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I'm giddy about this team


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It's nice to come to this space every Monday to get my weekly downer pill after the 20 oz morning coffee.


Hell, it doesn't matter that the Bills are 2-1 in their last three games, and have outplayed the opponents in each of those, and were in every single game this year.


The 2-5 record is reason enough for the weathervanes to spin uncontrollably in the empty Oklahoma space (apply the analogy to the brain, if you prefer)


Being a generally optomistic ( ;) ) person, I choose to look at the positive signs of the game and gauge where this team is headed, and whether I will enjoy the next week's game, as yesterday's is gone with the wind.


The parts about this team that make me giddy are the stellar play of the special teams, and the minor aspect that finally there is a closer on the squad. I especially loved PTR's throaway post talking about McGahee's ability to run, when everyone knows he will run. That, friends, is not a minor observation that you can file in the pleasant surprise category. That is something upon which successful programs are built.


In every game, except the opener, the Bills were much stronger in the second half than in the first. If you don't see that as a sign of a budding powerhouse, then I cannot convince you of any positives surrounding this team.


As usual, the nattering nabobs retreat to the tired Bledsoe still sucks party line. Who gives? The whole point of the Mularkey exercise is to make McGahee the difference maker, not Bledsoe. The Bills put up 38 points in a subpar outing by Bledsoe. To me, it's a sign that things are starting to work as they should.


The defense, although showing a propensity for allowing the opposition a critical end of game drive, is finally getting help from the offense in putting games out of reach. In 2 weeks, the true starting secondary will be on the field. Someone finally pi&&ed off Adams enough that he's working for a living again.


This team far from sucks.

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wow GG nice post. Too bad you have to resort to attacks and ruin it.


That said, Keep your head in the sand cheering "woo hoo" while we beat up the worst teams in the league. Maybe someday fans can come to this board because we are on a 4-5 game winning streak against teams with winning records. Maybe even win some on the road?


Now THAT would be nice.

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If coming to this board is only limited to when the team is winning, then I'd be much happier with a smaller turnout of fans who, maybe just maybe, only love the Buffalo Bills, and not love the Buffalo Bills only when they are winning.

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If coming to this board is only limited to when the team is winning, then I'd be much happier with a smaller turnout of fans who, maybe just maybe, only love the Buffalo Bills, and not love the Buffalo Bills only when they are winning.




That is your side of the coin. Mine is I love the Bills so I refuse to be happy with the crap I see on the field. And I WILL B word about it until we field a competitive team.


Two sides of the coin GG, BOTH are Bills fans.

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wow GG nice post. Too bad you have to resort to attacks and ruin it.


That said,  Keep your head in the sand cheering "woo hoo" while we beat up the worst teams in the league.  Maybe someday fans can come to this board because we are on a 4-5 game winning streak against teams with winning records. Maybe even win some on the road?


Now THAT would be nice.



Gotta start somewhere Ice. If we beat up on two of the worst teams in the league, thats fine by me. Especially, since we're considered one of the worst teams in the league too.

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Being a generally optomistic (  ) person, I choose to look at the positive signs of the game and gauge where this team is headed, and whether I will enjoy the next week's game, as yesterday's is gone with the wind.


That's fine that you're an optimist. My question is this.... (and don't take this personal, because this could be said of at least 2/3 of the board's posters)


why does every thing discussed about the Bills have to be "graded" as "positve" or "negative"??? Why do many of the posters think that, if the message ain't positive, it's automatically negative? and if the message is negative, so what, as long as it's true?


Is there a reason why we can't just take things for what they really are, postive or negative? Of course there's a reason... it's called "myopic homieism".


So good... we got the "W" yesterday... how does that stack up in the grand scheme of things and what does yesterday's "W" mean... and how will the team perform on Sunday against the Jets? We don't know. we know that the "W" came against a 2-5 team that played on the road under weather consitions they've rarely seen... and we also know there's a reason less than 66,000 fans moved the turnstiles... at least a few of us won't tolerate bad fish.


Bill Cowher made a profund statement after the Steelers victory yesterday... and it good teams have to think this way. He said... after his team thoroughly trounced the Pats..."we haven't accomplished anything. All we've done is put ourselves in a pretty good situation". That's the difference in 6-1 and 2-5.

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wow GG nice post. Too bad you have to resort to attacks and ruin it.


That said,  Keep your head in the sand cheering "woo hoo" while we beat up the worst teams in the league.  Maybe someday fans can come to this board because we are on a 4-5 game winning streak against teams with winning records. Maybe even win some on the road?


Now THAT would be nice.


Funny, I didn't see any attacks. At least no more than I ever see in your threads.


And just for shitzngiggles...do you consider Seattle to be a crappy team, because Arizona kicked the crap out of them last week. But we kick the crap out of Arizona and it's all "Oh, you assclowns don't know anything about anything because you're giddy and you shouldn't be giddy until ICE is giddy because everyone on this board knows that NO ONE is more representative of real, consistent emotions than ICE.


When da ICEman is giddy, we can all be giddy. Until, shut up assclowns because you're all a bunch of moron-coated morons with a creamy moron center until the ICEman tells you otherwise.

