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Pet Peeve

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It's "Should have", not "Should of" folks. Next time I see "We should of signed _______" I'm goin' postal.

The problem is "should have" gets contracted in spoken language, so it sounds like "should of."


But I agree 100%, the "should of signed ____" posts kill me.

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To many people here mess up there words for me to spend time creating new topics. Its something us smarties will have to grit are teeth about, I guess!



alot of ppl make to many spellin mistakes, its prolly the ejecation sistems fault for there bad gramur.

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I'm just happy there's not a lot of 'z' pluralization on this board...wait.


In all seriousness, I was going to write that anyways, then I noticed your handle!


I'm used to it by now, but a lot of posters around here could use a lesson in...


two, to, and too


there, their, and they're


its and it's


yore, your, and you're


and that's just a start.

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"Mistameanor" instead of "Fellowknee".


You should of spelled it "fellanee".


And now I saw "pollups" (as in "colon pollups", I assume). People are going to !@#$ing kill me here. I miss the good ol' days, when misspellings were just typos like "drinkling" or "I'm love corn."

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