wife-beater" written all over him. I'm not suggesting he actually has beaten his wife, or any significant other (although I wouldn't be surprised if he does), but if he can resort to that level of violence over a kicked shoe, and maybe a verbal comment, he's wound WAY too tight to be a police officer, IMO.


I trust that, even in the worst situation (that didn't involve a student making physical contact first), you never launched on a student and gave them a brutal beating. As you note, I can see wanting to do it, but wanting to to it, and actually doing it, are two very different things. If I hit every girlfriend that got snotty with me, or said very hateful things and threw stuff at me, etc...well, I'd be in jail...and rightfully so.


Another horribly offensive part of this video, is the way the 2nd cop helps out, by holding the girl down so his partner can continue is punching spree. That cop should have been restraining his partner, IMO. (I use "partner" loosely as they may not be official partners.)


One thing I can tell you for sure, if this happened in the Falls, when I was growing up, to the wrong girl, with this kind of video evidence, the cop would be best served by moving far away, and changing his name. His life would be in serious danger. (I'm not endorsing violence against the cop...I'm just sayin'.)


Well, I assume it's only a matter of time before Felix posts a defense of the officer, that ignores the video evidence, entirely, and suggests the girl should have been shot.

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For the sake of playing devil's advocate, would people be disgusted if this had happened to a 15 year old boy that had been taken into custody? Or would we be saying "Yeah, the little punk probably deserved it"?


I'm not defending the cop, because that level of overreaction is inexcusable, but do you think that we're affected by the fact that it was a girl?

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not to defend bacon, but as a teacher I deal with 15 year old girls on a daily basis. And some of them would stab their moms from behind if given the chance.


Now I have snapped on a class or two, but a kicked shoe doesn't constitute me charging at one of the kids and beating the sh-- out of her. But maybe there was other stuff going that we didn't see or hear. The cop shouldn't have done what he did, but I understand how he could have done so.



Clearly she pissed him off, not that it excuses in any way such an overreaction. But I see your point; I doubt there are many people that deal with teenagers on a regular basis that don't want to pound the crap out of one of them every so often.

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For the sake of playing devil's advocate, would people be disgusted if this had happened to a 15 year old boy that had been taken into custody? Or would we be saying "Yeah, the little punk probably deserved it"?


I'm not defending the cop, because that level of overreaction is inexcusable, but do you think that we're affected by the fact that it was a girl?



For me...none. If it was a 15 year old boy i'd still feel the same way. That cop has issues.

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