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Excellent post, GG. Due to the weather, the game of field position was in full force yesterday. Bills didn't do much when going towards the scoreboard endzone, which was directly into a 30-40 mph wind. Played it smart and made the Cardinals try to beat our Defense. Wound up being a great strategy. Cardinals cut it to 10-7, only to see McGee run back the kickoff to make it 17-7. Moorman made several impressive punts into the wind. From that point on, we made them take chances and earn points. The Defense played super and kept their end of the bargain. Nate Clements made some fine punt returns and we were able to cash in with the wind at our backs and win the field position game. Sharp coaching.


We played a cool game of chess and it worked splendidly. Something positive to build on. Confidence is gained from games like this, regardless of the opponent. This league is all about momentum.


MaGahee has given the Offense a spark. Losman will probably do the same in a month. Something to build on for the rest of the season and carry it into 2005. No more pie in the sky false hope.

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Funny, I didn't see any attacks. At least no more than I ever see in your threads.


And just for shitzngiggles...do you consider Seattle to be a crappy team, because Arizona kicked the crap out of them last week.  But we kick the crap out of Arizona and it's all "Oh, you assclowns don't know anything about anything because you're giddy and you shouldn't be giddy until ICE is giddy because everyone on this board knows that NO ONE is more representative of real, consistent emotions than ICE.


When da ICEman is giddy, we can all be giddy. Until, shut up assclowns because you're all a bunch of moron-coated morons with a creamy moron center until the ICEman tells you otherwise.




Show me in my post where I called any poster an assclown? Show me where I said until I am giddy everyone shouldn't be? I expressed my side (and apperantly several posters oppinion as well) that we see the reality of the situation.


We are bottom feeders that are just good enough to beat some other bottom feeders. Again this is one side of the coin. Some are perfectly happy with "A win is a win" I for one am not.


Show me we can bet QUALITY opponants then I will be happy. Show me 10+ wins and I will be happy. Show me at least 3-4 road wins a season and I will be happier than I am now.


Sorry Paco beating Miami and the Cards AT HOME does not impress me. As for the poster asking "What about Seattle". What about them? IF we can go to Seattle and beat them, that makes me happier than I am now. Until then I don't care what Arizona did. The sun shines on a dogs ass if you get what I am saying.


Beat the next 4 teams in a row NOW we are talking about getting in the right direction. Fixed? Far from it. Heading that way? Sure.


but we need some changes to make that happen and I feel RW and TD's egos are too big to make them. Again MY oppinion.



Paco, no matter what side of this arguement you are on, I NEVER said anyone wasn't a Bills fan. We just look at the team differently.

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If coming to this board is only limited to when the team is winning, then I'd be much happier with a smaller turnout of fans who, maybe just maybe, only love the Buffalo Bills, and not love the Buffalo Bills only when they are winning.


Nice post....where the hell is my Horror Channel??? I want my HC!!!!

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Paco, no matter what side of this arguement you are on, I NEVER said anyone wasn't a Bills fan. We just look at the team differently.


Careful here.... you're dealing with Paco. Things have to be "positive" in his world or don't bother stating it.... all else is negative and untrue. And don't say anything true either... or if you do, only say it once and let it whither on the vine.

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Careful here.... you're dealing with Paco.  Things have to be "positive" in his world or don't bother stating it.... all else is negative and untrue.  And don't say anything true either... or if you do, only say it once and let it whither on the vine.


That was a pretty negative post, DeeRay. But not exactly your best work. Try harder next time. ;)

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That's fine that you're an optimist.  My question is this.... (and don't take this personal, because this could be said of at least 2/3 of the board's posters)


why does every thing discussed about the Bills have to be "graded" as "positve" or "negative"???  Why do many of the posters think that, if the message ain't positive, it's automatically negative? and if the message is negative, so what, as long as it's true?


Is there a reason why we can't just take things for what they really are, postive or negative?  Of course there's a reason... it's called "myopic homieism".


So good... we got the "W" yesterday... how does that stack up in the grand scheme of things and what does yesterday's "W" mean... and how will the team perform on Sunday against the Jets?  We don't know.  we know that the "W" came against a 2-5 team that played on the road under weather consitions they've rarely seen... and we also know there's a reason less than 66,000 fans moved the turnstiles... at least a few of us won't tolerate bad fish.


Bill Cowher made a profund statement after the Steelers victory yesterday... and it good teams have to think this way.  He said... after his team thoroughly trounced the Pats..."we haven't accomplished anything.  All we've done is put ourselves in a pretty good situation". That's the difference in 6-1 and 2-5.



My post was largely a response to the overbearing, "We still suck" crew. I don't recall ever posting on this board that we are a playoff caliber team. I may be generalizing, but the people who are happy with the play of the last two weeks are also the ones who thought in the summer that an 8-8 record is on the mark for 2004. Who knows, the gang that thought a 11-5 record and playoffs, has some vested interest in railing against a slow start?


I like to look at trends and gauge the future based on that. I'm disappointed that this team got off to a slow start. Yeah the last second loss to Jags took a lot more out of this team than anyone was prepared to admit.


But as everyone splits the season into quarters, the Bills have a very solid shot to go 3-1 in 2Q. The Jets can be beat at home, as the Bills are getting the momentum going. After that, the schedule is inviting and there's no reason not to think they can easily end up 8-8.


Some people think anything other than playoffs is a failure. I tend to set more realistic expectations for a team that was G-d darn awful last year.

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