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Why we aren't doomed


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I don't like the posters that continually B word either, but what your post says does not exactly make me optimistic. You are saying we will be 7-9 to possible 9-7 or 10-6. I am sick of sucking, and I am sick of mediocrity. It would be too small a victory for us if the Bills won 9 games and still missed out on the playoffs. Are we that complacent about mediocrity?

Well, just trying to be realistic. TE isn't going to develop into his prime next season.

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Let me put this to you this way...if Bill Walsh were Trent Edwards' head coach and he had another clunker 2009 season like his clunker 2008 season, then Edwards would not be the starting Bills QB in 2010. Dick Jauron is the polar opposite of the ultimate task master Bill Walsh. Sorry if this is news to you, but Dick Jauron doesn't care about winning. All he cares about is that he feels that his players "try hard". Whatever the hell that means and all the while the measuring stick for this "trying hard" high standard is stuck somewhere up his @ss.

That's why JP got benched, right? He surely didn't bench him because he thought Edwards would be the better player.

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I flat out disagree with those who call Edwards a noodle arm or use some other lame name-calling that has little basis in reality or demonstrable facts. I have been very impressed with what this 3rd round pick has shown in accuracy, quick release and more mobility than he was given credit for.


Unfortunately, along with all these positives comes what I see as a demonstrable case that Edwards is injury prone.


I define this as a player who loses playing time to three different injuries in the space of 2 seasons (others can offer up a tighter standard or a looser one if they want if they do then please state clearly what your standard is).


Edwards clearly has a record of losing PT in college while playing behind a turnstile OL, but even this fact is something I am willing to overlook when one looks at a players record in the pros behind a more professional OL and after they put on some muscle and weight.


Most important though as a pro he lost a game+ (its hard to say how much PT he lost to the injury as he was sat because the coaching staff simply judged even JP a better bet) to a wrist injury.


This year he went out in pre-season after a tough hit hurt him.


The regular season saw him go out with a concussion.


Edwards then went down with a groin injury against Miami and missed some more PT.


I think that anyone who simply dismisses Edwards as not a good player is simply showing a lack of football knowledge. However, anyone who is sure we are gonna be great because Edwards plays well generally when he is in or who is resting their hopes on this young man making an unprecedented showing of 16 starts simply is doing wishful thinking.


Edwards is a developing QB which should be expected, Edward is also injury prone thus far in his brief career and anyone who pins their hopes for the Bills in 09 on his play needs to acknowledge this and talk about why they believe Fitzpatrick is at the very least the new Frank Reich.

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Our eggs are in the basket of Edwards,

Well you are correct on this point. Signing Fitzpatrick shows that to be a fact. He will be no threat to take Trents job. I hope a mid round pick is used to bring in a QB that could at least make Trent have to win the job. Maybe Pat White or Rhett Bomar.

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I agree that we only go as far as Trent will take us. I think he does have a lot of upside but upside means you havent arrived yet. I thought Trent digressed greatly as the year went on. His injury history and lack of confidence after making mistakes (the cleveland monday nighter) are very worrisome to me. He needs to prove hes the guy this year. O we have to start over again

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TrINT is the a noodle-arm, glove-wearing sissy who can't play worth a crap. I hate him and he sucks. Blablablabla



Hehe, I thought I would say that so no one has a need too. I still like trent a whole lot and agree with you. :blink:

Just when Magox talked me into easing up on Trent a little some one else comes along and picks up where I left off with the "TrINT" idea. :oops:


this was once said about kurt warner too!

I don't think that anyone has EVER said that Kurt Warner had a "noodle arm". His arm strangth has never been questioned, it was more his decision making after the concussions and whether he'd ever be the same after the hand injuries. Now "a glove wearing sissy" he's been called on more than one occasion.


Seriously though, don't put all of your eggs into the fragile Edwards' basket because your hopes will get broken along with the eggs when he ends up going down injured again. The concussion would've happenned to anybody that took that hit, but it still happened to him. It has been a plague that he's had through college and seems to have followed him to the pros. He will not shake this label until he plays a full season injury frree, if not two. Our hopes need to be in the total improvement of our offense as a whole. The OL can't wait until week 9 to get it going for the guys toting the pigskin back there, they have to get it together early. Trent has to get the ball out of there and trust his WR's to be in the opening he's throwing to in the defense. Marshawn and Feddy have to continue the tear they were on the last 8 games of the season. Our WR's need to run their routes and catch the balls thrown their way because there were more than just a couple of key drops that would've been first downs. We need to hope that the TE we bring in can get open in the middle of the field and help to spread the defense out for the WR's. If we get a real receiving threat at TE it will open up the intermediate and deep passing game because the defense will have to respect every position on the field. Coles would only help us that much more. Things could really turn around here in Buffalo, but it's not all on Edwards, it's on all 11 guys lining up out there.

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