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Samara Barend!!!

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And the winner of the,"how to ruin a perfectly good post with negative ignorance award goes to...........bobblehead!!!" :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:






certainaly has my vote just for being a cutie pie



Screw the issues :)

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This was meant to be a lighthearted post you MORONS!!!! Oh yeah that's right......there's no fun here allowed at all...just ignorance and high school bullying....sheesh!!!


Lighten up yourself, Francis. It's not like we're hitting you with batons or firing rubber bullets. You posted your opinion. Others posted theirs. The thing that makes the world interesting is differences.


Give us your address. We'll send you a card.

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This was meant to be a lighthearted post you MORONS!!!! Oh yeah that's right......there's no fun here allowed at all...just ignorance and high school bullying....sheesh!!!



Hey, this is a light-hearted thread. Keep the insults to yourself.

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I don't know about you but this cutie who is in her late 20's running for congress here in the 29th district of New York certainaly has my vote just for being a cutie pie.....*meow*




Cutie if you are comparing her to Hillary maybe.....otherwise, even I wouldn't date her. :)

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everyone is a comedian on this thread.....


Since everyone here cannot seem to get past being sarcastic and childish let me explain myself...allow me to explain it to you in simple yet understanding terms and I will try to keep the words less than 10 letters long as to not confuse anyone...... I came across her web site and I thought she was a cutie....I decided it might be a good time to lighten things up a little and see if anyone agrees with me or not. After posting it the first response is...."she is a carpetbagger!!!".......and yes I do know what that means and it is not a carpetmuncher. Then instead of people saying "yes she is or no she is not cute" I find myself being the brunt of sarcasm by people who think they are comedians when in turn they are just being rude and obnoxious. Yes you can post your opinion......just remember that there are real people on the other side of the screen who don't think your comedy is funny........so pardon me if I am a little unnervered at the moment

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