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If Bush Wins? If Kerry Wins?


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Well here we are ... one day to go and a country completely divided. If this was the 1800s, civil war would be brewing in America and I'd be moving out of NY into Texas to fight for the right. :)


So what happens if Bush wins? What happens if Kerry wins?


If Bush wins, I think you get some pissed off people but after a month or so mostly everyone will be fine because the fact of the matter is America is safer and the economy is going back up. President Bush has shown he can rally Americans, I don't see anything in John Kerry that shows me that he can do that as well.


If Kerry wins, I think the hatred between the left and the right will only get worse. I truly do not believe Kerry is capable of running his own household with stability let alone the greatest country in the world during this turbulent time. I can't see how people stand behind a man whose own party is waffering at backing him. I don't think the dems are happy with John Kerry as their candidate. If Kerry wins, four years from now, I think its almost a lock that the Republicans win the next Presidential election. As divided as this country is now, I think it will only get worse with Kerry.

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Well here we are ... one day to go and a country completely divided. If this was the 1800s, civil war would be brewing in America and I'd be moving out of NY into Texas to fight for the right. :)


So what happens if Bush wins? What happens if Kerry wins?


If Bush wins, I think you get some pissed off people but after a month or so mostly everyone will be fine because the fact of the matter is America is safer and the economy is going back up. President Bush has shown he can rally Americans, I don't see anything in John Kerry that shows me that he can do that as well.


If Kerry wins, I think the hatred between the left and the right will only get worse. I truly do not believe Kerry is capable of running his own household with stability let alone the greatest country in the world during this turbulent time. I can't see how people stand behind a man whose own party is waffering at backing him. I don't think the dems are happy with John Kerry as their candidate. If Kerry wins, four years from now, I think its almost a lock that the Republicans win the next Presidential election. As divided as this country is now, I think it will only get worse with Kerry.



I disagree. Regardless of whether Kerry or Bush wins, there will still be bitter hatred dividing the country. I do not see it changing after the election.


If Bush wins, expect impeachment hearings to start next year.


If Kerry wins, expect the Republicans in Congress to stonewall anything and everything.


It is all about gaining/regaining power. Nothing more.

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I disagree. Regardless of whether Kerry or Bush wins, there will still be bitter hatred dividing the country. I do not see it changing after the election.


If Bush wins, expect impeachment hearings to start next year.


If Kerry wins, expect the Republicans in Congress to stonewall anything and everything.


It is all about gaining/regaining power. Nothing more.


Well stated Ken....

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Whoever wins will be my president and I will stand by him.  I may dissent often, but he will be my president and I will support him.  However I am a conservative, I realize most of my liberal friends will be too inconsiderate to do the same.


Well done on the stereotyping..as they say in the Guiness commercial..."BRILLANT"

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I disagree. Regardless of whether Kerry or Bush wins, there will still be bitter hatred dividing the country. I do not see it changing after the election.


If Bush wins, expect impeachment hearings to start next year.


If Kerry wins, expect the Republicans in Congress to stonewall anything and everything.


It is all about gaining/regaining power. Nothing more.


There will be no impeachment hearings, the Republican control of the House prevents that.


I do agree though that we will remain divided pretty sharply for quite sometime. Sadly, the one thing that might unite us is another terrorist attack. That is why we were all pulling for "W" after 9/11 even if only for a short time, not because of any special ability to unify people on the part of the President. I don't mean that as an insult. The same could be said about FDR and December 7th. I don't know that he rallied the country behind him more than the country rallied itself against our enemies.


On the other hand, I think the possibility that we are not nearly as divided as we seem is worth considering. Maybe the reason things are so close is because our positions on the issues as a people are pretty close. If politicians have to reach out in the distance for an extraneous issue like gay marriage to diffentiate themselves from eachother, maybe our views are closer than those who make a living on division and controversey would ever want us to know.

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Whoever wins will be my president and I will stand by him.  I may dissent often, but he will be my president and I will support him.  However I am a conservative, I realize most of my liberal friends will be too inconsiderate to do the same.




Didn't I see this post in another thread? Sounds like a post made for no other purpose than to pick a fight.

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It's quite obvious that we will not be united if Bush is reelected, he's already burned his bridges and is promising more of the same. The only one with a chance is Kerry, which will depend on how he proceeds and if he offers moderate bi-partisan policies. I think the moderates in this country are ready for bi-partisanship.

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It is truely a strange occurence ( did I spell that right?) isn't it  just PM me with all your outburst against me..don't waste other posters time and energy


First, NO you didn't spell occurrence correctly.


You're so very thoughtful of other's time, yet you post nothing of substance that can't be heard a thousand times from the other mynah birds, lemmings, etc.


Practice what you preach. Try and do it without whining about why PPP is such a tough place to grab a foothold.

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It is truely a strange occurence ( did I spell that right?) isn't it  just PM me with all your outburst against me..don't waste other posters time and energy


No time wasted here. I enjoy AD's post, so please do not speak for me.

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My guess is that if Bush is re-elected, it will be more of the same "fight Bush on all issues and continue to divide America" and if Kerry is elected, there will be stonewalling by some Republicans but many conservatives will do whats best for their country and get in line with the Prez in order to win this war on terror.

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It's quite obvious that we will not be united if Bush is reelected, he's already burned his bridges and is promising more of the same.  The only one with a chance is Kerry, which will depend on how he proceeds and if he offers moderate bi-partisan policies.  I think the moderates in this country are ready for bi-partisanship.


Having essentially billed Kerry as the anti-chirst, the right can't side with him on anything should he be elected. How do you go to your constituents and tell them that despite Kerry being the son of the devil, you are voting with him on Bill 343214123413? If Kerry comes out in favor of sunshine, they will have to oppose him. The Republicans, because of their control of the House and Senate, actually have a choice on that while Democrats, in the event of a Bush victory, do not. They will have to find some way to compromise with him because they will have no choice.

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It's quite obvious that we will not be united if Bush is reelected, he's already burned his bridges and is promising more of the same.  The only one with a chance is Kerry, which will depend on how he proceeds and if he offers moderate bi-partisan policies.  I think the moderates in this country are ready for bi-partisanship.



Yes they are ready for bi-partisanship. Unfortunately, the Democrats decided to ignore the moderates and nominate an extremist.

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Whoever wins will be my president and I will stand by him.  I may dissent often, but he will be my president and I will support him.  However I am a conservative, I realize most of my liberal friends will be too inconsiderate to do the same.



I totally agree. If Kerry wins, as much as I think he'd be a horrible president, I will still support him. Not nearly as much as I do President Bush, but support I will.


I feel like people on the left wish death of our President, I wouldn't never do that.

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It's quite obvious that we will not be united if Bush is reelected, he's already burned his bridges and is promising more of the same.  The only one with a chance is Kerry, which will depend on how he proceeds and if he offers moderate bi-partisan policies.  I think the moderates in this country are ready for bi-partisanship.



If Kerry is our only chance, then we have no chance. He is HARDLINE left. He will not budge on his liberal ways.

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